RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1879].02.19-26. Dionaea. CUL-DAR209.3.168. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.3 contains materials for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Feb. 19th. to morning of 24th 8° a.m— Dionæa
One of the leaves (both very young ones) formerly observed Sept 24' (see date on Diagram) with triangle of paper on a spike— beginning of December — from Sept reobserved under Compound M. — A long glass filament fixed to one Spike.— Petiole at first not secured. — The filament in nocturnal movement, best described by an endless number of little jerks or twitches (— moved 10/500 in 30') but with preponderance in one direction giving impression of effort
At 10° 25' cemented with shell-lac narrow end of petiole above foliaceous part to square summit of little stick driven into pot— so close that nothing but blades cd move. — This was not done before & perhaps vitiates pure observation: consider notes. —
After being thus fixed continued oscillating nearly 1/500
Temp only 53° F. some continued opening all rest of afternoon viz from 2°, 12' P.m. to 10° 45'— during which time 8/500 ie about 1/500 every hour. — continued to move in same direction all night & next morning early, still oscillating. The movements all the prior time so much less than when petiole was free, that part of movement no doubt in Petiole.
Twitching while closing & when observed see March 6th note about same effects of worth
Do not speak of making little ellipses but of movements in all directions—
Feb. 20' 8° 12' gave lobes a stream of warm turbid infusion of raw meat, & lobes instantly closed somewhat about 1/2 as much as cd close. This proves that leaf by no means torpid, & this may account for circumnutation of petiole. At 8° 50' 17' adjusted the scale & after 33' had moved moved & closed 15/500 — In middle of day closed slower viz about 1/500 each hour
Feb 21'— in morning was closing more quickly, always twitching, fully 1/1000 — & certainly moves in all directions, though preponderately in one—
In afternoon marginal spikes partly intercrossed—
The closed blades are also rising.
At 3° P.m more infusion
Feb 22d continued so to act— The distal part of lobes never closed completely
Feb. 23d & morning of 25' still twitching & lobes falling a little— so always in slight movement even after lobes closed with infusion & no doubt digesting.
26th I found whole of the 2 lobes completely closed
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 December, 2022