RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1878.08.25-09.09. Trifolium repens. CUL-DAR209.3.34-35. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2022. RN1
NOTE: Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.3 contains materials for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
August- 1878.
Trifolium repens
In orchard I laid flower-Heads on ground horizontally & the flowers seemed to turn up or to stem.
I tied a flower-Head upside down under skylight, & the flowers in normal way turned towards stem, so that in this case they moved upwards from gravity & to light, in exactly reversed manner to what they do normally do. Therefore movement is clearly "hypo E pinasty" (?)(a) (see back) — It does not depend on the flowers having been fertilised, for some self-fertilised in orchard with Heads tied vertically up under bell-glass, where they had slowly withered, bent downwards, in normal manner.
(Circumnutation of Flower & bowing down by Epinasty)
Aug. 25'
A flower-Head was secured upright on plant in large pot placed under skylight & glass filament with affixed to one side of calyx.—
The flower was sub-central & not fully expanded, so that in order that the basal little triangle of paper shd not be interfered with, I had to cut away a few flowers on one side & some below it.— Movements traced on Horizontal vertical glass. The flower moved during whole of 25' & 26' a little downwards, as naturally followed from the filament having been affixed to a young one, not fully expanded & a considerably distance to right Hand. This latter movement probably due to my having removed several flowers on this side. The movement (see Tracing I) was slightly zig-zag— It
(a) no. The result from very young the flower-Head tells nothing, for flowers before withering turned upwards & this no doubt due to light— — so say that I cannot distinguish whether the turning down of withered flowers is due to epinasty or geotropism.
Trifolium repens
Kept nearly at same point between 12° 40' & 7° 20, circumnutating on a very small scale. It then continued the same lateral & downward course till 1° P.m on 26th when until 5° 20' it again circumnutated ro at neary the same point.
(On morning of 27th (11° a.m) pot was turned a little round so as to make filament face vertical glass & a new tracing (II.) begun. We here see in II. that the flower plainly circumnutate during the 27th, 28th & 29th.— The flower at this time projected from flower-head, slightly beneath a horizontal line.) (It continued to occupy the same general position, for some days always circumnutating, during 30th, 31' Pot always kept in same position) See Tracing III. which shows movement from 11° a.m (having ascended the previous night see Tracing II.) on Aug 30', 31'. Sept 1 to 9th.—
On most days only a single large dot or mark was made at 7° a.m, but on the 30th, 5th, 6th & 8th movement traced with some care. We see from 30th to 7th fell a little (no doubt if flowers had been fertilised by Bees wd have moved quicker)
On 7th there was comparatively great fall, but unfortunately not observed & flower had began to wither. If fertilised the withering wd no doubt have been quicker
On 8th carefully observed & we by 3° P.m flower almost completely withered.— It clearly circumnutates up & down, whether due to geotropism or epinasty. On 9th continued to move down, but now was so oblique cd not be traced. The angle of glass-filament, on morning of 9th being 57° below Horizon.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 8 December, 2022