RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1879.02.05-03.02. Carnation-tree / Petunia violacea / cabbage / Vicia faba. CUL-DAR209.3.47-52. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2022. RN1
NOTE: Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.3 contains materials for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Shoots tied Horizontally in greenhouse (Cold water
Feb 5th 12° 45 Red cords & Black dots 5 1/2 c.t from tip, to show whether grow
Tips red — ⨀ — apart — ⨀
(2 innermost leaves now in contact touched with red.)
Feb 19th. 12.15" tips apart ⨀ —— ⨀ increase
Feb 5' 12° 45' (String)
Tips red ⨀ —— ⨀ apart
(2 innermost leaves now in contact touched with red)
9th. 12° 15 tips apart ⨀ —— ⨀ increase
Feb. 9th no apogeotropism
⨀ 9th length of leaf ⨀ — no sensible increase in length
String do ⨀ —— ⨀
Very little increase in length over — 5 1/2 c.n
Petunia violacea Feb. 12' 7° 50' a.m Upright in dark
same distance marked on back ⨀ ⨀ of both leaves — 14th 8° a.m not increased in length, but perhaps growth at base of leaves
Distance of 2 central young leaves apart ⨀ —— ⨀.
Feb 14th. 8° a.m —— ⨀ ——⨀ increased
Horizontal in dark — stem tied 8° a.m 12th
Larger pair— growth mark on beneath of both leaves 22 m. m same length: growth at base??
Distance of apices ⨀ ⨀
14th 8° a.m ⨀ ⨀ distance increased
Stem in great state of [Tension] bowed at right angle when freed from stick
very young pair of leaves
Distance of apices ⨀ ⨀
14th 8° a.m. ⨀ ⨀ distance increased
leaves themselves straight, but little short to which attached apogeotropic, for could
not be secured to the stick
Some young leaves of about the same age & same [illeg], on a plant laid horizontally & one another kept upright, kept in complete darkness for 48°, diverged in the same manner & apparently were not affected by apogeotropism; though there stems were in a great state of [illeg] for when freed from the stick to which they were pinned, they bow instantly bowed upwards.
Hyponasty Mar 2d 1879
The arched Hypocotyl of cabbage in straightening certainly circumnutate & move in plainly zig-zag line
p 37 The epicotyl of the Bean V. faba in straightening itself tra sometimes travelled in a zig-zag line indicating circumnutation.
p. 84. arched secondary shoot from epicotyl of Corylus in straightening itself moved in parts in distinctly zig-zag line.
(Add nos of Fig when given)
Feb 7th 8° a.m 1879
Tied Hypocotyls in each case.
Placed Cots of Ipomœa nil, by placing pot Horizontally so that one pointed up & one vertically down by 4° Pm. one had bents its petioles downwards & one bent upwards, as if acted on by Heliotropism.— I cannot see how apogeotropism cd act on upper cot see Back
2 Plants of Gossypium herbaceum— one placed as above, & it bent its cots in same way— — The other plant was placed transversely & both its cots were bent up as by apogeotropism or by heliotropism.
Everything here seen may be accounted for by apogeotropism of petioles curving blade at right angles.—
[sketch] Pot laid Horizontally
Feb. 9th —1879 8° a.m. to 4° P.m.
Oxalis corniculata — the nearer petioles depressed & further one
Leaf [sketch]
raised vertically— The seedling with true leaves, one bowed so that leaflet face laterally, the old Hypocotyl not being bent
Sida—Hypocotyl has got all pin & bent— but a free & older seedling the cots face light a little
Ipomœa nil— nearer one with petiole bowed down— further one
Leaf [sketch]
petiole standing vertically up— Certainly great difference in position of petioles
Gossypium Hortense very little difference in position of Cotyledons, but these odd I think The 2 which are transverse to light (& the youngest one) a little inclined to light—
a few observations to try whether cotyledons do really bend to light pots put into Blackened Box in Hot House — Cloudy day — received only lateral light.
These few observations quite agree with wide experience incidentally gained whilst watching circumnutating plants young & old.— Seeing how when the 2 cots are placed in a line facing a lateral light, how the one further from the light bend up & the near one nearer to the light often bends down down— (or both when cots. transverse bend laterally—)— Seeing this is astonishing, seeing that Cots close to the ground & very feebly illuminated on lower side & much light on upper one that they do not bend up to to the sky.— It seem to us that the circumnutation must be specially modified for this purpose, so as to resist this tendency.—
Feb 10th exposed a Black box 8° am to 4° P.m in HotHouse very cloudy day Heavy Box— Hypocotyls shell-laced to Pin
Linaria speciosa— petiole of B. raised & vertical— petiole of A declined
O. corniculata not at all bent, but in all 3 seedlings the shell-lac has, I believe Certainly caught the petioles of cotyledons & this prevented them from curving
Gossypium Hortensis— — no effect whatever
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 8 December, 2022