RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [ny].09.16-09.18. Ampelopsis / Draft of Forms of flowers. CUL-DAR209.3.8. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.3 contains materials on Circumnutation of leaves and hyponasty for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
The text of the draft corresponds to Forms of flowers, p. 132.
Sept 16'
11° 40'a.m shoot fastened to stick with wire model.— 2 black marks on now convex surface, at base of tendril & at tip
2.35 termination of shoot more upright! ie more abruptly bowed [sketch]
5. 20' the point now bent down so as form oval [sketch]
lower axis of ovel horizon [sketch]
8° 25' — axis of oval now perpendicular where cross is has risen [sketch]
10° tip just below upwardly curved part [sketch] Base apogeotrop Tip. geotrop & [Enna]
Sept 17° 7° 45' am— tip decidedly below sloping part, the whole of which is raised & must be ap-geotropic with the extreme tip strongly geotropic; Black mark still on convex side
Sept 17' 12° 50 reversed shoot & made exact model— mark on convex side now turned downwards of termination of shoot—
3° the almost horizontal part has risen greatly through apo geotropism (& I presume hyponasty) & ellipse more flattened, apparently rising of tip
4° do part wonderfully raised
7°— almost upright & oval greatly reduced in size
18' 8° am Hook opened— (lower part almost vertical.) must be geotropism of tip.
Lateral shoot not so apogeotropic
18th 10 35 upside down exact model.— black mark on convex surface
In verandah, lateral shoots many very few show any apogeotropism. The tips are generally hooked downwards so that they are geotropic— yet on one column, many horizontal shoots are hooked laterally & a few hooked upwards, no hyponasty & geotropism seem to act.—
(129, 0
(Ch. 3.)
(Houstonia (var Cœrulea) cœrulea (Rubiaceæ)
(Prof. Asa Gray has not been so kind as to send me an abstract of some observations made by Dr. Rostock Rothrock on this plant. that The pistil is exserted in the one form, & the stamens in [illeg] the other It as has long been known observed. The stigmas of the long-styled forms are shorter stouter & far more hispid than in the other form &. From The stigmatic hairs or papillæ in the former are .04 mm, & in the latter only .023 mm. in length. In the short-styled forms the anthers are larger, & the pollen-grain whereas when distended with water are grouped with those of to those from the long-styled forms, as 100 to 72 in diameter.
(Selected capsules from some long-styled plants growing in the Botanic Gardens at Cambridge U.S., near where those water plants of the other form, grew, contained on an average 13 seeds; but these plants must have been subjected to unfavourable conditions, for some some long-styled plants growing naturally in the state of nature yielded an average of 21.5 seeds per capsule. On the other hand Some short-styled plants, which had been planted by themselves in
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 13 December, 2022