RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1877.10.16-17. Cauliflower / Draft of Descent, vol. 1. CUL-DAR209.4.116. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 9.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.4 contains materials for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Draft of Descent in the hand of Ebenezer Norman with corrections by Darwin.
"Norman, Ebenezer, 1835/6-1923. 1854- Schoolmaster at Down and from 1856 and many years thereafter copyist for CD. 1856 Aug. 17 First payment for copying in CD's Account book (Down House MS). Many thereafter. CCD6:444. 1857 CD to Hooker, "I am employing a laboriously careful Schoolmaster". CCD6:443. 1858 CD to Hooker, "I can get the Down schoolmaster to do it [i.e. transcribe] on my return". CCD7:130. 1871 Banker's clerk in Deptford." (Paul van Helvert & John van Wyhe, Darwin: A Companion, 2021)
Cauliflower Cot
Oct 16th
All in same position
Filament attached to axis
[data not transcribed]
(Movement of stem with Light)
74 86
[text excised] from India in collection
[text excised] of the proportional numbers
[text excised] brought before the Entomological
[text excised] dmitted that with the males of most hepi=
[text excised] adult or imago state, the are
[text excised] this fact was attributed boy
[text excised] retiring habits of the fe=
[text excised] merging earlier from the cocoon
[text excised] well known to occur with
[text excised] insects. So that, for instance as M. Personat
[text excised] byx Yamamai, as Mr. Personat
[text excised] beginning of the season, and
[text excised] lost, from the want, of males. 62*(xx)
[text excised] myself that these causes suf=
[text excised] xcess of males in the cases
[text excised] of butterflies that which are extremely common
[text excised] ntries. Mr. Minton who has
[text excised] uring many years to the smaller
[text excised] when he collected them in the
[text excised] that the males were ten times
[text excised] cles, but that since he has
[text excised] em moths from the caterpillar
[Descent 1: 310: "Mr. Wallace60 states that the females of Ornithoptera crœsus, in the Malay archipelago, are more common and more easily caught than the males; but this is a rare butterfly. I may here add, that in Hyperythra, a genus of moths, Guenée says, that from four to five females are sent in collections from India for one male.
When this subject of the proportional numbers of the sexes of insects was brought before the Entomological Society,61 it was generally admitted that the males of most Lepidoptera, in the adult or imago state, are caught in greater numbers than the females; but this fact was attributed by various observers to the more retiring habits of the females, and to the males emerging earlier from the cocoon. This latter circumstance is well known to occur with most Lepidoptera, as well as with other insects. So that, as M. Personnat remarks, the males of the domesticated Bombyx Yamamai, are lost at the beginning of the season, and the females at the end, from the want of mates.62 I cannot however persuade myself that these causes suffice to explain the great excess of males in the cases, above given, of butterflies which are extremely common in their native countries. Mr. Stainton, who has paid such close attention during many years to the smaller moths, informs me that when he collected them in the imago state, he thought that the males were ten times as numerous as the females, but that since he has reared them on a large scale from the caterpillar state, he is convinced that the females are the most numerous.
60 'Transact. Linn. Soc.' vol. xxv. p. 37."]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 7 December, 2022