RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1878.06.01-06. Lotus jacobaeus. CUL-DAR209.4.205. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 9.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.4 contains materials for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
June 1' to 4th 1878. Lotus Jacobæus
Seedlings with first true leaf partially developed formed — observed under skylight as shown → [sketch] hypocotyl tied to stick
on vertical glass (see tracing). The Cots are in constant movement, & the ascending & descending never coincide so circumnutation. Movements they then apparently disturbed by obscure obscure light coming coming through dark skylight of ground glass, & from temperature (16-17C.) lower than in Hot-House. The regular movement seem to be to begin rising slowly at about 11° a.m say midday & in afternoon from between 3° & 4° & 5° & 6 the upward movement is very rapid. They must begin to descend & to descend very rapidly very early in the early morning for by by 6° 45' a.m, they were low down & the Cot. horizontal, they then continued to descend slowly till about 11° a.m, when the slow ascending movement recommenced.
On June 2d a curious anomaly anomaly occurred (see Tracing) for between 6° 45' & 11° 30' a.m the Cots rose & then descended till 2° P.m, when the great daily rise. commenced; A small ellipse being then formed, as well as the greatly great daily usual ellipse.
On the 4th of June after rising in usual manner from 11° to 11° 30' a.m. it zig-zagged with short lines, (of which only a few of the first are given) every half or whole hour for whole rest of days, & did not rise up vertically at night; nor did any any of the many other seedlings. Nor
Lotus Jacobæus
did they on following night of the 5th.— As temperature on the 4th. was generally 17 1/2 C, & rather warmer than on previous days I doubt whether temperature was the cause: one more probably it was the want of sufficient illumination during several during the 3 previous days, & as the Cots. zig-zagged all day growth had not ceased.
During the 6th the pot was placed in greenhouse & exposed to the sun & at night the Cots slept pretty well, i.e. stood up at a high angle, but not I think so high an angle as formerly.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 27 September, 2022