RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1877?].12.17. Tropaeolum. CUL-DAR209.4.394. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 9.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Dec. 17'
Tropæolum movement of seedlings under ground
Tom-Thumb. var. (Used)
Left-Hand Plant Uncovered a seedling of which arched hypocot. stem covered by crust of earth & fixed filament fixed to basal half & then crumbly earth placed round again— Traced Diagram (1) on Horizontal glass, protected from light. Tracing much magnified, viz 27.12 times — Made 2 small circles between 9° 20' & 4° 30'; then began the great movement due to bending back of basal part of stem from the upper or cot-bearing half—; by 10° 10' had moved off glass. — The cots. are developed rather late & this will account for the straightening of the hypocot. stem occurring rather late & this & next observations important as showing circum-nutation before hand.
As this plant not tied the great movement not due to excitement from the thread.
Right-Hand seedling: a silk thread was passed round middle of young cots. & upper part of basal half of hypocot. stem & all rest done as in last experiment. Tracing magnified about 18.21 times. See tracing II. — Between 9. 20' z. & 6° made an irregular circular, strongly zig-zag. — then moved far in one direction, which after 8°. 15 was somewhat changed & by 10°. 10' had swept far off glass. This great movement due to straightening of hypo bending back of of basal part of Hypo-cot stem & was nearly in opposite direction to that in Tracing I, because seeds happened to lie in reversed positions.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 10 October, 2022