RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. 1878.12.01-1879.01.06. Phaseolus multiflorus / Draft of Forms of flowers. CUL-DAR209.5.184-185. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.5 contains materials on movements of radicals for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880). The text of the draft corresponds to Forms of flowers, pp. 125-6 & 123.
Phaseolus multiflorus
Dec 1' 1878
Jar A. 10° 35' 6 7 Bean with N. of silver 4° 30 no effect
Dec 2d 8° a.m. the extreme tips of 3 for about 1/10 turned to blackened side— The tips were now immersed in water
Dec 3d 8° a.m. same slide — Those with tips then curved have grown out almost horizontally— the 3 with tips not curved seem injured all round.
(some of the 6 turned to card Hooked ie. apex to zenith)
Dec 1
Jar B 6 Beans do 10° 45 4° 30' no effect
Dec 2d. 8° a.m extreme tip of 3 turned to blackened side. (Tips immersed)
3d 8° am. do do— all 6 have grown out sub-horizontally as if geotropism lost — (Used)
1 bent from blackened side & this is one was not hooked
(All but one sub-horizontal —looks as if geotropism recorded in tip) (Cieleski)
I suppose I suppose killed
Ch 3. Mitchella
(used these produced during both seasons.)
(In the long-styled flowers the stigma stand within the projects just above bearded mouth of the corolla, & the anthers are seated some way down the tube. In the short-styled flowers the position of the two sets of stigma & anthers organs are reversed these organs occupy reversed positions. In this latter form the fresh pollen-grains are a little larger and more opake than those of the long-styled form. The results of my experiments are given in the following Table.
H We here see that 88 per cent. of the paired flowers of both forms, when they were legitimately fertilised, yielded double berries,
Phaseolus multiflorus
Dec. 3d 8° 30' a.m. — Radicles long & these had germinated in slightly damped sawdust. Stick of Lunar C. dry & rubbed on blotting paper, I then just touched once & quickly one side of apex of 6 radicles — They were left with radicles pointing to zenith for about 10' & then their tips were immersed in water. & placed on Chimney Piece Temp about 65-66° at 4° 30' (ie 8°) examined; through a lens a slight black mark cd be seen on one side; just perceptible in some cases with naked eyes Far more sensitive to this stimulant than Beans.
Dec 3
(1) 4° 30' P.m slightly curved from blackness at rt right angle: Dec. 4' 8° a.m at right angles much grown S
(2) 4° 30 slightly curved about 45° — 4th 8° a.m much less than 45° L
(3) 4° 30 straight black dot almost on apex dried & touched again one with the nitrate — 4th 8° a.m tip now at angle of 34° from minute black dot & perpendicular— 5° P.m. 4th angle now 54°
Decr 5th
(4) 4° 30 slightly curved — nearly rt angle 4th 8° a.m nearly straight L
(5) 4° 30' slightly curved Hooked larger black dot from Caustic — 4th 8° a.m now only at right angle — L
(6) 4° 30' slightly curved about 45°— 4th 8° very nearly right angles (5th 8 a. m now Hooked)
Dec. 5th 8°a.m. all the others have apices now growing straight down, & as several retain curvature caused by the N. of S they have acquired a very irregular shape.
(Ch III Cratoxylon)
(Cratoxylon formosum (Hypericineæ)) Mr Thiselton Dyer has pointed out that this true, an inhabitant of Malacca & Borneo, appears to be heterostyled.* (*Journal of Botany London 1872 p 26). He sent me some dried flowers, & the difference between the two forms is conspicuous. In the long-styled form the stigmas / stand just above the numerous anthers & a little beneath the tips of the petals; the pistils are in length to those of the short-styled as 100 to 40, with their globular stigmas are about twice as thick. or broad. In the short-styled form the stamen anthers tower project high above the pistiles, the stigmas of which diverse which project between the three bundles of stamens, & & the stigmas stand only a little above the tips of the sepals. The stamens in this form are to those of the long-styled as 100 to 86 in length; & therefore they do not differ so much in this respect length as the pistils. My son measured ten pollen-grains from each form, & those form the short-styled were to those of from the short longstyled as 100 to 86 in diameter. This plant is in all respects a well-characterised heterostyled species.)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 27 July, 2023