RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1878].07.04-08. Zea Maize radicles / Draft of Cross and self fertilisation. CUL-DAR209.5.211-217. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.5 contains materials on movements of radicals for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880). Draft is in the hand of Ebenezer Norman with corrections by Darwin. The text of the draft corresponds to Cross and self fertilisation, pp. 410-11.
(p 5
On Sand Bath in Study
Maize Radicles
First jar
July 4 Some seeds were kept very hot by night-light, under Bell-glass so that water was often 80° F. or even above, but air got dry above & many many of the radicles got brown— The jar was then put on sand bath & sand kept at about 80 F all night— at about 5° P.m sqr. were put on 3 of the best radicles, & this morning July 5th at 8° a.m 2 of the radicles were deflected 2✔ O from sqrs & the sq. had slipped off the 3d.
[in margin:] Effects of Heat h (z) see
[data not transcribed]
(p z
Maize Radicles Kept on Study Table
July 14 4th 8° 15' a.m 17 + 5 p. just growing radicles which had germinated on wet argillaceous sand pinned to cork & allowed to grow downwards in study — day coolish.
Temp. 18 1/2 C. = 65° to 66° F. Kept on Study Table
July 5' 9° a.m. many are 1 1/4 longer — almost all surprisingly straight, During 5th on my study Table temp ranged from 18 1/2 to 19° C, but one had grown out horizontally from seed, tip however, is now beginning to be geotropic & ultimately grew perpendicularly downwards — several radicles though straight were a little inclined to one side, & this occurred especially when the seed had been pinned obliquely — 2 others were somewhat inclined from seed— none were inclined towards seed, which I shd call inclination to Sachs
[in margin:] Many to show grow straight
After None crooked— this very important for former & later observations.
[data not transcribed]
(p 6
Maize Radicles Pot A
(Square fixed on)
on Sand-Bath in study
Temp of sand on 5th 75 to 82° F
on 6th 76°-82°F
[data not transcribed]
p. 7
Maize — Radicles
Marked Seed Jar Kept in Sand-Bath in Study
[data not transcribed]
p 7A
This jar left from 8° a.m on the 6th on Study Table
(temp 18 1/2 to 19 1/2 C. on Table) to see if how much convoluted any of radicles will grow
July 7th 9° a.m the ordinary final result is that radicle makes a complete twist rubs off sqrs & then goes on growing geotropically
Get G to draw —G. has drawn [sketch]
Examine any Helices.
[Highly] effective Temperature
(July 5th temp of sand (N.B. jar deep with much water & temp. of damp air above no doubt much lower than sand) on the 5th 76° to 82° F. on the 6th 77° to 82° F.)
July 8th One radicle has now made a helix of 2 complete & closely adpressed coils
[(p. 8
July 5' Maize Radicle. sqr affixed 2° 30' P.m in Kitchen. see for Tem
Pot B.
[data not transcribed]
p 8 A
Left on Study table on from 8° a.m on 6th to see how convoluted Radicles will grow — Temp 18 1/2 - 19 1/2 C — Several of them have become [sketch] see George's drawing
one or two formed into a Helix
July 8 one radicle has made a helix of 2 complete coils
July 5th Temperature under Skylight upstairs of Sand Bath in Study
[table not transcribed]
97 708
97 708
Chap._ E 10
same stock, each consisting of a single stamen or pistil, were brought close together and surrounded by a common envelope, in nearly the same manner as we see with the florets of the compositæ, we should have an hermaphrodite flower.
There seems to be no limit to the changes which organisms undergo under changing conditions of life; and some hermaphrodite plants, descended as we must believe from aboriginally diclinous plants, have had their sexes again separated. We
July 5' Kitchen
1.30 2° 25°. C.
5° 24°
July 6'
7° 35 a.m 22° 1/2 C.
11. — 23°
4. 15 26 1/2
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 27 July, 2023