RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [ny].04.03-24. Beans / Force of growing plumule. CUL-DAR209.5.84-86. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.5 contains materials for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
(Force of growing Plumule of Beanstalk) Weight
April 3d & 3d Radicle penetrated at 5° P.m protected protected hole, closed [sketch] at bottom & this morning trap-door loaded with 6 oz & wire index points 1.7 (measured from upper surface of wire) 5° P.m had sunk a little so removed 2 oz, leav leaving 4 oz.
Ap. 4th 9° a.m wire index raised 1/2 of 1/10 = 1/20' of inch. ie 1.7 1/2. on scale. (But it may be the swelling of the bean itself.) Little Trap-door, with hinges placed over bean & loaded with weight & hole closed at bottom into which radicle penetrated.— Bean previously soaked for 24° & germinated in saturated air. N.B. The bean ought to rest on zinc plate & then it wd be lifted up together with weight, if the rising is due to growth of radicle: try this with only 2. oz. (5° P.m has not lifted the 4 oz in the least.)
[in margin:] Trial to be made
(Ap 5th. 8° a.m no change.) (Ap. 7' 8° a.m Had sunk a little
Ap. 15th 9° 10. 45' a.m arranged another Bean (with pin through it & radicle projecting in line of bean.) so as to go into protected Hole; & bean rested on wood with wood above zinc trap door above loaded with 2 oz: under bell-glass & damp air. (Used) Bean placed on edge so that Sach's curvature would aid it in going into Hole
[scale details not transcribed]
Weight which plumule of Bean lifts
Ap 22d 8° a.m sca point of scale now stand at (from top 1. inch 1/5 /12th of inch; so has lifted 6 oz. 4° 45' P.m at apex of needle a trifle less than 1 inch from top; put on 8 oz.
Ap. 23d 8° A.m. The plumule is nearly straight with black mark on crown where zinc trap-door here pasted (works rather stiff) & only the basal now work & has lifted up 8° oz 2/12 of inch since 4° 45' P.m last night now added 4 oz = 12 oz. point of needle stands at a 10/12th. division from top.—
(24' 8° 30' a.m needle stand 7 4/5 /12 from top so has lifted largely (2 1/5 /12) 12 oz. weight & this affected by basal basal half alone of plumule— Shifted weight more over the plumule & added 2. oz (= 14 oz) & now point of needle stands an atom below 8/12 from top: 5° P.m on exact level with 5/12 from top. (25' 8°. am plumule crushed down to one side by the 14 oz)
Catalogue of tracks of radicles of Bean on smoked glass. Details on I. II & III will be found in my notes
Tracks on Smoked Glass (Used)
No 4. A Bean with long radicle was turned upside down & point against almost upright glass— with scratch above the start place— Point of radicle became completed Hooked downwards & then pressing against glass swept to one side, owing to less resistance (& low sensibility of tip) & descended to base of Plate— I made some scratches with soft petiole of Fern-leaf. The tip had collected most soot
No. 5. Slide rather steeply inclined, end of radicle did not at first touch glass. Tip of radicle with crescent of soot (Used)
No 6. Ap. 17th glass Plate almost Horizontal— 2 Bean, embedded edgeways so that geotropism & Sachs curvature commence, after the one had grown almost the 2d grew in curved course & pushed No 1 to one side & the mark of Hours shown & No' 2 make a has a break on its track — Soot on extreme tip in these & many other cases
No. 7 Ap 17— glass-plate very slightly inclined from 2 beans embedded as in last case
(8) Bean embedded as in 2 last cases— glass plate slightly inclined, showing radicle which got over bristle on plate; also 2 old semi-circular tracks formerly made
(9 & 10) Ap. 18 glass inclined 18° above horizon sloping from 2 Beans embedded as in the latter cases.—
In one case extreme tip black & in other little way from tip with soot
Ap. 18'
Bits of card cemented to hardly sufficient stimulus— pass over the lot of 8 which had been kept in air for 24 hrs before cards cemented of other 12. (p. B); of the 6 with cards to tip 5 slightly bowed from card — of the 6 with cards at 4 mm from tip, 4 certainly bent to card & abruptly— one deflected 29° from the perpendicular, & 2 other doubtfully so.— I may say it is a striking phenomenon to see in same jar— this opposite action.—
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 26 July, 2023