RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. n.d. Splendid case. The root exerted more force then when pressing through the hole in the tied stick. CUL-DAR209.5.92-93. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.5 contains materials for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Splendid case. The root exerted more force then when pressing through the hole in the tied stick, because greater length of radicle nearly .6 of inch acted, & the mean diameter root, ie of Hole was
No 1 1500 gramms= 52.9 oz
No 2 600 gramms = 21.2 oz
no. 2 acted much less than no 1. because root freed itself laterally through hole & became much flattened & expended its force in growing in this shape, instead of cylindrical
Diameter of Roots of Bean about middle
No 1 which had passed through the hole in wooden pincers
4. 20 mm x 3. 45 5 mm = .165 inch x .134 7 inch
No 2
3.6 mm x 3.0 mm = .142 inch x 118 inch
No 2 was one with many rootlets escaping on one side & seemed to eye most flatten
[calculations not transcribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 26 July, 2023