RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [ny].12.20-28. Marvel of Peru / Mimosa pudica. CUL-DAR209.6.118. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.6 contains materials for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Notes for Movement in plants. Text F1325
Marvel of Peru— There is a collar all round junction of Hypocotyl & radicle, which is much more prominent on side of cotyledons. & which make external prominence to seed but it does not appear as if this would seed & is not attached to any seed-coat — Rigid outer shell crakes early before radicle protrudes. Lower side of Heel pale brown with the permanganate of Potash
Dec. 20: The strong outer shell of seeds cracks longitudinally before any trace of heel developed owing to swelling of whole contents— afterwards the still further separation of outer coats, due to bowing & thickening of hypocotyl, the heel at this time not pressing against the outer-coats & radicle not as yet developed.—
Mimosa pudica. There is a heel in same place, on side of seed-coats & I think pitches into orifice whence radicle protrudes.
18. There is decided projecting ridge all round in older seedlings where radicle & hypocotyl ri unite, but this has escaped in 2 instances without affecting seed-coats.
Permanganate of Potash colours lower side & edges of projecting collar at junction of radicle & Hypocotyls
(Dec. 25th 9° 30' a.m. found radicle (A) only 2 m.m in length projecting from wing-like sharp sharp edge of seed, with the rather tough coat of seed firmly & closely embracing base of radicle.— (11° 45' in same state.) (2° 30' do.) (2'° 30' (B) found another seed with collar had not completely out of coats & coats split on each side evidently by action of collar; whether developed for this purpose I cannot say.)
(2° 30' I dissected A & fd. skin rather tough, with heel developed only on one side at junction of hypocotyl & radicle.
(5. 30' P.m (B) I see in this also the heel is developed only on one side on lower side in X & this heel was manifestly splitting open the seed-coats; & ha still hitches on one margin. The collar of ridge all round is a subsequent useless development.
(10° 30' P.m. (B) Heel has now quite escaped & sides of seed-coats on both sides of radicle split open for some distance though, developed as yet only on one side.
Dec. 26th 10° 30' a.m. in neither of seeds A & B is ridge yet formed all round— 29th ridges not yet formed all round, but seedlings certainly injured.
(Saw another seed with heel bursting the coat on lower side)
Dec. 27' 10° 30 a.m, in neither A or B. on sand is ridge yet formed all round, but I feel sure delayed by radicle so often pulled up & looked at;— for 2 other seeds which were subsequently developed have now frill, sharp all round but larger on one side than other (— Say Heel at first on lower side & blunt & afterwards in 1 or 2 days extends all round & becomes sharp & projects more & this makes a conspicuous frill where hypocotyl & radicle unite.— Has no relation to casting off seed-coats, which become loose by swelling of cots, shortly after hypocotyl has risen above ground—)
(Seed in pod now 27' 10° 30' with heel on one side, pressing on edge of seeds coats.— 28th 10° 30' ridge not yet all round. —29th certainly frill all round.—)
(There is some variability in the degree to which the frill is developed all round.)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 January, 2023