RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1878].12.06-07. Oxalis sensitiva. CUL-DAR209.6.146. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.6 contains materials for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Notes for Movement in plants. Text F1325
Oxalis sensitiva
Dec. 6th 4 seedlings — some a week old & 2 other only 1 to 2 days old. r Sun was shining & well illuminated in Hot Case, & then put into dark cupboard in Hot House at 12° 10'— The Cots. owing to circumnutation held very different positions & I may add till 4° 20' continually changed their position in the dark, & at this hour were just beginning I believe permanently to close.— I will describe only 2 cases.
at 12° 10' thus [sketch] (1) à [sketch] (3)
12° 43' no change of any importance
1. 28' (1) somewhat raised above Horizon — almost closed
2° 13 (1) about the same. much more open
2. 58 almost Horizontal still more open
3. 25 about 25° above horizon almost closed
4. 20 more closed more closed.
It is clear that complete darkness after sun-light, in course of 4° did not act paratonically, nor prevent circumnutation— yet sensitive to touch & raps — what a contrast with Cassia.
There can be no doubt that jogging pot causes Cots to rises after about 10' & still more after 17'— after about 80' considerably open.— It was a prolonged jogging of about 5'.
At close of Bassoon notes by F some good observations well worth giving on rate of circumnutation with given time of Cotyledon-Hypocotyls free.
Sole case of same cot. standing vertically up & down in day time— so give
Dec. 7' 4 seedlings with position of Cots. sketched, pot carried on tray with no precautions to my Study, so got moderately jogged: this at 12° 43'.—
After 11' I will describe 2 some cases (No 6) Cots at first greatly below horizon at least 30° after 11' horizontal— after 17'; about 45° above horizon; after 47' the 2 cots together formed only an angle of 45°, so each had risen about 82°. in course of 1° addition 40' additional more open.
(No 2. at first a little below horizon, say 10° horizontal after after 11', after 17' about 30° or 35° above horizon; after 47', 2 cots about 90° apart, this older seedling; so each had risen about 55°; in 40' subsequently opened a little—
(Nor 3. at first horizontal after 11' greatly risen, after 17' completely shut, so in 17' each had (younger seedling) risen 90°; after 47' still closed & after 40' additional still closed.)
Nor 4 at first considerably raised, after 11' more raised; after 17' almost shut; after 47' do — after additional 40' more open.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 January, 2023