RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1878.09.04-10.11. Cassia. CUL-DAR209.6.50-54. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR209.6 contains materials for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Sept 4th 1878
Cassia "Large beautiful unique tree".
Effects of Touching & Heliotropism
Cots. rather elongated. — Hot day. Observation in Hot-House.—
A. Cot. 17° above horizon, rubbed for 1' lamina & pulvinus with pointed stick: in 26' stood 48° above Horizon so had risen 31°
A second Cot. stood 27° above horizon rubbed in same way lamina alone; not touching pulvinus— & after 26' stood 35° above Horizon so had risen only 8°
(True Leaves sleep in usual fashion)
→ Effects of light Light
Day moderately bright & hot— pot brought from Hot House & placed at 12° 26 on my middle study Table; at 1° 2' ie in 36', all the Cots, completely closed, except those of the seedling of which I had rubbed the pulvinus, & this was not much shut.— At 2° 15' (ie in 1° 13' all the cots were beginning to open except the same ones of which I had rubbed pulvinus & which did not close so quick as others, & this now (ie at 2°. 15') was completely closed— So that stimulus from touch retarded action of darkness. No
[in margin:] Worth trying again
Sept. 5th I rubbed pulvinus of 3 cots. on 3 seedlings, & 2 of them were much raised after 25', & then placed them on Study Table— The day was dark in Hothouse, so I left the 2 pots in Box open at top on study Table, & after 50' many were completely closed, including 2 which had had their pulvinus rubbed, so this does not delay the action of darkness.—
Sept. 4' 1878
Cassia "sea-side'
S. Ether
Cot. with glass filament under skylight traced on vertical glass— fr 8° 50' to 12'. 24' circumnutating grandly, then placed under the large bell-glass 30 minim of Sulphuric ether in watch-glass— [sketch]
In 14' little risen; in 11' more time a little sinking; in 15' still sinking little; in 26' sinking— In the whole 1° 6' circumnutated very little compared with what it had done before.— — I then scratched pulvinus of this & other cot for 1' & put on bell-glass, with ether; & both at cots rose greatly, put on bell-glass with more ether, & then began to fall— took off bell-glass at 2° 21 & cot. went on circumnutating as well as ever— As far as this one experiment goes vapor of S. Ether has more effect on circumnutation than on sensitiveness.
Cassia. S. Brazil growing near coast F. Muller.—
Sept 15 9° 30' Cotyledons turn up & sleep at night so as to stand vertically.
shook one, tapping with very fine twig, cotyledons up & down for 3' in a few minutes the 2 stood at 90°, instead of 180° together. — in a very short time recovered horizontal position.— No bloom, but surface repellent. Used
A drop of water on cots. does not cause movement, but syringe with very fine syringing does.
Tapping one cot. causes this one to move.
Sept. 15th put 3 drops of water on 3 Cots no effect.
— 8°. 52' tapped for 1' 2 cots. which stood at right angles to stem: one rose only a little; the other rose in 9' to angle 117° & on 7' or 8' additional minutes to 127°, so had risen 37°— opposite cot, hardly at all affected. In 26' from tapping horizontal again.
Another pair of Cot. which was at ∟ to stem was tapped gently, rather more down than up, & rose in 11' 23°
Cassia— "large beautiful tree"
Sept 20th. Cotyledon have grown immensely & now stand vertically 7° P.m, asleep & was horizontal during day.— yet some of seedlings have 2 true leaves of small size.— — I suppose I have not when I observed them sleep formerly Sept 4th & sensitiveness to light, & this will show for how long they continue sleeping.—
The true leaves sleep in normal fashion
[in margin:] It may be in light Chapter
Oct 10 1878— Cassia — "sea-side".— (C. Tosa)
Having Having noticed in my experiments yesterday that some seedlings which had been exposed to Heliotropism, before feeble light before in N.E window in on the 7th — & kept dark at during all night, opened in the morning 8th, though still kept in dark, but began to close about 2° or 3° P.m.— (6° or 8°)
Therefore another pot of same seedlings of same plant was kept in my study on Oct 9th. with Cots open & at about rt angles to each other, & at 10° a.m put behind Book-Screen with only very obscure light, in 1° the Cots closed almost completely; then put before Study window, & 1° opened again.— At night 10° P.m quite shut & then placed in complete darkness.— But next morning at 7° a.m 10th were well open ie Cots at right angles.— They so continued till 11° 30' (ie for 4° 30' open) when they began slowly to close; by 1° 30' considerably shut: by 2° 30' almost shut, but not so completely as at during last night.
This is good case of imperfect habit, & also shows the great power of previous light, & darkness; for in this case opened & kept opened for hours, having previously been in darkness— whereas if had opened in light & then put into only obscure light wd have closed in 1° or less time.—
at 5° 49' P.m no change: at 10° 15'. P.m only a little more shut; not so completely as last night—
Oct 11th 7° a.m. (next morning) again moderately open — again inheritance.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 16 January, 2023