RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1879.12.12-29. Anoda Wrightii. CUL-DAR209.9.2-5. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
The volume CUL-DAR209.9 contains materials for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
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Anoda Wrightii
Decemb. 12th. 10. 45' P.m.
3 seedlings of which 2 had Cots considerably depressed, having been horizontal in midday & they resisted with some force being elevated, by elasticity afterwards descending.—
13° 4° P.m 2 seedlings with horizontal Cots suspended upside down, in dark in study.— 7° 20' not sunk down.
9° P.m both perfectly horizontal.
10° 40' no change.
14th 7° a.m, one seedling now somewhat asleep; the other not so, but has never slept
14th noon horizontal
The 2d Pot with 1 seeding at 9° P.m the cots formed together angle of 119 ie. 30° 1/2 beneath Horizon [sketch]
& at 9° P.m were turned upside down.
At 10° 45' P.m angle of 2 Cots 130°, so each stood only 25° below horizon ∴ weight or geotropism had made them more horizontal.
14th noon. Horizontal
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Anoda Wrightii (continued)
The Dec. 14th the pot with 1 seedling at 4° P.m. was beginning to go to sink sleep for but Cots stood at 12° beneath Horizon — was then turned upside down in dark; at 7° 20' no change apparent to eye; at 10° 40' P.m. (ie after 6h 40m) in reversed reversed position with cots— as far as I could measure in same way had sunk more & now each stood 18° beneath Horizon, so had fallen or strictly in reversed position had risen 6° in opposition to own weight & to geotropism, if geotropic.)
(Pot with 2 seedlings one of them on neither night had become at all depressed at night. ie did not sleep— this make me doubt whether any sleep: At 4° P.m the other seedlings with cots. having blade alone .3 inch in length—nearly as horizontal as at midday: at 7°.20' P.m, Each cot had sunk to 24° beneath horizon— pot now reversed, but at 10° 40' P.m (ie after 3 hr 20m) no change which could be detected by compressing; so gr own weight was not able to reverse the curvature already attained: nor could this be expected for Cots at night are not flaccid & do not sink by weight, for they are elastic & if raised spring back & down. (over)
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I do not know what to conclude from these 2 nights, discordant observation, except that not mere flaccidity & weight — Doubtful case of sleep.—
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Anoda Wrightii.
Dec. 24th 10° 15' P.m. 1879
The same 4 seedlings Bright day—
1 with single seedling now with 1 small true leaf—
Cots or limbs .55 inch in length— both vertically down.—
Second pot: middle seedling with 1 true leaf with Cots, much depressed, but not vertical other Taller seedling with rudiment of true leaf Cots. vertical—
Shortest seedlings no true leaf. Cots vertical.
Cotyledons highly elastic.
Case of true sleep.—
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(Anoda Wrightii
Dec. 25. 4° P.m.— 3 seedlings only just perceptibly going to asleep—turned upside down.— (Has been bright Bright day) (was asleep at 7° 15' a.m at this time of year then dark)
10° 15' P.m youngest seedling with cots only very slightly declined.— Oldest seedling with little true leaf with cots forming together angle of, & ∴ ° 85°. so each cot. 47° beneath Horizon
Third seedling with minute true leaf with cots little declined; viz 36° beneath Horizon. Pot put upright by my bed: at 4° P.m— single seedling, just perceptibly & 25 barely going to sleep. —
7°. 30' P.m The 2 cots formed together an angle of 47° ∴ each Cot. 66° beneath horizon— — turned pot upside down.
10°. 15' P.m. Both cotyledons have become absolutely vertical, instead of reversing reversing movement: so that turning upside down does not stop sleep after it has commenced.
12° 30' (ie past midnight, oldest seedling with Cots. vertical & this again shows that weight of Cots. determines sleep. Youngest & intermediate seedlings with Cots more declined, judging by eye, than at 10° 30' P.m.
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Dec. 29' 79/ Anoda Wrightii.
2°. 55' P.m both pots placed before N.E window & the one with 3 seedlings in it, turned upside down. Cots almost strictly horizontal with no signs of sleep. At 4° 20' placed both pots in darkness, the former still upside down; the [illeg] serving only as controls
10° 30' P.m. The single seedling with Cots vertical, & 2 of seedlings in the reversed pot with Cots. vertical, & the 3d youngest seedlings partly vertical, but the hypocotyl had bowed up through apogeotropism, & this had disturbed movement of cotyledons— So former observations erroneous — Case of true sleep. Weight of Cots does not cause movement.—
(Exteriorly no trace of Pulvinus.)
(See about pulvinus.)
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1 Pod apparently [illeg]
apparently slightly Heliotropic 34°— 31° 47°
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022