RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & George Darwin. [1853-1854]. Draft of Living Cirripedia (1854), Balanus patellaris, folio 3 / Child's drawing. CUL-DAR210.4.2. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 10.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR210.4 contains drafts of Cirripedia and George Darwin's papers. Nora Barlow sent these drawings on the backs of Darwin's book drafts and Origin folio 198 to long-time head of manuscripts at CUL, Peter Gautrey (1925-2011) on 4 February 1971 (see CUL-DAR185.61a).
The text of the draft corresponds with Living Cirripedia (1854): 322-3.
(3 575
Genus Tetraclita
in T. versicolor. On along the occludent edge, headmargin the inflected end extremity of each alternate growth-ridge is generally much thickened,─ a set of teeth being thus formed, by which the two valves are locked together, but In the T. porosa, this character is variable, for instead of sometimes every alternate ridge, & sometimes only every two or three ridges, distant separated from each other by several growth-ridges, are thus developed into teeth. The articular ridge is either moderately prominent or extremely prominent as in T. versicolor cœrulescens or [illeg];but the lower edge in no case depends as a freely free, hinge-like style as sometimes in Balanus. The adductor ridge is generally well developed & quitedistinct from the articular ridge: in T. purpurascens it is very blunt: in T. serata it joins is united to the articular ridge half way up it, thus forming a deep tubular cavity above the crests from the lateral depressor muscle running up to the apex of the valve: in T. versicolor cœrulescens, the adductor ridge is very short & is united to or almost continuous with the bottom lower end of the articular ridge, a small sub-cylindrical tubular cavity being thus formed. Small crests exist for the attachment of the rostral & lateral depressor muscles in all most of the species, excepting T. purpurascens & costata, in which, however, more especially in the former there are, instead of crests, sma minute
[George Darwin:] Manual exercise
Supposed to be drawing
[child's annotated drawing of a gun]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 9 November, 2023