RECORD: Murray, John. [1882].04.24. Letter to William Erasmus Darwin. CUL-DAR215.10p. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
"Murray, John [II], 1808-92. Publisher of 50 Albemarle Street, London. CD's main publisher. 1845 M bought copyright of the 2d edn of Journal from Colburn, for inclusion in his Home and Colonial Library, for £150. 1859 CD and M were on personal terms from the first publication of Origin, 1859. 1877 Published Scepticism in geology and the reasons for it as Verifier a pseudonym of M. Verifier casts doubts on the principle of "causes now in action" as adopted by Lyell and CD et al. 1882 M was on "Personal Friends invited" list for CD's funeral. M published 1st and subsequent editions of ten of CD's books, as well as: 1875 2d edn of Climbing plants (F836). 1879 Erasmus Darwin (F1319). 1869 F. Müller, Facts and arguments for Darwin. 1887 Life and letters (F1452). 1903 More letters, 2 vols. (F1548). 1915 Emma Darwin (F1553). Recollections of CD in "Darwin and his publisher John Murray." Science progress in the twentieth century 3 (1909): 537-542 and John Murray III, 1919, p. 18, both in Darwin Online." (Paul van Helvert & John van Wyhe, Darwin: A Companion, 2021)
April 24
My Dear Sir,
I hasten to thank you for your kind note & for the Card of admission to the Abbey Tomorrow.
I shall not fail to be present indeed it wd have been a grief to me not to assent in paying the last marks of respect to one whom I had known & valued for not much less than 50 years.
I hope I may take this opportunity to offer to you&
W. E. Darwin Esq
& the other members of the family my heartfelt sympathy in the bereavement you have suffered in the death of such a Father. Leaving other to measure his great scientific abilities, I can only dwell upon his amiable qualities upon the never failing kindness I enviably experienced from him & upon the excessive modesty & diffidence with [which] he ever referred to his own writings.
Judging from all when I shall I can estimate how great the gap the loss of such a man must have made in his Domestic circle & I condole with you accordingly.
May you all be fortified to bear up against the severe loss in & I hope of you
My Dear Sir very sincerely
John Murray
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 16 January, 2023