RECORD: Jersons, Henry (British and Foreign Unitarian Association). 1882.04.27. Letter to Carpenter, W.B. CUL-DAR215.11f. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
"Carpenter, William Benjamin, 1813-85. Physician and naturalist 1844 FRS. 1845 Fullerian Prof. Royal Institution London. 1856-79 Registrar London University. 1859 CD sent 1st edn of Origin. 1860 Jan. C reviewed Origin in National Rev., Apr. in Med. Chirurg. Rev. 1861 Mar. 17 visited Down House with Huxley. 1861 Royal Medal Royal Society. 1874 Principles of Mental Physiology." (Paul van Helvert & John van Wyhe, Darwin: A Companion, 2021)
Carpenter, W. B. 1882. Charles Darwin: his life and work. Modern Review 3: 500-24. A7
[Carpenter, W. B.] 1860. [Review of Origin and On the tendency to form varieties]. Darwin on the Origin of species. National Review, vol. 10: 188-214. A17
Carpenter, W. B. 1860. The Theory of Development in Nature. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review 25 (April): 367-404. A46
British and Foreign Unitarian Association, 37, NORFOLK STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C.
April 27th 1882
Dear Dr. Carpenter,
It would be I am sure in harmony with the feeling of the Council that the Resolution relating to the late Mr. Darwin which was so cordially & unanimously adopted at their recent meeting and which they desired to be communicated to Mrs. Darwin should be presented to her by yourself as the mover if it and one of his personal friends. May I ask therefore on the part of our committee if you will kindly undertake to carry out for them the wishes of the council. I enclose a copy of the Resolution.
I am, dear Sir
very truly yours
Henry Jersons
Dr Carpenter
The Resolution
At the Meeting of the Council of the British and Foreign Unitarian Association held in Norfolk Street, Strand, London, on Wednesday, April 26th, 1882, James Hopgood Esqre, J. P., in the chair, it was resolved on the motion of Dr William B. Carpenter, C.B., F.R.S, &c, seconded by the Rev. William H. Channing, B.A.,
"That this Council, meeting on the day of the funeral of the illustrious Charles Darwin desire to record their profound regret at the loss of that eminent Naturalist, whose unsurpassed ability and singleminded devotion to truth, and whose patient and unwearied investigations in various department of science mark a new epoch in its history, and throw fresh light on the immutable laws of the Divine Government, and the progress of humanity."
Henry Jersons, Secretary
37 Norfolk St., London.
[Carpenter's letter to Emma Darwin containing the enclosure above.]
56 Regents Park Road, N. W
April 30 1882
Dear Mrs Darwin
That I have not sooner written to express my profound sorrow at the unlooked for removal of one whom I equally venerate, esteemed, and love, - and to assure you of the heartfelt sympathy of Mrs Carpenter and myself in your sad bereavement, has been only because & would not too soon intrude upon the sacred privacy of your grief. But I would now express my full participation in the feeling which will, I am certain, be borne to you from every side, that not only has Natural Science lost its Newton, but that Scientific men have lost their realized ideal in one who was at the same time the sagacious, accurate, and untiring investigator, - the calm, profound, and philosophic thinker, - and the consummate teacher. Our greatest consolation in this loss, is that he has been permitted so nearly to complete his work, and
to see the great doctrine for which he anticipated but a scant acceptance during his lifetime, already dominating the thought of the age; and that the example he has left will become more and more influential on the lives and characters of those who follow in his steps, the more the true nobleness of his own life and character is brought before the world, as it could not be whilst he was yet among us. For in him there was no other side; the spirit that dwelt in him dominated his conduct in every relation of life. To myself nothing has been a more valuable lesson than the equanimity with which he bore the obloquy that in the early days was so abundantly heaped upon him; and the quiet faith in the ultimate victory of truth, which led him to abstain from all controversy, and to devote himself to the completion of his great fabric of thought, and to the strengthening of its weaker points.
It will always be a satisfaction to me, that, first in the 'National Review', and then in the 'Medical Quarterly', I was very early able to bring the "Origin of Species" before the public, in what I at once recognised as its true light; when other Quarterly Reviewers were doing their best to depreciate it.
The proceeding of which I enclose the official record, may have some interest for you, as having been taken, on my motion, immediately after the deeply impressive scene in the Abbey on Wednesday last, by the representatives of a Religious body which claims for itself the character of not being afraid of any truth whatever.
I trust that your family will regard
what I have here written as addressed equally to them; and that they will believe that by no one was their illustrious Father more deeply and entirely valued than by, Dear Mrs Darwin, always yours faithfully
William B. Carpenter
Mrs Darwin
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022