RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Lists of journals and reviews] 'Index to contents of Drawer / Catalogue'. CUL-DAR262.8.1-2. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker from photographs by John van Wyhe, 7.2011. Corrections by Christine Chua 2023. Edited by John van Wyhe. RN6
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with the permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. This transcription combines the items catalogued separately as: CUL-DAR262.8.1-2 CUL-DAR262.8.3-5 CUL-DAR262.8.6-8
Index to contents of Drawer
1 Rabbit of P. Santo: lop-eared Mr Turnbull.—
2. Birds of Australia & Whewells Inductive Sciences
5. Niata ox & extract on Ancora sheep =
having looked them over. ─
7. aberrant genera having few species:
Hooker & Bentham discussion on & List of Leguminosae by Bentham —
8. Notes from Waterhouse & Schonherr
On range of genera with respect to size.
Some remarks on theoretical genera distribution.—
9. Dr Asa Gray. Result showing "close species" belong to large genera: ) (The genera which have varieties are also large genera; & their relation in number between the genera which have close species & varieties) (on the proportion of nat. Introduced plants useless now, but list showing the proportion of nar. fam. very different in some cases in U. States & England: Europe ought to be comparison: V. Decandolle who will probably do it.) (List of alpine plants with ranges over world.) (Speculations on the travelling of arctic plants for America & Europe.)
10. Henslow's list of plants, deduction from & remarks showing the large genera include most varieties & varieties thought by some good men to be species. —
11. Watsons Cybele, Ballast plants. — British plants with dif range W or S in Britain. —
The wide ranges in Britain belong to large genera & conversely. — Aliens. & Few remarks on alpine plants. —
12. My M.S. on salting seeds & on floating of plants.
13. H. C. Watson — on relation of number of close species & var. to large genera &; definition & example of the various kinds of close species & how they blend together; discussion how far a small country may be used as test for such calculations; on flourishing species carrying (Wahlenberg) opposed by alpine species not varying.
Catalogue of Subjects &c. (not solely books)
14. Sulivan notes on Falkland Isd. —
15 Pfeiffer ranges of Land shells & on varieties found in different islands of Philippines. Abstract of little use Catalogue, of little use — note in ranges of same genera in N. & S. hemisphere, negative & Notes from Mr Cuming about shells in Pacific.
16. Johnstons Physical atlas: on geograph. Bot. & On zoology distinct (on range of bats, with extract from Fischer & letters by Jones). & On decrease of sables &c. & Alpine quadrupeds — Palaeontology excellent by Forbes & on succession of types & on small characters common to whole groups. — On fall of ashes. — On range of ice action in Six Currents of Ocean: — On range of relation to rise of genera in Muridae & carnivora. — (New Map by Forbes on Distrib of marine life)
17. Hooker Flora N.Z. on size of genera to varieties
Boreau Flore de France on do & common plants: Fuonrohr on do & vars.
Tabulate Dana for range & size of genera
18 My M.S. on History of cultivated plants
Catalogue of Journals & Transactions.
1. Mem. Soc. Phys. de Geneve
case of variation in individual Lilac in budding, analogous to difference in species. — Do var. in colour of Geranium, analogous to other species. (N.B. I see these cases are allied) viz. on value of characters by self. & Distribution of Viola. N & S & along Andes. & var of instinct or rather season in a Bee. Capital ─ analogy of instinct & habit. & On wandering species being very different. — Traces how Hive Bee make their hexagons. & Much on instinct. Another case of var. rare difference in species & in a variety. — Necken on wandering birds of Switzerland.
2. Memoires du Museum. Discussion on instinct of Bees, very important for not hereditary & see some important queries. & (Decandolle on Cruciferae, indistinctness of characters. & on parallel service in organs. — On special & general affinities.)
(G. St Hilaire variation of oviduct in birds) (important variation in gynobasic & also on variation I imagine in Gonophia in important point which varies in different genera & species. — (also in same species 2 characters occurring in same individual.) St. Hilaire on distinction of skeleton of Indian oxen. — (F. Cuvier on the theory of instinct & quotes English authors) (on parrots breeding) (on variation of two ovaria.) on variation in locularity of Helianthemum, & in one species of do. — (Fish of C. of Good Hope some same, some closely allied with those of Europe.) on variation (of Morietta longifolia / general when plant extends far. (on affinities & ranges going together, destroy middle groups & you make extremes very different.) (on variation of arteries.) (on correspondence analogue of Pyrenees & Alps) (ambling of Mongolian Horses)
Scoliosa & Crestes varying in [genisperm].
Helianthemum on variation of locularity.
(character variable in spring (case of anomaly in a group & thus commonly variable) case of important character variable in certain families.
3. Annales du Museum. Hybrid dog & wolf. — On variation in cells of Bees. — Alpine plants not seeding. ─ difference in seeds in same flower & analogue to difference in species. — On breeding in menageries. (Ibis) cause of fear!! — instinct, animals helping each other & wildness different in different countries. — on paralellism. — Hooked plants in canaries. wildness in dogs & foxes. — [illeg], not uniform in Corsica united during glacial period. — On swimming bladder not being rudimentary & its presence very varying: yet atrophied in genera memosis, [Nimstal], Cotyledon of high value, yet organ of vegetation, but there it is endymis. on classification & affinities groups by [illeg] it in group. — groups not depending in numbers. — on importance in relation to coexistence. — on infertility from grafting Scabiosa (p. 10 M.S.) — Cnestis varying in presence of perisperm. F. Cuvier on skeleton of dogs. Very curious case of variation in oranges. —
4. Mem. presente par divers Savans. Roulin on domesticated animals of America. — excellent, differences in youth in anything, in character. On difficulty of breeding animals at first in S. America.
5. Desmoulins curious cases of some local F.W. fish, may specify as hopeless difficulty.
Catalogue of Journals, Transactions
6. London Journal of Botany
— vars. of Primrose — plants on mountains of Jamaica. Hooker Flora of Madeira. very good. & Watson on vars. in Azores. & very good. — M.S. list of Azores plants, with habitats by H.C. Watson. Rev Lowes letter on P. Santo
7. Acts. Acad St Petersburg. Pallas on variations of animals & good remarks showing how little conditions affect organic again beings: — very valuable paper; I have discussed points.
8. Journal de la Soc. Imp. d'Hort. Decaisne, variability not increase with number of descents. — (vars of Choux Races. — confine Gærtner law of Zusammengesatze.) Decaisne on pears. Vars [means] as fruit descent.
9. Phytologist. Varieties of Cnicus. — on primrose & cowslip (p. 23) &c. Gardner on relation of Ceylon & Neilgherries important if species considerably distinct of European forms. — I — Relation of embryo — leaves. — (On Trifolium species if in numbers 7). — 8 on Azores vars. — on new plants springing up.curious hybrid between genera 11 on seeds of genera & Epilobium hybrids. —
— 14 on hereditary Rubi. — Ilex Balearica case. — 16. Bromfield on plants not seeding — Campanula splendens, yet seeding with different [illeg] : 18 Bromfield on Stranonium. — 19 Henslow & Asa Gray & Bromfield on Anagallis. — 20 Remarks dry places having most species. — 21 Bromfield on var of Elm & Quercus. — Hooker letter on range of Primroses, Ascension plants.
10 Henfrey's Botanical Gazette. cases of vars (3 on Rankin Tertiary Bot. & (2. on groups different on different sides), curious var. in bracts of Cheiranthus 3 on different forms of seeds of Atriplex.─ old seeds of Hieracium.─ on Rubus varying in parallel series. (& Heracium) ─ Casey. 4 Fries on species being closer in large genera. ─ on changes in alpine flowers.) 6. on tract in Cardomine & in Erucustrum, var. analogous to other species, appearing often in rudimentary form. ─ Like horn in cow hornless cows.
11 Zoologist vol 11, 12 & Duck with acorns. & notes American beetles (3 hybrid genera)
12 Wernerian Transact & on races of fox Macgillivray.
13 Journal of Indian Arch. On animals of Celebes. & variation of elephant. ─ on Lombok ─ on horses & ducks of. ─ on relation of Java & Sumatra. —
14 Mem de la Soc. Linn. de Normandie. Eel with large eyes in pits. & Showers of frogs & Cytinus laburnum & Pig with appendage to jaw. Variation of Pleurotomaria.
15 Flora
Catalogue of Journals
16 Westminster Review on Heritage
17 Heer on fossil plants of Madeira & on recent vegetation.
18 Annales des Sciences Nat
19 Transactions of Hort. Soc.
20 Reports to British Assoc.n
21 Silliman N. American Journal
22 Journal of Hort. Soc.
23 Journal of R. Agricultural Soc.
24 Bachman in Charleston Journal
25 Boston Journal of Nat Hist
26 R. Brown Ascidepias Linn: Transactions
27 Journal Asiatic Soc of Bengal
28 Madras Journal of Lit. & Science
29 Agricult. & Hort. Soc. India
30 Bull Soc. Bot. de France
31 Ibis
Abstracts of Reviews on me (I have only begun with no. 106.)
108. G.H. Lewes. p. 365 Egyptian case prove too much [pencil] for even the domestic [case] his body changed some say has not changed at all.
─ ─ p. 603 excellent metaphor of architect &embryology
─ 615 Embryology of Neritaria in shell in larval condition
─ 625 Trachea serving as swim-bladders
─ 63-66 at on conditions not causing any changes, because do not reach on organism
─ 76 On Luminum organs of Niati [pencil] in elective organs [illeg] shorter differs
─ 495 On similar Hist. structure, independent of descent
─ 496 adaptation in lowest animals —
─ 498 comparison of animals & plants
109 ─ Weismann p. 12 caterpillars coloured alike, moth different
p. 18 Rudiments p. 26─ Two factors in Variations─ Bears on natural selection
p. 32 argues again Moritz Wagner in isolation
p 36 on 2 or 3 forms of caterpillars in same brood
p 39 Plants & Insects later developed on mountain & so do not cross
110. Wagner Moritz & on importance of isolation & good on Geograph. Distribution. p. 55 (2d Edit) on closely allied form keeping apart & disliking each other
p. 27 (1st Edit) local alpine var of Butterflies
p. 32 (do) intermedial alpine form of Beetles from crossing
113. Preyer. Kampf Dasein p. 45 mammae erraticae
121 Broca, On indifferent characters, not subject to nat selection - Thumbs (very good) of certain monkeys — absence of tail & absence of ligament to femur prob in Orang — lobes of lungs in do.─ False reasoning that all must have been acquired at once
128 Kiesenwetter. (most valuable Review) Geolog. Hist. of Insects ─ Moths crossing mediterraneanon p. 345 & p. 347 good on Geograph. Distribution of Madeira insects —
129 Asa Gray. Review (9. 144) of Hooker on Arctic Plants
130 Cope on nature of Derivation of forms — on Highness — observe —
139 Dawson's Address — Review of Cope's views of Acceleration & Retardation
144 Saporta, quotes Gaudy, p. 641 higher forms change quicker p. 643 every tree living in Europe has its fossil analogue
Abstracts of Reviews
Abstracts of reviews of C. Darwin
145. & The Month, p. 9 Why many forms not like Giraffe. p. 11 Prehensile tail whalebone — analogy teeth of Thylacinus p. 14 & dog. p. 13 Difficulty (p. 12) from manner of development of certain Diptera — Rattle-snake mammary glands p. 26 On ancient generalized forms. p. 29 Difficulties from Geograp. Distribution. & p. 39 Difficulty from abhorrence of incest
Henslow Mr Hooker Kew Brehm
146. Quatrefages, p. 52 in herds of antelopes the rear perish from hunger
p. 62 Echiura, a trans. from half anelid, half radiati
p. 100 Define p. 101. Reference about many forms of termites.
p. 111 on fertile Hybrid moths 8 generations. Hybrids p. 112 to 119
p. 158 On Larvae breeding cases like Cope's Doctrine
156 Wallace on Bennett & good discussion on term mimicry — Dr Scudder on mimicry & A. Murray & others on do. — Butterflies devoured by Birds
Hooker on Nepenthes distribution of
Agassiz on Synthetic Fish
168 Bertillon quotes I. Geoffroy that Cyclops monsters along an 6-[digitate]
do Good remarks on nature of different hypothesis
200 H. Muller [illeg] in Bees — On perfect gradation in mouth
p. 11 & all parts in Bees — very good case —
p. 30 on wasps & bees much in common independently of inheritance
p. 32 steps of acquirement by Bees of characters
p. 40 a new habit of life leads to great changes & breaks in the series
201 Fick, on rich daughters of short-lived persons & weak men, not conscripts, marrying
204 Chancey Wright. good remarks on what fixity of species means
238 [Allyra] Nicholson & good objections to me on imperfection of geological records. Rigid I guess & inflexible types.
245 Wurtemberger: the more widely eternal form distributed the more difficult, their classification p. 7 & on blending of ammonites p. 9 even genera — those laws of variation — inheritance of earlier ages —
250 Abstract of Newmayers p. 142 on succession of ammonites ( [illeg] ) disputes Hilgendorf, famous case of Limnaea. p. 152 abstract of Leidy on gradation of the progenitors of Equus. p. 157 abstract of Kowlewsky on Ungulata.
p. 200 abstract of Reinike on function of serrations of Leaves.
Abstract of Reviews bearing on me
250 (continued) p. 203 case of mimickry & Local vars like vars.
266 Wright─ Fault in the States of 20,000 ft
270 Sorby on Pangenesis
287 Q. Journal of Science ─ Slashing review against Mivart
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 5 June, 2024