RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. List of reviews of Origin of Sp & of C. Darwin's Books. CUL-DAR262.8.9-18. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker from photographs taken by John van Wyhe, 7.2011. Corrections by Christine Chua. 3.2021. RN3

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.


List of Reviews of Origin of Sp & of C. Darwins Books

Some of the most absurd or unjust articles were by Harry & Westwood in G Chronicle 1860

Wollaston in Annals & Mag of Nat. hist & Haughton & Owen see remark on latter in Saturday Review. — Hopkins in Fraser says my views differ in nothing from Lamarck.

241. Agassiz Evolution & Permanence of Type

[Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe. 1874. Evolution and Permanence of Type. Atlantic Monthly 1874 January: 92-101.]

18 Agassiz in Silliman's Journal 1860

Agassiz & Darwinism, see Fiske, Vol. 4; Wagner, R.;

[Fiske, John. 1873. Agassiz and Darwinism. Popular Science Monthly (New York) 3 (October): 692-705.]

57 All the year round. 1860

295. J. A. Allen, The Evolution of Morality

122 Discussion on transformat. Anthropolog Soc. Paris

65 Argyll. D. of Address. R. Soc. Edin. 1864

103 Argyll D of Orchids 1862

162 Argyll Duke on Variety (Descent) & Sir A Grant on Evolution & Darwin

200A Bain on Expression

277 v Bärenbach Heder als Vorganger Darwin's

204 Baildon Review (?) of Origin

313 Baildon Review of my works folio O

303 Dr Balfour. Jour. Bot. Soc. of Edinburgh. Climbing Plants

217 Ungenannten. Auflösung der Arten


285. Revue Scientif. Cross & self fertn.

Darwin & his teachings
[Darwin] & Pangenesis } see Journal of Science

[Darwin] Verses, See [illeg] Rouquette.

Darwin, C. see Facts & Fancies no.51
[Darwin C.] 69th birthday, see Zacharias.

194. Illustrated Rev. Life & Works

Darwin & Wallace. See Meyer

120 Mobus Edwards Academy of Science Paris Revue des Cours (discussion on my Election)

Darwin's Travels — French transl. See Revue Scientif.

119 Das Ausland Sketch of my life

Darwin Bibliography, see Sprengel

191 List of Articles on Darwin Theory — German

256 "Darwin Answered" — (Penn Monthly)

325 Darwinism. Conservations-Lexicon

301 La Teoria Darwiniana, a [illeg]

318 Fortschritte Darwinismus

205 English Mechanic Darwin & the Deluge

187 Cape Monthly Mag. Rev. of "Descent"

346 4 Review in Greek of me & my life — Athens. — D

235 Die Wachstum — Prozess des Darwinismus.

98 Edin Rev. Boyd Dawkins Var. of animals & Plants 1868

63 Dawson Dr the Canadian Naturalist

203 Dawson Dr Primitive man (Leisure Hour)

139 Dawson Modern Ideas of Derivation

125 Delpino Darwiniana Teoria Pangenesi

126 Delpino Translation of my letter and answer to it

252 Descamps — Theory of Evolution & answer by the Rector

175 All the year Round Descent

Descent. See Argyll; Bastian; Bertillon; Bosca, Graf; Koch; Moore; Nevins; Pratt; Prior; Riola; Rutimeier; Samsidan; Schmidt; Wright;

173 British Quart. Descent


172 Edin. Rev. — Descent

177 Psychol. Verein Dresden — Descent

190 Pop. Science Rev. of Descent

174 Quarterly Rev. (supposed Mivart). Descent

159 Tinsley's Magazine — (Descent)

261 Expression Book - Fortnightly Review

293 Dodel Part. Zuchtwahl Theorie

181 Darwins Darwinismus. Ausland

193 Dove Was macht Darwin popular?

296 Du Bois-Reymond Darwin contre Galiani
297} sermon

319 Darwin versus Galiani — Du Bois Reymond

231 Dumont L. Expression Rev. Scientifique

11 Rev Mr Dunns North Brit. Review 1860

286 du Prel Expression

Expression, see Montegania; Shaw; Tebaldi; Wallace

218 Review of Expression

226 Review Edinburgh on Expression

247 Revue Scientifique Review on Expression


72 Haeckel Entwickelungs theorie 1863

15 Hallion Darwin's Lehre 1865

279 280 N Harting, P. Dutch account of Birthday, Album & of rise of Evolution in Netherlands

5 Harvey Dublin Hospital Gazette

10 Harvey origin of human animal 1860

Reviews of Origin (3

69 Haughton Rev. S. Nat. Hist. Rev. 1860

Reviews of C. Darwin (5

136 Heller Darwin und der Darwinismus

105 Henslow — Climbing Plants Pop. Science Rev
Orchids Review of Gard. Chron. 1882 p. 789 — 863 — 910

290 Henslow — Fertilisation of Plants

326 Darwinism — Gunstige Epidemie Hartling

179 Henslow G. Nat. Theology-

345 Power of move — Review by Henslow from Pop. Sc Journal

186 Hertzka lecture on Var. of Species by Nat. Sel.
Urgeschichte des Menschen

276 v. Hesse-Wartegg Insectivorous Pl. & Biography of CD

117 Hildebrand on my Papers on Illegitimate offspring of Dimorphic Plants

112 Hoffmann H., Species & Var Kritik des Darwininsiche Ag 1869


228 Rev. on Expression St Paul's mag.

324 History of Evolution. Journal of Science

51 Facts & Fancies of Darwin Good Words 1862

123 Farrar Philology and Darwinism Nature

332 Defense de Darwinism (Portuguese) Furtado

56 Fawcett a popular exposition. Macmillan's Mag 1860

92 Fée a. &. a. Darwinisme

215 Ferris B. G. Origin of Sp.

Reviews of C. Darwin (7

201 Fick Einfluss auf das Recht

157 Buckle Nat. Selection insufficient for man, origin of.

223. Firth, J.C. Perils of the age

Fisher, F. see Fruits

244 Fiske, Agassiz & Darwinism

Smith L. Address v. Darwinism

310 On Forms of Flowers

208 Frauenstädt, Darwin's Auffassung &c

40 Freke Observations on Darwin 1860

83 Frohschammer 1864


335 Fruits of Darwinism by F. Fisher


216 Fry E.T.Q. Darwinism & Theology

44 The future 1860

68 Geologist 1860

195 Gill Dr J, Darwin July 68

253 Gizycki, Dr G. Lamarck - Darwinische Entwickelungstheorie

26 Goethe als Naturforscher. Meding 1861

161 Grant Sir Alexander (Descent) Mr Darwin & Philosophy

do. see Argyll. No.162

33 Asa Gray on Agassiz & Co

12. Asa Gray in American Journal of Science

29. Asa Gray? American Journ. of Science 1860

48 Gray Asa, The Atlantic Monthly 1860

305 Asa Gray on Cook of Boston

248 Asa Gray Sketch of my walk in nature

158 Examiner. (Asa Gray) on Descent

List of Reviews of C. Darwins Works 9

263 Asa Gray - Insectivorous Plants

129 Asa Gray, On Orchids, Review of

91 Gray Asa on Origin 1861

154 Greg, W.R., failure of natural selection


196 Bastian. Rev. Descent

264. Bennett. Insectivorous Plants

199. Bennett, Review in Nature of 6th Edit of Origin

156 Bennett, Nat. Selection from Mathematical View. Wallace, Scudder, A. Murray, Hooker on Nepenthes

75 Bentham. Address Linn. Soc. 1863

Reviews of C. Darwin (6

168 Bertillon, Dr. Soc. Anthrop. Paris. Descent

Bessy. - see Cross Fertiln.

71. Blandford on Darwin & Bronn. - Proc. Asiatic Soc. 1860

307 Böhner Darwinismus - Pessimismus

49 Bowen, Mem. American Acad. of Sciences 1860

31 Prof Bowen, N. America Rev. 1860

127 Brace, Darwinism in Germany

148 Braubach, Darwin'schen Artlehre

222 Braun, Dr A. Entwickeling in d. Naturgeschichte

95 British Quarterly April 1, 1860

220. Broca. P. Review of Descent of Man

121 Broca Revue des Cours. Anthropolog Soc. Paris

41 Bronn. German Review


61 Calcutta Review 1860

42 Carpenter British Med. Chirurg. Rev. 1860

36 Carus, J.B. German Review 1867

132 The Catholic World, The immutability of Species

46 Chambers Journal 1859

242 Chlebik Enstehungen der Arten

60 Claparède Revue Germanique 1861

152 Claparède Théorie de la Selection Naturelle

Climbing Plants, see Balfour, Henslow

260 Climbing Plants - Quarterly J. of Science

List of Reviews of C. Darwin (10

299 Revue Scientifique - climbing plants

164. Miss Cobbe on Darwinism & Moral Theological Review

267 Cohn Insectivorous Plants

188. Collyer Cleft in the Rock Sermon

Cook of Boston, see Gray, A. No. 305

102 Pop. Science Rev. Orchids M.C. Cooke

130 Cope. Hypothesis of Evolution

Coral Reef, see Murray, [Crebiot C7]

88 Crawfurd, Origin, 1862

Cross-Fertiln. see Meehan, Müller, Zacharias

300 Review Cross-Fertilisation


94 Hooker in Gardeners Chronicle - Early in 1860 1859 p.1052 & others. Harry & Westwood 1890

Hooker, see Bennetts No. 156

13 Hopkins in Fraser's Mag. 1860

142 Huber, Der Darwinismus

213 Hunter, Review of Darwin's Theory on man

79 Hutton F. W. Geolog. Mag.

182. Huxley, Darwin's Critics Contemp. Rev.

289 Huxley. Direct evidence of Evolution

59 Huxley on species & races Royal Inst. 1860

55 Huxley. Time & life Macmillan's Mag. 1859

32 Huxley Westminster Rev. 1860

3 Huxley, Westminster Rev.

Insectivorous Plants, see Bennett, Cohn, Gray A., Hesse-Wartegg, Rev. Scient.

263 Insectivorous Plants by Asa Gray

262 Insectivorous Plants - The Florist & Pomologist

251 Insectivorous Plants in Polish

81 Jäger Zoolog. Briefe 1864

23 Paul Janet, Revue des deux Mondes 1863

93 Jardine Sir W. New Phil. Journal April 1, 1860

89 Jenkins Fleming, N. Brit. Rev. 1867


334 Mehr Licht, der Darwinismus [illeg]

133 Meyer, Der Darwinismus

150 Meyer, Darwin and Wallace

209 Michelis, Der Gedanken ... gegen Darwinismus

287 Q. Journal of Science - Mivart & C Darwin

211 Mivart. Evolution, Reply to Huxley, 1872 Contemp R

183 Mivart. Reply to Huxley, do do Contemp 71?

243 Mobius, Bedeutung der Artbegriffe

17 Moncrieff, Hon J. Glasgow young men's Christ. Assoc. Soirée 1867

145 The Month, Difficulties of Natural Selection

166 Moore Rev. J. London Quart. Rev. Descent

282 Morris F.O. Articles of Darwin Faith

347 The Darwin Craze. Revd F. O. Morris

137 Morris Difficulties of Darwinism

135 Moulins Reflexions sur la Darwinisme

273 Morren, E. Theorie des Plantes Carnivores

280 Müller, H. Cross & Self Fertilisation

212 Müller H. Darwinian Theory to Flowers by Delpino & English


7 Journal of Agricult. Soc. Scotland 1860

37 Journal of Science. Darwin & his teachings 1866

97 Journal of Science. Darwin & Pangenesis 1868

128 Kiesenwetter, Entomologische Beiträge Darwin'schen Lehre

198 Koch. Rev. Descent. mimicry of Butterflies

53 Köstlin. Uber unveranderlichkeit der species 1860

1 Kolk & Vrolik sur L'orang outang

27 Kolliker, Darwinsche Schöpfungstheorie 1864

210 Kolliker, [Pennatuliden Canthus] Descendenzlehre

320 Kramer Beurtheilung des Darwinismus

Lamarck, see Gizycki, no. 253

333 Review of Semper & me by Ray Lankester

67 Laugel Revue des deux Mondes 1860

283 Levi, Essere o non Essere (Skaspeare) !!

47 Lewes G.H. Cornhill Mag. 1860

108 G.H. Lewes, Fortnightly R. 1868 Mr D. hypotheses

96 Lowell Christian Examiner May 1860

4 Löwenthal Arten-Entstehung Humbug

292 Lady Lubbock, Life of me


43 Lyell Brit. Assoc. 1859

138 M'Cann Anti-Darwinism

236 Macario, le Transformisme - very important effects of this

103 Argyll D. of Orchids 1862

70 Malbranche Reflexions sur le Darwinisme

Reviews of Origin (2

35 Mamiani Nuovi Considerazione di Darwin 1868

341 Man & the Animals - a Review of Evolution by a Bengalee

Reviews of C. Darwin (4

103 Argyll D. of Orchids 1862

104 Mantegazza Nuova Antologia. Last Book 1868

185 Mantegazza Letter to C.D. on Sexual Sel. &c

192 Mantegazza Nuova Antologia

219 Mantegazza Review of Expression

80 Martini L.A. - Annuaire Philos, 1866

202 Martineau, Plan of mind in nature

180 Martins, Creations du Monde Organisé

254 Martins, C - La Théorie de l'Evolution

18 G. Maw Review of Origin, Zoologist 1861 reprint

240 Max Müller, Lecture on the Darwin Phil. & Language

101 Med. & Chirurg. Rev. Orchids

306 Meehan on Cross Fertilisation


200 H. Müller der Darwinische Lehre auf Bienen, on Bees

288 Murphy J. J. Origin of Insects   M.O

336 Murray - Abstract of paper against my views on Coral Reefs   C.M

Murray, A., See Bennett, No. 186

30 Andrew Murray, Proc. Royal Soc. Edin. 1860

24 Andrew Murray, Proc. Royal Soc. Edin. 1860 {the same all but data [with 30]

66 Nägeli, Entstehung der Art, 1865

257 Naphtali. Lewy - "Toldot Adam" in Hebrew

328 Netter Positivism et Darwinism

169 Nevins Birkbeck Liverpool Lit. & Phil. Soc. Descent

238 Allyza Nicholson - Bearing on Pal. facts on Darwinian theory

255 Noiré (Ludwig) Der Monistische Gedanke (Schopenhauer & Evolution)

Orchids, See Argyll, Cooke, Gray A., Henslow, Med & Chirurg. Rev., Pop. Sc. Rev.

308 On Cross Fertilisation & Orchids

233 The Oriental, Darwinism & Language

Origin, See Baildon, Bennett, Crawfurd, Ferris, Grant, Gray, Haughton, Maw, Nägeli, Pictet, Simon, Wright C?

21 Discussion on Origin. Journal of arts & sciences. U. States 1860

340 Review on Origin of Species; Revue Scientifique. (poor) O.R.

54 The origin of species controversy Weldon's Register 1860


74 Rougemont F. von - Der Mensch & der Affe

84 Royer - Preface 1862

116 Rural World on Variation under Domestication

184 Rutimeier. Rev. on Descent

90 Sad case

16 Salimbeni Carlo Darwin 1865

189 Sallmayer. Der Mensch stammt nicht &c

165 Samtiden. Dutch Rev. of Descent

144 Saporta L'Ecole Transformiste

224 Sauvage, Dr Progressibilité Organique

118 Schaaffhausen Die Lehre Darwin

322 Schäfer Teachings of Development

39 Schleicher Due Darwinsche Theorie 1863

14 Schleicher Due Darwinsche Theorie

152 Schleider Unsere Zeit der Darwinismus

115 Schmanda L. Ansichten über die Darwinsche Hypothese

134 Jager Schmid Darwin's Hypothese & Jager

151 Schmid Darwin's Hypothese

246 Oscar Schmid, Darwinismus - Spengel & Reviews

176 Schmidt war Goethe ein D. Descent

321 Darwinism & Social-demo[illeg] Schmidt


25 Owen Prof. Edin. Rev. 1860

34 Bp of Oxford aided by Owen & Murchison? Quarterly Rev. 1860

(258) Pangenesis-letters re by CG & Galton - Westminster Review

9 Parsons, Cambridge, Mass.

52 Pelzeln Bemerk. gegen Darwin 1861

232 Perrier E. L'origine de l'homme après Darwin. Rev. Scient.

313 Pfaff Einfluss en Darwinismus

140 Pfaff Schopfungsgeschichte

2 Phipson on Protoctista

62 Pictet sur l'origine de l'espèce

344 Criticism on Pangenesis, by Otto [Plavse]

312 Political Liberty by [Greg Hinder] & nat. selection

99 Pop. Science Rev. Ap. 68. Artificial Sel. & Pangenesis

291. Pop. Sc. Review. Fertilisation of Orchids & Geological Observations

List of Reviews of C. Darwins Works (8

234 Porter, Theories of Tyndall, Huxley, Darwin & H. Spencer

843 Potomie - Aufzahlung von Gelehrten - all old Botanists all [went Evolutionists]

331 Review of Power of movement (nothing)

do. see Henslow


178 Pratt Arch. Calcutta. Descent

113 Preyer W. Prof. Kampf um Dasein 1869

294 Peter Price The Darwinian Theory

171 Prior Med. Journal Descent

143 Quarterly Review July '69 On Design & my views

146 Quatrefages des precurseurs de Darwin (Revue des Deux Mondes)

272 Rain Buy the Truth - a Catechism

337 Religion oder Philosophie - German verses on me

268 Revue Scientif. Insectivorous Plants

239A Revue Scientifique, Review of French Translation of my Travels

329 Revue Scientifique - review "Variation of Flowers"

131 Richter Darwin'sche Gesetz

Richter, see Catholic World No.132

167 Riolacci Dr Metz Descent

85 Rolle Lehre Darwin's &c 1882

86 [Rolle] Pt 2

87 [Rolle] 3

76 Rolle Der Mensch 1865

77 [Rolle]

78 [Rolle]

389 Ou allons-nous - Dr Rouquette Verses on me


19 Oscar Schmidt, Franz Unger. Alter der Menschheit 1866

Scudder, see Bennett, no. 156

229 Seidlitz – Meyerrh of Dr. Abstam des Menschen C. Darwin

114 Seidlitz Dr Das Variiren - Domestication 1868

311 Levier Tulipani & Darwinisme

224 Settegast Dr H. Gebiete der Landwirthschaft. Festrede

221 Shaw J. C. M.D. Rev. of Expression. Journal Mental Science

141 Simion. Des Especes du Système Darwin

20 Leon Simion de l'origine des Espèces

Smith, L. v. Darwinism. See Fiske, No. 244

73 Snell Karl Schopfung des Menschen 1863

270 Sorby Pangenesis

38 The position of our species. New York

160 Spengel. Zeitschrift - List of writers in my works

207 Spengel. Die Darwinsche Theorie. (List of works)

do. See Schmidt, No. 246

106 Stebbing. Section of Darwinism 1869

149 Stebbing. Darwinism, The Noachian Flood

206 Stephen Leslie. Darwinism & Divinity

239 Struthers. Address on Evolution

147 Tait Law of Natural Selection (with discussions from newspapers)

274 St. Tebaldi Expression (Italian)

Unger Fr See Schmidt, O.


269 Zacharias Der Streit über den Darwinismus

278 Zacharias Cross-Fertilisation

265 Zacharias Wigand & C. Darwin

316 Zeller Vorganger Darwins


(258) Westminster Review - ditto

see Pangenesis Letters

302 Articles in Nature, bearing on Cross Fertilisation


6 Unity of force (New York)

Variation under Domest. See Rural World; Seidlitz; Sanders

45 Vansittart Nede. Proc Zool. Soc. 1861

Var of flowers, see Revue Scientif.

250 Vierteljahres Revue. Transmutationslehre

28 Virchow Erblichkeit 1863

Vrolik, see Kolk

197 Wagner M. Neue Beitrage Das Ausland. Rev. Darwinismus

110 Wagner Moritz do do do Darwinische Theorie 1868

322 Wagner C Mensch von Affen als? 1879

50 Wagner Rudolf on Agassiz & Darwin 1860

230 Wallace. Last attack on Darwinism. Nature

227 Wallace. Rev. on Expression. Q. Journ. of Science

Wallace, see Bennett, No.156

317 Wattenwyl - on Evolution

330 Lester Ward on Haeckels Genesis of Man

64 Warrington on credibility of Darwinism. Vic. Inst. 1867

58 Miss Wedgwood Boundaries of Science Macmillan 1861

82 Weidenhammer landwirth. Thierzucht 1864

109 Weismann. Prof. Darwinische Theorie 1868

Weldon's Register, see Origin

107 Westminster Review 1869 on D. Theories


237 Whitney Darwinism & Language very good

314 Wigand Der Darwinismus

214 Wigand. Dr A. Genealogie der Urzellen

259 Wigand - Pangenesis

Wigand & Darwin. See Zacharias

124 Wigand Darwin's Hypothese Pangenesis

111. Wilcken Dr Darwins Theorie 1866

22. Rev. H. Wood, Theory of Development 1865

342 Review of Worm-Book The Journal of Science

338 Review of Worm-Book The Zoologist w.2

323 Wright Calvinism & Darwinism

170 Wright Chauncey. Descent

155 Wright, Chauncey in Limits of Nat. Selection (Review of Wallace)

204 Wright Chauncey (N Amer. R.) Origin of Sp. & Mivart

275 Wright (Rev) Divine method of producing species

266 Wright (Rev) Objections to Darwinism

309 Rev. Wright (U. States) Teleology of Science

245 Wurtemberger, Geolog. Beweise, Darwinische Theories

284 Ormsby Darwin (Blank Verse) !

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