RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1855]. [Data on effect of immersion in salt-water on the germination of seeds.] CUL-DAR27.1.F1-F7. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2021. RN2

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.

See: Darwin, C. R. 1855. Effect of salt-water on the germination of seeds. Gardeners' Chronicle no. 47 (24 November): 773. F1687


Planted June 23d.

after 12 week + 1 day or 85 days

✓ Cress July 8th 1 cress

✓ Lettuce 2 July 12th

✓ Radishes (July 5 1 beginning) (July 7th 2d) 2/30

✓ Onions July 2d. (3 seed) July 5th well germ (1 more) 1 more = 4.

✓ Carrot. July 4th. (3 of them)

✓ Celery July 2d. excellently

[in margin:] I suspect injured by too much sun


June 8th

10 weeks in Salt

Cress 1 seed Jun 21. (Kept 15 days)

Lettuce June 19th 1 seed.

Radishes (June 14th 3 seeds.)

Onions Jun 19th (1 seed)

Carrot June 17th (3 seed)

Celery June 17th numerous.

One of the Cress seed which had been dried for a well germinated but all injured.

[in margin:] stet


May 25th 8 weeks salt. (1' lot)

25th Changed water

Cress. June 3d. (seed 4) 6/57

Lettuce (27th 1 seed) (30 2d seed) (June 2 (3 or 4) altogether 7/20

X Radishes June 5th (1/12 seed)

X Onions (29th 1 seed) (30th 2d seed & 3d seed.) 3/15 but young plants died

Carrot (June 3d (2)) 3/30

X Celery June 3d - 4 (several)

glass with cress Lettuce & Carrot thrown away on Jun 8th this being kept 1 fortnight Possibly more wd. not have germ


May 11. Planted 6 weeks salt 1s lot

Cress May 15th (1 seed) (1 seed) May 17th plenty

Lettuce May 14th. (15 several) plenty

Radishes 16th. 1 seed - 19th 2

Celery May 20th. (21 plenty)

Carrot 16th 2 or 3

Onions. May 17th 1 seed. May 20 2d seed.

[in margin:] glasses more crowded & piled & ∴ may (,I think have had less heat, & ∴ germinated slower


Ap. 28th planted 1st lot 28 days in Salt

Cress 30th well

Lettuce 29th 5 P.m 1 seed. 30th well

Radishes May 4th (4 seeds) germinated

Celery 2 May 6th May 7th several

Carrot May 4th

Onion. — May 2d.


seeds Planted Ap. 21.  After having been 21 days in salt-water 12 oclock

Cress (Ap 23 9 A.m. 1 seed) (24 several) (plenty)

Radish (Ap. 25 several)


Onion (Ap 24th 1) (25 several)

Lettuce (Ap 23d. several)

Carrots (Ap. 26 1. seed) 28th 2 or 3 others 29th many

Celery Ap 30th several germinating

C. Darwin Esqr


April 13th - 12 oclock planted the same, having been 14 days in salt-water. Cabbages & Radishes smelt horribly putrid. Cress strongly [Cruciform].— Onion dreadfully like onion, but hardly putrid

Cress 15th. 9° A.m. Cress largely growing

Lettuce 14th. 3 P.m. just germinated, 15 largely growing

Cabbages Ap. 21st 1 single seed out of many.

Radish 16th 9° A.m. one, radish (9 P.m. a 2d) (4 germinated out of not many.)

Onion 15th just beginning well

Celery 20th germinated well

Carrots 16th 9. P.m. 1 germ. largely germinated

Hooker asked whether floats or sinks, all except Beet sink. I agitate well.


Salted March 30th

Each lot in 2 oz of water

Seeds out into Salt Water. But out of the Sun, exposed to weather - Some days were mostly cold & even little frost at night - (2 or 3 vars. of most kinds)

April 6th Taken out of salt - dryed on blotting Paper put for 2 hours in fresh water & then planted in glasses.

Ap 6 Radish water smelt offensively & came from

- Onion water smelt like onion

- Cress smelt like Radishes (emitted a sort of mucus making seeds cohere

- Celery smelt water with it alone

Planted them at 12 oclock Ap 6th

Ap 7th 9° A.m. just perceived Cress germinate

Cress Ap 7. 3 P.m. several seeds germinated well

Cabbage Ap 9th A.m. 1 Plant. / 11th I perceive two others. / 1 other /

Radishes Ap 8th 8 Am. excellently

Onions Ap 9th 9 A.m. excellently

Carrots Ap. 10th 2 plants excellently

Lettuces Ap 7th 2 P.m. germ excellently

Celery Ap 12 (one seed) has germinated excellently


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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 16 December, 2022