RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1862.07.29-31. Lythrum salicaria: Long-styled. CUL-DAR27.2.B1-B6. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Lythrum salicaria: Long-styled Hartfield. July 29 62
The six long-stamens are of nearly equal length
The six shorter are graduated so as to be raked. All filaments are bent a little downwards, with their ends bent up into gangway. The pistil is also deflexed but end not much upturned; lies in line of lower side of calyx. Nectar secreted all round base of germen; but the opening is on upper side of flower.— Corolla a little irregular, with the upper petals thinner.
Pollen in water of the two anthers nearly the same spherico-triangular with 3 papillæ— diameter without papillæ 7-8/7000, with papillæ about 9/7000 transversely in narrowish diameter about 7/7000. If any difference pollen of short anther are largest & more triangular; there were many more grains in this latter pollen which did not expand in water.
The stigma projects so much cd hardly be fertilised withot insects:— Projects out of Bud!
(suppose we knew that 2 workers & common ants were all bred from same parents & yet these 3 kinds paired with their own males in same communing 3 different communities, with the males intercrossing & all equally produced the 3 kinds of males & females: then we shd have the astonishing case of Lythrum.)
(Perhaps it will prove no difference in fertility only mechanical arrangement of position to favour intercrossing.)
(Pollen of upper & lower anther mature at same period.)
Lythrum salicaria July 30 62
Short Mid-styled from Kew.
(Measured with middle eye piece)
Longer stamens, with green pollen more or light dark; length of pollen-grain dry about 12/7000 of inch breadth length & 7-8/breadth; after water spherical with papillæ 12/7000 in diameter.
Shorter stamens with yellow pollen; dry length 8-9/7000 long 5-5 1/2 /7000 in breadth; wet 8-9/7000 in diameter.—
The 3 filaments of longer stamen on lower side of flower are straight & as long as half petals & bright pink; they are pale & contorted & a little flattened just where joined to anther. The 3 other stamens of this upper whorl, have their filaments flattened elbowed & contorted in wonderful manner, so that they remain in tube of corolla; the
Short-styled Kew
filament in middle, where elbowed are deeply furrowed & this furrow seems to receive & include yellow pollen from shorter stamens.
In the 6 stamens of lower whorl, there is slight analogous difference: those on lower side of flower having straight filaments, which consequently rise higher
The stamen of green & yellow anthers alternate.
As above in 5 flowers examined.
(But one flower had 3 lower stamens of upper whorl coudéé like the upper 3 ought to be; & it had several stamens brown & withered, & this makes me suspect whole above structure may be monstrous.—)
From examining another flower I have hardly doubt all six stamens of upper whorl ought to project freely.
I begin to doubt whether this form differs from mid-styled of N. Wales.— /over
Style 1/2 as long as of "Hartfield long-styled", stig bent close to stigma at right angles so that top of stigma faces gangway & whole declined to lower side of flower. The Hartfield long-styled is straight. The surface of stigma rather rougher owing to the papillæ being a little longer than in Hartfield long-styled.— In a N. Wales mid-styled the stigma was smoother than in the long or short-styled forms!!
Lythrum salicaria
July 30
Long-styled Hartfield.— Pollen dry of long-stamens 8-9/7000 in length & 4-5/7000 broad. (Middle eye-piece: more bad grain in the lot.
[in margin:] Look again
Short-stamens 7-8/7000 & 4-5/7000 broad. I I shd not dare trust these measurement with my mean of measurement; but on putting two heaps close together with 2/3 glass the grain of long-stamen certainly were seen to be larger.— I then compared by two adjoining heaps under 2/3 object glass. The pollen of longer stamens of long-styled with shorter stamens of Kew short-styled, on account of difference on breadth by micrometer, & the result was
July 31. Table of pollen. (Dry)
[table not transcribed]
These must be compared in Heaps under same glass
These when compared in 2 adjoining Heaps were [sketch?] duly different
alternation of longer & shorter a trace longer, not having strictly corresponding} When I sum up about 36 Stamens
long-styled differ in pollen. fl sh often shown by their smaller [illeg]
apply only to structure
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 21 December, 2022