RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1862].08.23-28. Examined 6 flowers of short-styled. CUL-DAR27.2.B10-B12. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2022. RN1
NOTE: Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Aug 23d. Southampton — Examined 6 flowers of short-styled all had pistil bent, some at completely right-angle; some only a little. The lower anthers are often slightly graduated & the upper green ones; at other time quite equal in length, so that this point also variable.— Colour of upper green anthers certainly variable in darkness; quite pale greenish yellow in one specimen.— I may say that longer stamens sub-equal in length, slightly graduated.— Longest stigma roughest — & gradation with marked exception
The length of papillæ on stigma variable; I have seen great difference in state of that of mid-styled— I think generally that of long-styled, which seem always to have biggest stigma, has longest papillæ— but I compared one mid- & long-styled equally rough— Though 3 forms exist they are all in a far more fluctuating state than in Primula; so I believe is pollen.— (over)
They are just in that state that natural selection could do much, if profitable —
Colour, size of pollen-grains — rough gradation of length of stamen — bending of pistil & roughness of stigma.—
I have been examining some 6 Hive-Bees caught sucking; 4 had been pollen-collectors, & 2 of them seemed to have collected only yellow & 2 only green pollen!!! The a yellow & green pollen seem dusted all over body & forehead; but I think on chin under proboscis only yellow pollen, no doubt from short stamens. The pollen so disturbed by catching Bees, hard to say; but I think it stands to reason, must adhere to different parts of body. —
pollen of sh. st. of long-styled longer than of sh st of mid-styled??
Aug. 26th— Southampton— Watched Lythrum saw many Hive-B — many Rhingya & Syrphidae & 1 Humble. It was clear that long stigma & corresponding anthers struck body between 2 hinder pairs of legs— Stigma of mid-styled on under side of thorax & front legs —
Stigma of short-styled must rub against proboscis itself & perhaps chin; The Bees drove front of head into calyx.—
Most of Bees were sucking.
[in margin:] Variability
I examined 5 more Bees; plenty of green pollen on inner side of 2 hinder pairs; not so much yellow, as I shd have expected between front legs, still some had much — I must leave case vague.—
These bees were all sucking, but 3 of them had also collected pollen; & apparently all green; but under microscope the grains were unequal— Probably greater length of green in the 2 forms would account for collecting that in preference — yet odd how completely yellow the pollen was on 2 of Bees collected yesterday.—
Aug 27th It is all nonsense about pollen-gatherers, for I find pollen from other plants — now that 2 Bees are dry, I can see plainly green pollen, betwen 2 pairs of hinder legs & on legs themselves, & plenty of yellow between two front legs, & yellow pollen on hairs on each side of depression where proboscis is lodged, which no doubt come from the short stamens
Aug 28. William by drawing could not show that pollen of long st. of long-styled was larger than pollen of short-stamen — but on comparing dry & wet & dry again we all agreed that if there was any difference, (which seemed to me the case,) then that pollen of longer stamens was a shade larger, as I concluded at Down & as William found to be the case formerly —
Certainly pollen of corresponding heights of all 3 are same size — I have now compared, (without knowing which was which) pollen of shorter sta of short-styled with that of shorter stamen of mid-styled, & as ought to be, if there was any difference the former was largest. So say subject to some variability. I almost invariably concluded that middle stamen had larger largest pollen than that of 2 sets of shortest stamen —
[in margin:] I have looked at another long-styled showed no difference in pollen of the 2 sets of anthers.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 23 December, 2022