RECORD: Darwin, C. R. and Syms Covington. 1832-1836. [Catalogue of Beagle] Shells. CUL-DAR29.3.4-8. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2020, 2024. RN5
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with the permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Includes annelids, barnacles, bivalves, corals and gastropods. See Richard Keynes, ed. 2000. Charles Darwin's zoology notes & specimen lists from H.M.S. Beagle. (F1840)
1832 Jan.y Shells
1. Spirula Peronii 6th of Jan.y off Santa Cruz. Stomach of Larus fuscus.
7. Atlanta peronii (Lesueur Dir; Sc) judging from shell only; differs from figure in Blainville.
Blainville gives the Insect produced; by having more [heel]; and the oblique markings not so strong; taken in plenty Lat. 21º 1/2. Jan.y 11th also some in spirits. A (1)
[See Blainville here: A740]
8. Atlantic Keraudrenii (Dir. Sc) from the animal Lat. 19: Jan.y 13th
9. Creseis (Rang) in profusion. Lat 21.2 Jan.y 11th. Length 35 near the acute point at slight contraction, with high power transverse sands were visible.
10. Creseis Agrice rotundo. Lat. 19. Jan.y V. P. 3.
80. Serpula. Quail Island
63. Univalve shells (chiefly). Quail Island
94. Shells from Quail Island, interesting to be compared with those found in the upraised shore.
95. Do.
138. Limnoea; turreted Limnea; Physa in profusion; Planorbis. In a little pool Jan.y 26th in the valley of St Martin, W. of Praya.
193. Shells
306. Bulimus, roots of trees Fernando Noronha. Feb.
307. Murex Bucinum. Mytilus Arca Turribella &c &c. St. Jago Feb.
350. Three species of land shells the smallest in a Parasitical Orchis. Feb. St Jago
385. Atlanta March Bahia.
393. Coronula. Abrolhos.
394. Balanidæ. Do. in Corals. Shells &c Bahia.
412. Phasianellas (?) Abrolhos. March 29th
435. Lymnoea (?) V. 36 (a) April. Rio de. Janeiro.
(a) I found great numbers of a species of Limnoea adhering to aquatic plants, in a lake situated between Mandetiba and Lagoa Aramama (?)! The water was then fresh,- the inhabitants affirmed that periodically once a year it became salt and sometimes oftener. – The period most probably is whilst the SW winds prevail; Is not this fact curious; that fresh water shells, should survive an inundation of salt water? In the neighbouring lagoons, Balaria were adhering to the rocks.
1832. Shells Rio de Janeiro
436. 2 species fresh water shells, Campos Novos Rio de Janeiro. April.
452 (a)
481. Helix. Animal narrow reticulate with lines all over body; colour brownish "Lavender purple" with snow white dorsal streak. Superior feeler stout conical, terminated by a ball, carrying the eye. Eggs, white; 24 inches, diameter; Shell effervesces with acids; body when extended, 3 inches long. Rio de Janeiro: May.
601. Ampullaria. fresh water, and land shells. June. Do.
616. Land Shells. Do. Do.
617. Water. Do. Do. Do.
619. Marine. Shells and Turbo (Linnae). This small Turbo in the greatest numbers in the Lagoa, where the water is not quite so salt as in the sea. June. Rio de Janeiro.
689. Fresh water shells. Turbo on stones in running brook. The spiral univalve is closely allied to a Turbo taken at Rat Island: was found on same site as Bivalve (323 Spirits) M. Video. Aug.
690. Floating in the open Atlantic.
824. 825. Shells living on the sand banks. Bahia Blanco. Octobr.
826. 827. Shells and corals, on back for comparing with those at Punta alta (811. 813) V. geological notes Do. Do.
856. Shells. Rat Island.
857. Fresh water Shells.
859. Land Shells. M. Video.
879. Succinea. common in wooded hills and in Navarin Island, feeding on plants close to water. December 20th – Good Success Bay.
886. Ampullaria, very abundant in marshes near Rio Plata. Buenos Ayres.
887. Its eggs, colour "scarlet red" on rushes few inches above the water. in vast numbers, so as to appear pretty.
(a) Ceratophis. My specimen inhabited the dark and moist forest round Lacêgo. Its habits were those of an English toad than a Frog. All its motions, slow and feeble; proceeded by short jump – Colours in the spirits have become rather fainter. – Iris bright copper colour.
(a) Helix. Body 1 & 1/2 inches long. Colour "kings yellow"; neck long, cylindrical, marked with longitudinal furrows which become reticulated on the sides; tentacula orange colour, bearing eyes at extremities, finely and regularly reticulater; anterior pair about 1/5 in length of posterior; beneath these are angular projections forming sides of the mouth. – Mouth when protruded and closed three folded (Y). – Foot and tail paler, the latter, broad rather pointed. – Inhabits thick woods on the hills.
1832. Shells.
905. Marine shells, Good Success Bay. Decemr.
915. Helix, very summit of Katers peak. Do.
929. Marine shells, Good Success Bay. Jan.y 1833.
973. Marine shells, adhering to the kelp and stones about the roots. Goree Sound. Jan.y
1004. Helix, under stones, summit of mountains. Hardy Peninsula. Feb.
1069. Marine Shells. Wollaston Island, and Good Success Bay; the Balanus with crenated suturies coats all the rocks at low water. March.
1070. Marine Shells. Good Success Bay. Do.
1142. Cellaria, on the beach; Halimeda; Serpula. Tierra del Fuego
1149. 1150. Marine Testacea/ E. Falkland Island. March
1174. Marine Shells Do. Do.
1179. Do. Do. Do. Do.
1313. Shells from a fresh water lake, now having become brackish, by inroad of sea. June
1315. Fresh water Shells. Maldonado. June.
1317. Do. Do. Do.
1319. Land Shells. Do.
1333. Fresh water shells from the banks of Rio Negro. Patagonia.
1339. Ampullaria and Helix very common. Maldonado
1343. Pecten. Bay of St Josepth animals were in them; Interesting to compare with those found in the cliffs.
1347. Ampullaria. Helix, same specimen by mistake as (1339).
1377. Paletta (?) Falkland Islands.
1389. Land shells. Guritti Island. The largest specimen. (Helix?) inhabits in great numbers the sand dunes.
1833. July. Shells.
1398. Shells, fresh water pools, Guitti Animals coloured in bands black and yellow. July.
1412. Fresh water shells, found dead on banks of the Panama.
1474. Shells, sold in the market at Buenos Ayres for Spoons.
1494. Fresh water shells, very abundant on banks of rapid brook. Rio Sauce.
1506. Land shells. Bajada.
1514. Land shells, in the most extraordinary numbers in the plain of N. of. B. Blanco.
1591. Pecten. Port St. Antonio.
1707. 1708. The commonest shells now existing on the rocks. Jan.y 1834. Port Desire.
1718. Small bivalves, under smooth round stones; on mud, in little pools near high water.
Jan.y. Port St. Julian.
1759. Shells adhering to corallines &c &c Lat: 40º. 56'. 19 Fathoms. 5 miles from shore.
1761. 1762. Balanus and its valves. Habits same as (1759).
1763. Solen. Port St Julian. Jan.y.
1775. Shells. Port Desire and St Julian. Do.
1844. Shells. (some of them old) Feb. Port Famine.
1878. Pecten. Fucus G. leaves. Ponsonby Sound. March.
1883. Land shells; I do not know where from. I believe M. Video.
1929. Shells Kelp; excepting small thin bivalve on the beach. March. East Falkland Island.
1937. Shells. (chiefly from beach) April. Do.
1938. Balanidae. Growing on old Beech trunk, washed up on beach. in profusion.
Port Famine.
1998. Balanidae. Beagles copper bottom. Santa Cruz inhabitants of these latitudes.
1834. Shells.
2000. Shells, excessively abundant in every streamlet which enters the Santa Cruz, high up Is it not same as found in Rio Negro & Sauce.
2003. Terebratulæ, abundant on large shingle (this appears a common locality for this genus) in 7 Fathoms, where tide runs 3 and 4 knots & in the ebb is brackish! Santa Cruz.
2072. Balanus. 10 to 20 Fathom straits of Magellan. (common) 2073 both remarkable in their habits as belonging to tribes generally found on tidal rocks. NB Large stones from the above depth are oftentimes entirely coated with the Corallina.
2103. Fresh water muscles. July. Chiloe.
2104. the above and various shells. 2 species of simple Patelliform shells: littoral shells as in the Balanus & Nerita; the Patelliform with internal plates on Oysters; all the others on or in soft sandstone in 2 or 3 Fathom. July. Chiloe.
2105. Terebratulæ with internal processes 17 Fathoms back of Chiloe; & a helix from the Forest.
2113. The Succinea and brown Helix on land, the others in fresh water brooks. July. Chiloe.
2217. Septaria, under stones, brook, valley of Cauquenes; high up. Chili –
2309. Fresh water shells. August or Sept Valparaiso.
2310. Marine, tidal shells. Do. Do.
2311. Fresh water. Unio. Do. Do.
2335. Land shells, collected by sweeping bushes. Novemr and Decemr. Archipelago of Chiloe.
2336. Bulimus. Archip? Chiloe.
2337. Fresh water shells Do.
2362. Balanus, adhering to a stick. Do.
2363. Marine shell. Archip Chiloe
2364. Do. same habits and locality with Poronia. (P. 284)-
1834. Shells.
2366. Fresh water shells. Novr and Decr. Archipo Chiloe
2373:74 Main shells,….do…
2389. Land, shell: within forest on hill. Cone Harbour Peninsula de Tres Montes.
2456. Land shells under logs of wood and on Fungi Ynche Island. The smooth one abundant.
2474(a) AD (1835)
2495. Shell of live Concholepas, with cavities of Balanus (V. 305) & a small Pholas which inhabited a thicker part. Chonos archip Jan. 1835
2505. Voluta Lowes Harbour. Do. Do.
2527. Marine shells. Chonos Archip Do.
2532. Do. Do. Do. Do.
2560. Fresh water shells. Valdivia Do.
2594. Venus Concepcion
2842. Land shell Cordilleras of Uspallata.
2843. Do. Valparaiso.
2918. Balanus. Coquimbo. As a chain cable, thus had been only six months under water.
2919. Land shells. Coquimbo.
2920. Do. Do. Concepcion.
2921. Pecten. Coquimbo.
2922. 2923. Marine shells, in the neighbourhood of Coquimbo.
3055. Marine shells, from rocks of Iquique.
3057. Shell. 12 fathom Iquique
3193. Land shells, North part of Chili
3194. Sea shells. Coquimbo.
3202. Shells, (upper layer in box) land: second with Bulla from brackish lagune and a Pholas-formed shell, from within large Coral. I believe a Porites. Callao.
3203. Shells. Island of St Lorenzo. Do.
3367. Land shells, beneath stones. Charles and Chatham Islands. (Galapagos) October.
3368. 3369. Land shells. do. do James Island. Octob.
(a) 2474. Coronula from Whale Chonos. Archipel
1835. and 1836. Shells.
3370. Sea shells tidal rocks. James Islands. Galapagos. Octob.
3371. 3372. Sea shells. do – various islands in the Archipelago. – There is a large Buccinum, with large mouth, mamillated exterior, which emits much milky fluid, which subsequently stains everything a most beautiful purple.— Is the common shell in Islands. Octob: See Ulloas Voyage Galapagos do.
3373. Sea shells. Chatham Island. Octob.
Tahiti: November
3388. Land shells, interior damp mountains under stones: the elongated yellow Succinea on the wild Banana.
3389. Fresh Water shells: although various genera, and from distinct streams, all have the Apices imperfect: I did not find the generality of any species, but what were thus injured - What is the cause? In the same box are four marine shells. I forget whether from the Galapagos or Lima.
Bay of Islands. New Zealand. Decemr.
3414. Marine Shells
3419 Land & fresh water shells Bay of Islands New Zealand
Hobart Town Feb.y 1836
3522. Land shells.
3523. Fresh Water Shells.
3529. 3530. Land shells near Sydney. Jan.y.
3531. Shells, living in a muddy salt water pool, almost separated from the sea. Same locality as the Oyster in Spirits (1356) Sydney. Jan.y
3532. Littoral shells. Hobart Town. Feb.y
King Georges Sound. March.
3559. Bulimus. New Zealand. Decemr. 1835.
3560. Bulimus. (2 species) from calcareous sand, hills at Bald head: and a Physa, fresh water lake. K. Georges Sound.
3562. Natica, taken off tidal rocks. Being kept by
1836 Shells.
accident in some dry paper. in my cabin; I found to my astonishment that 12 days afterwards, that the animal was quite alive.
3563. Marine tidal shells.
Keeling Islands April.
3592. Marine shells.
3597. Marine shells.
Cape of Good Hope, June.
3697 Land shells.
3699. Shell, from the Keeling Islands.
3729. Land shells, the Succinea like shell very common on the bare Volcanic Hills. St. Helena July.
3882 Balamus growing in clusters on the points of sandstone on the reef at Pernambuco Brazil
3915 Oysters Keeling Isld
3916 Ovules of shell. common Trochus?, Falkland Isld
3917 Tubinicella from Wale. (spermaceti). Lat 44˚ 30'
Jan. 1835. Chonos Arch:
3918 Balamus. Wollaston Isld (very abundant)
3919 Mya. dry out of mud bark 6 inches beneath
3920 Bulla. body yellowish. Callao Bay. Lima – Peru
3921 Balanus. 19 Fathoms. 5 miles from the shore.
Lat 48˚: 56' S. Coast of Patagonia
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 2 December, 2024