RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1836]. Mammalia and birds in Spirits of Wine. CUL-DAR29.3.76-77. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2021. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.

Owen, R. 1853. Descriptive catalogue of the osteological series contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England Vol. 2: Mammalia Placentalia. A151

Keynes, Richard ed. 2000. Charles Darwin's zoology notes & specimen lists from H.M.S. Beagle. F1840



1 Numbers with + refer to additional information on the back of page


Mammalia in Spirits of Wine

39. Mouse. Porto Praya. C. de Verds. Europæan? Specific characters

134. Bat: Body above darkish "clove brown", beneath much paler, wings (especially lower parts) dull "velvet black", with an irregular transparent colourless space at extremities: Aspect most hideous: caught by flying into a room at Bahia on the coast of Brazil.

[in margin:] specific characters

375. Tatusia Pichiy. V. account amongst "animals"

403. Dasypus tricinctus. V. do – do –

561 Mouse caught near a wreck on E. Falkland Isd stated to be common throughout Isld – Specific character

587 Young Rad do – do –

659+ Toco Toco (1267) same as – north bank of Plata

678 Head of Mouse (1288)

698. do of do (1287)

699 Cavia Cobaya same as (1266) North Bank of Rio Plata.

700 Mus same as (1289) specific characters

703: 704 + Vespertilio very common in Town of Maldonado

709 + Body of Didelphis (1283)

722 Head of Phocæna V. account St Mathias Bag

978 + Mouse with grooved teeth – St. of Magellan or T. del Fuego side: same with 2032?" also specific gravity.

979 Eyes of Vulpus antarcticus. Falkland Isd

1038 + Didelphis (2204)

1040 + Rat – Dormouse called Degu (2202)

1048 Head of Rat (2312)

1049 + Didelphis same as (1038) See above

1070 + Body of Curuso (2315)

1158 Vespertilio – Chiloe for specific description –

1443 Mouse. south of Concepcion Chile – given me Capt. F.R. for specific description one of a complete pest which overruns whole country

1467 Bat in great numbers in old Lime Kiln. Pernambuco Brazil – for specific description

1476 Mouse from Bahia Blanca Patagonia (Mr Bynoe) for specific description

NB. Numbers in bracket after means, refer to tickets attached to specimen in Zoolog Soc


659 a Burrowing mole – specimen blind, a common occurrence – cannot gnaw wood, are very slow cannot jump any vertical height, stupid, feeds on roots: - noisy uttering strange crys.

703 & 704. For specific character

709 a curious small Didelphis, caught by digging in gardens. – insectivorous.-

978. A very curious animal like a little rabit, - eyes & ears very large. St of Magellan. – Before dissection I am particularly anxious that it shan't be compared with animal numbered 1284 at Zoologic Soc. –

1038 Very common Valparaiso uses its tail but little; - in stomach larvæ of beetles.

1040. Valparaiso same Rat as brought over S [Curing]

1049 same as (1038)

1070 a burrowing rodent mole from mountains of Chile very different from Rodent 659 but allied in habits.-


Numbers with + refer to additional information on the back of Page

Birds &c &c in Spirits of Wine

388 + Scolopax – Perdrix V. account (same as 710 not spirits)

418. Tringa shot out of large flock. Bahia Blanca

508 Trachea of common rock goose. V. account

545 do. do do Steamer do

576: 577 do – of Upland Goose do

620 + Tongue of Picus 1237 [in pencil] 8

630 _ Certhia same as (1228) (with tail) for specific description

650 Parus same (1257) do

701 + Rhyncops same as (1264)

707 Scolopax- Perdrix same as (1224) See above (388)

721 + Furnarius same as (1222)

722 + do same (1260)

728 + Long billed do same (1467)

817 + Trachea (& worms from stomach) Diomedea Exulans St of Magellan

828 + Body of Puffinus (1816)

904 Trachea of Upland Goose

[1]037 + Body of Bird (2174)

[1]039 + Myothera called El Turco Valparaiso see account (2172)

[1]043 + Emberiza with toothed bill called "Rara" V. do Valparaiso

[10]50 + large Trochilus (2179)

[10]52 + Myothera Tapacolo (2173)

[1]157 + Barking Bird – Myothera – Chiloe

309 Habits & structure apparently like a lark but with pointed tail like a Woodpecker. – The form is already known

NB. The numbers in brackets after the name refer to the ticket attached to the specimens at the Zoological Soc.-


388. Inhabits open desert places Patagonia, neighbourhood of La Plata & Chili – Habits whist on the ground, those of Quail, when on the wing, flight cry &c &c a snipe – commonly called short billed snipe – feeds on plants & grasses.-

620. Woodpecker feeds on the ground seldom alights on trees. Maldonado north bank of the Plata

630. Habits those of Sylvia with a little of Certhia: Maldonado

701. for dissection; especially nerves of lower mandible killed at Maldonado La Plata

721. 722. 728. A most singular family in habits slightly analogous to our water wag-tails La Plata & Patagonia

817 – open the bag & take out the worms.

828 Common Petrel in its habits

1037 One of the long legged thrushes which in habits in many respects approaches to the character of gallinaceous birds

1039 Habits nearly same as last

1043 Habits a Bull-finch eats buds of trees

1052, 1157 Habit as above (1037)

1050. Habits not quite resembling those of other Humming Birds.

[In pencil] Autograph of Charles Robert Darwin on? Beagle Specimens

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 30 December, 2024