RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Geological specimens and descriptions. CUL-DAR39.153-157. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2022, 2024. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
37 2901 Compact hard ─ green ─ Feldspathic rock
38 2902 nearly same (2898) grains much coarser, the hard or (quartzose?) I think not ones being much larger & yellow coloured
39 2903 Quite white almost pure Cryst. granular, Carb of Lime
40 2904 {Grey hard compact siliceous stone, with minute quantz of Carb of Lime interstices
41 2905 {Partially granular & compact More compact mixture as before (2903 &c) with angular bits very compact more siliceous ferruginous sorts, which project by weathering in singular manner, & can only just be perceived in fresh fractures
42 906 Pale purplish white friable Feldspar & specks of Hornblende
43 907 {Finest granular siliceous rock (like sandstone), thickly shedded with moist minute specks of mica or Hornblende
44 908 do ─ rather coarser, mica in obscure lines
45 909 {Slate-coloured basis with elongated oblong square, or large Pozednal cryst of glassy Feldspar & [illeg] of green mineral ─ Almost a curious Porphyry
46 2910 Brown Copper Pyrites
47 911 Black Crystals in Quartz
48 2912 {White foliated & glassy feldspar with much pale green imperfect crystals of Hornblende.─ S Greenstone
49: 50: 51: 52 2924 25 26: 27} Shells in Tosca rock
53 2928 Tosca rock
54 929 do whiter not as compact ─ more Calcareous?
55 930 {Coarse mixture of bits of shells, big pebble & oblong hollow cavities of carb of Lime ─ perhaps bits of shells ─ acted only by water singular structure
56 931 Larger irregular Cryst of Hornblende with little white opakish Feldspar
57 932 Hornblende & rather glassy Feldspar ─ confusedly Crystallized
58 2933 do. rather more granular─
59 2934 {Flesh coloured harsh basis, with few large do coloured Cry of Feld & numerous broken Crystals of Hornblende?
60 935 Purplish Feldspathic base, with obscure Cryst of greenish Feldspar
61 936 {Red, fine grained, but not very compact, sedimentary Sandstone deposit with some extraneous particles & particle & balls of Cry. Carb of Lime
[insertion:] These rocks in constellation remind me of those at Incas bridge
62 937 {Small cryst of white Carb of Lime, & red cryst grains of Oxide of Iron? imbedded in bright green moderately hard basis─ almost a granitic granular rock
63 938 do, duller green opake cryst of Lime
64 939 {Brecciated mixture-cemented by Line of bits of red sedimentary & bits of big green soft opake mineral
65 940 mixture, green (paler) mineral & Cab of Lime as (937) interstices filled up with native silver & the muriate of do
66 941 Pale purplish brecciated sedimentary bed, (chief pieces of nearly same nature of some few greenish), crystall particles of C. of Lime
67 942 Harsh─ cream-coloured base, Porph with flesh coloured cry of Feldspar
68 943 Sulp of Barytes parts stained by metals, & containing some ore
69 944 Compact even fract. pale brown-grey Aluminous Limestone with Cryst of C. of Lime
70 945 do – with Fossils Coralls of Carb of Lime
71 946 Black compact smooth conch. fract. calc aluminous clay slaty stone
72 947 Yellowish brown, very fine grained do do Calc smooth soft Hone stone, Dendrite mangan[ese]
73 948 Grey much coarser more calc do
74 949 Ochreous yellow Calc, fine grained do do
75 950 Red Sedimentary bed moderately fine specks of C. of Lime
76 951 Purple, fine grained harder, Calc Sed. stone even fracture
77 952 do do with more calcareous Cryst. Particles
160 3098 Pale green most compact smooth fract pale green Clarkson base, with few obscure Cryst
161 3099 Compact Conch fract pale hard (siliceous) Limestone
162 3100 Dull coloured Limestone with broken Crystal
162 3101 do granular Limestone aluminous
163 3102 Dull hard green, alu species of Hone Stone
164 3103 Soft Calcar. aluminous, rotten stone, pale purple Gypsum veins
165 3104 Green cryst Feldspathic rock
166 3105 do, slate coloured with little micaceous? disseminated mineral
167 3106 Sulp of Copper, Lime with Sulp of Iron, (& Cryst yellow Crystals/ in Ochreous base
3107 The bright yellow Crystals of do─
168 3108 Gypsum & white sil-salt with ferrugin matrix
169 3109 Fine yellow soft ochreous base
3110 ─ Shell from [illeg] Copiapo
170 3111 Compact conch-part semi=crystalline cream-coloured, Porph with few imperfect cryst stone, with little dendrite spots of brown
171 3112 Mass of white crystals of Feldspar with black Crystals
172 113 Brick red base, with numer irregular crystals & patches of Feldspar
173 114 Pale purple Tufa-broken grains of quartz & Crystals
174 115 Very light, pale Lilac Tufa fine grained, straight fracture, sonorous extraneous particles
175 116 Black base, with oblong & square. Cryst of glassy Feldspar
176 7 1118 Dull purplish Brown base abounding with white opake Cry of F
177 8 3119 Dull coloured wihte-crystall mass with fragments almost blended one into other
179 3120 do rather common, (Crystals of Feld appearing on Basis?
(176 3117) Pale purple uneven fracture base some cryst beneath Porphyry imperfect crystals & some extraneous bits ─ Lava
180 3121 Fine grained greenstone
181 122 {Fine grained dark claret, colour semi cryst conch fracture slightly calc (Lava w Sedimentary) I incline to latter, laminated heavy: neither cryst mechanical origin
182 3123 {Bright red, highly cryst Carb of Lime & iron which unites patches of green Feldspathic stone, nodules of Agate
Claystone Base
183 3124 {Debris of coarse granitic rocks, & little pebbles finely cemented together, non calc probably siliceous. N.B. Conglomerate with silicified trees, cement siliceous
184 125 {Pale dull purple base, (patches differently coloured) full of small crysts of opake Feld & black Cryst
185 126 Harsh greenish grey base, with numer[ous] Cryst of White F, specks of Hornblende
127 Terebratula Maricongo Ravine
128 Loadstone near Copiapo
129 Green Crystals? do
130 Muriate of Silver Chanarcillo
131 Silver ore do on green sedimentary basis, like Aquas with red spots
132 Terebratula ─ R Claro - Elgu
133 do Chanarcillo Copiapo
(Salt 1231)
3058 —— 66 — Fossil shells — from Las Amolanas Copiapo
130 3067 — Fine granular — white partially foliated Feldspar speck of mica-Hornblende & chlorite
131 068 — Soft black stone, small black micaceous plates, with little Feldspar (quartz?)
132 069 Dull red, calcareous sandstone
133 3070 Black conch fracture, aluminous Limestone or Calc. Clay-slate
137 3071 Pale green base with large oblong crystals of Feldspar & black crystals
138 3072 Small white Cryst of opake Feld, pale green earthy base
134 3073 Brown Limestone with numerous fragments of shells.
135 3074 Fine grained hard, white (non calc) siliceous sandstone
136 3075 White-Cryst opake quartz Rock — even fracture
139 3076 Black hard-semi conch fracture— Siliceo-calcareous stone
140 077 Colour mottled, uneven fracture particles in crystalline calcareous base
141 078 Compact, dull coloured, even fract base, Porph with few small red Crystals
142 079 Dark Claret purple, irregular Conch fr. compact semi-Cryst stone
143 3080 white semi fl Feldspar with Mica & Chlorite?
144 081 green micaceous Chlorite base, with few Cryst of Feldspar
145 082 Lilac-purple Cryst Feldspathic rock
146 083 Dull black compact Cryst? base with few Red Crystals
147 084 Lilac strong stone, rather earthy fracture
148 085 Dull purple semi-Cryst base, Amygdaloid with opake mineral
149 086 Brown base full of small yellow & red olivine red Crystals
149 50 087 Red, [illeg], earthy fracture, non calc, fine grained, sedimentary deposit
151 088 Compact sandstone, particles cemented in yellow paste non calc minute round pebbles
152 089 Very compact sedime, various coloured particles, greed red or almost blended together
153 3090 Pale red purple, strong base, with crystals of feldspar, little nodules od quarts
154 155 156 3091. 92. 93. 94 — — Black highly silicified wood
157 3095 Red particles cemented together with few Cryst calcar particles sandstone
158 096 do a shade coarser (not so hard or compact)
159 097 Bivalve in pale red, fine grained, calc sandstone
14 2874 yellowish greenish, hard, compact sandy Aluminous fine-grained stone non-Calc — squarish fracture—
15 2875 do — speck of mica — rather coarser grained, slightly laminated non-calc
16 2876 Compact brown — ferruginous Calc — Alumin-siliceo stone
17 877 Crystalline-calc particles & others extraneous Aluminous imbedded in whitish alumin base
18 878 Cavious siliceo-ferruginous Aluminous stone, rather Harder
19 879 Cream-coloured Calc-Aluminous stone (Tosca Rock)
20 880 — greenstone feldspar yellowish unequally distributed
21 881 do. whiter Feldspar partially foliated almost sole chief constituent
22 882 pinkish white foliated Feld — green-Hornblende (& specks of quartz?)
23 883 {apparently vein of cavious Quartz associated with gypsum. Copper Pyrites & thin Aluminous stones.
24 884 Cavious quartzose stone with much bright red oxide of Iron
25 885 same as (2867).—
2886 {— …. 889 — silicified wood — grey-colour: last number with grey & black mottled
26 2890 white quartzose rock with numerous bright green specks of Hornblende minerals
27 891 Same as (2862) without any Cryst of Feldspar.—
28 892 {Purple Claystone Porp-Feldspar small, very numerous irregular opake white crystals
29 893 Base quartz & decomposed Feldspar with Silver ore
30 894 Ferruginous quartzose rock with cannibar
31 895 Grey Hard Crystalline base with Prehnite? do
32 896 Black-green base with numerous elongated Crystals of blackish Feldspar
33 897 granular, mixture of Carb of Lime & silex, threads of latter specks of Hard Iron
34 2898 White granular stone chiefly Carb of Line with little quartz
35 900 Bluish slaty siliceous Slate stones
106 2850 Grey Feld base full of nodules of Quartz agate & much Epidote
107 851 White siliceo cavious base with imbedded grains of Quarts
107 852 do do with ferruginous specks & others of Chlorite
107 853 Grey Siliceo Feldspath base with minutes scales of white mica
Z 854 Green compact siliceo Feldspar base with veins & specks of Quartz
Z 855 Dull green fine grained greenstone
(2) 856 Quartz & Shist? decomposing—
2d 857 Dull green fine grained greenstone, the Hornblende collected into specks
2d 858 do more yellow — — more Feldspar do
1 2859 Compact conch: fr= yellowish grey compact sort with (broken?) Cryst of Feldspar small & pieces of black crystalline rock imbedded edge blending away
2 2860 Grey Feldspathic Cryst rock passing into greenstone
3 861 Green compact Feld base with glassy & common Cry of Feld
4 862 {Very compact purple = red jaspery base contains particles blended together, & perhaps Porp with Feldspar
5 2863 Dark purple conch fract. very compact jaspery rock. Iron Pyrites in threads
5 864 White imperfect foliated Feldspar & syenite = green green much Hornblende
6 865 Micaceous Iron ore
7 866 Cream-coloured semi slightly indurated calcareous argillaceous very soft stone
8 867 — Laminated greenish semi indurated partially Cal. argil stone, even laminæ not thin
9 868 do do — more indurated passing into character of Clay-slate
10 2869 Green-laminated Porcelain Jasper very hard in lines of calc matter containing
11 870 Black very hard; uneven splinty fracts Siliceous-Calcareous stone
12 871 do softer mine calcareous; veins threads of brown calc spar
13 872 do with even fracture
873 {do with obscure small patches of substance like imperfect Pitchstone.
100 2975 Dull purple, compact base, with some lime & elongated & square crystals of Reddish mineral, not very hard (??) Decidedly Porphyritic— I think Basis Crystalline
101 — Lost
102 2976 Pale green Feldspathic rock, containing imperfect Crystal
2977: 78 Shells — silicified R. Claro.
2979 {a Quartz Vein which has traversed Limestone with Orthaccals Cordillera of Coquimbo
2980 Nature subru in Sulp of Barytes, containing much mercury M. Arqueros
inver {2982 2981 Nature Copper produced by something the sulphates imperfectly form like the nature melats — Ne
Nature Copper from near Guasco—
103 2983 Foliated (not very perfectly F) feldspar & green Hornblende G. S.
104 2984 Greenstones
105 985 White, laminated aluminous (siliceo?) Limestone. (impure)
106 986 do, darker coloured, mine Crystalline structure
107 987 Black, laminated Calcareous compact coarse. clay-slate crus
108 988 Hard, compact pale green fine grained non calc sedimentary
109 989 Do. coarser purple, different sort of particles visible grains of C. of Lime
110 990 {Compact dirty green — Conch fracture [illeg] fine grained Calcaire sedimentary altered & blended together
111 991 Siliceo-Ferruginous rock apparently particles blended together
112 992 Semi-indurated Ferruginous — Aluminous stone (soft) dendritic many
113 993 Quite white more indurated Aluminous stone
114 994 Carb of Lime, with Ferruginous matter & (Carb of Iron?)
115 995 Mottled porph green & purple, compact, hard fine sedimentary bed – non Calcareous
78 2953 {Pale green jaspery rock containing irregular larger of the black siliceous rock like Pitchstone.─
78 2954 Brown cavious Calcareous stone
80 2955 Siliceous stone with some Calc. & gypsum?? External form like Tree?? green?
81 2956 Calcareous aluminous fine grained, not hard, sediment ruby fracture
82 2957 somewhat similar with small pebbles & breccia white base with specks of green mineral grains of quartz
83 958 (Basis Feldpathic Crystalline??
84 959— Pale green, compact aluminous hard stone
85 960 Conglomerate, no calc. soft, Volcanic? particles with pebbles
86 lost ß
87 961 Finely Crystalline green Feldspathic rock
88 962 Compact Conch. fract, Slate coloured Base with elongated Cry of glassy Feldspar
88 963 Imperfectly foliated almost compact Feld, & green S. greenstone Hornblende, specks
89 964 Fine white hard sandstone, (palets of Quartz) united by white calcareous [illeg]
90 965 Light brown very compact Aluminous Limestone
91 966 Red very compact: Conch fract imperfect: Calcereo Jaspery Hard, Sediment rock
92 967 Greenstone base, with glassy cryst of feldspar
93 968 Red, moderately fine grained sandstone, scales of Mica, broken cryst
94 969 Paler purple, much harder & compact particles much more closely united
95 970 Coarse pale purplish Sandstone little quartz pebbles. Calcareous cement
96 971 {nearly white, very hard, blended together, Cryst of Carb of Lime have made their appearance
97 972 Round pebbles of white quartz in a white Arenacea, Calcareous base
98 973 {Dull green, sediment made of minute particles closely united together comp hard not very fine grained
99 974 Dull red calc, sedim almost Crystalline from Carb of Lime, few extraneous particles I suppose base Crystalline??
lll M Monoros
116 2996 {Dull red Basis, apparently Porph with some elongated Cryst of Feldspar very amyydaloid cavities all lined with green containing white Cryst Carb of Lime & green yellowish mineral
117 997 {Brown confined base with various confined minerals I suppose crystalline
118 998 {Reddish brown confined fine grained Crystalline mass I believe some of glassy feldspar
119 2999 Pale purple hard Conch fract base, Cryst structure non sediment not visible
120 3000 ─ do with scattered Crystals of yellow & green Feldspar
X 3001...3011 Various Porphyries
121 3012 {White hard Aluminous stone with small pebbles like Feldspar Crystal ─ scales of Mica.─ Can be scratched by knife
122 3013 {pale brown purple: Conch particles Feldspath with irregular Cryst of Feldspar
123 014 Aluminous gypsum impure cavious
124 015 do & stalactiformis Cab of Lime─ Layers dull colour from various coloured minute even sized particles
125 016 Compact, hard, even fracture blended sedimentary? Calcareous
126 017 do still fine grained approach to Clay-slate
127 018 Brown compact almost conch fractures Calcareous, bits I think obscure of aggregated
128 019 Crystalline Brown spar not very small ─ & partly rounded
129 3020 {Compact hard semi-conch fracture. Breccia of Porphyry grains of Carb of Lime
fragment [3021]
fragment [3022]
silver vein Laminated together [3023-3024]
Laminated alternating with ferruginous saline beds & Calc. [illeg] White-beds ─ [3025]
together concretions [3027-3036]
3041{Pale, dull purple crystalline Feldspathic? rock─ slightly Laminated
3021 {Greenest ─ Calc hard semi conch frac very compact layer of drift hardness ─ porcelain or jaspery rock
3022 White Cryst siliceo-Calcareo rock
3023 {Pale yellowish green sedimentary fine grained─ & Calcareous rock water lines
3024 do more compact, more Calcareous
3025 Jet-black. Calcareo─ compact Clay slate
3026 ─ Brownish granular greenstone
3027 3028} Yellowish green layers of Salt & sandy ─ aluminous matter ─
3029 ─ Pale purple calcareous, free grained, aluminous Sandstone, or Limestone
3030 Dark red ─ brown (non Calcareous). Sandstone, fine grained
3031; 32 ─ Pale brown slight Calc. Sandstone (like Copiapo).─
3033 Laminated Sandstone ─ non Calcereo ─
3034 Pale black Limestone
3035 Black sedimentary small brecciated substance, marks of shells & one small one
3036 {Dark brown─ Conch, fract. ─ specks of quartz, Calcar base? like a Volcanic rock
3037 very pale purple aluminous laminated Limestone
3038-39, 40.─ 3 shells ─ silver mine from above rock─
3042 {Thinly laminated-greenish Aluminous stone like Copiapò with dendrite transparent & veins of earthy gypsum: above a red sandstone (apparently with salt
3043 Covered by Lava, little white zalospa & green specks
3044 wood, dry from beneath Earth slightly altered
3045 3046 Hard, even fract. non Calc: non brecciated porcelain rock vein & patches snow white, surface furrowed, coated with white pubescentsubstance
3047 ─ white pubescent substance containing above concretion called Tisa
3048 ─ do less pure ─
3049 Cavious, breccia Gypsum? non calc-Aluminous stone
3050-3051 ─ Salt ─ Alluvial covering ─ hard ─ opake mixed with red ─
3052 ─ Earth with ammoniac
3053 ─ Indissolvable layers from Pioajue & Cuesta of [illeg]
3054 Nitrate of Soda (same 1227 Tin label)
Chili ─ Mendoza ─ Copiapo ─ (1835)
Imperfect draining
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 2 November, 2024