RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1844.11.20]. Abstract of Meyen, Reise um die Erde, etc. CUL-DAR39.179. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2022. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Darwin, C. R. Books to be read / Books Read' notebook. CUL-DAR119.- "Meyens Reisen in Chile (skimmed)" Meyen, Franz Julius Ferdinand. 1834-5. Reise um die Erde ausgeführt auf dem Königlich Preussischen Seehandlungs-Schiffe Prinzess Louise, commandirt von Capitan W. Wendt, in den Jahren 1830, 1831 und 1832. 3 vols. (vol. 1, bk 2: 'Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen über Chile'. Berlin.
Meyen Reise um Erde T. I.
Geology of Chile
Chapter (extracted.)
p. 297. Valley of Tinguirica. — porphyry greenstone-porphyry
p. 304. Syenite-Porphyry & porphoritic conglomerate
p. 307 Monte Sillo in same valley, consists of red Trachytic conglomerate.
p. 316. description (which consult/ in note*, of all the greenstone Porphyries which they passed in according M. Impossible. (who is R. who describes them.)
[South America, etc., p. 172: "M. Rose has described an amygdaloid, brought by Dr. Meyen (Reise um Erde, Th. 1. s. 316), from Chile, as consisting of crystallized quartz, with crystals of stilbite within, and lined externally by green earth."]
p. 317 Summit of M. Impossible green-grey porphyry with cryst of Hornblende.—
Ch. VI.
p. 326. Valley of Maypu, near north strata run N.N.W.
p. 330 336 } Heights of Casucha, Mendoza, Cordillera, & distances between points — of Cordova Tucuman &c
p 336 Tollo in valley of Maypu. (before splitting of Yezo & volcan, estimated 2000 ft above St. Jago plain
p. 338 great hill of Pumice near Tollo, (3 leagues from Tollo river make great beds) they crossed it, chiefly ashes.— Above the Ingenio de San Pedro nolaco — found on opposite sides syenite & many interstices trachyte with mica — Spanish Chart Karte von La Cruz very accurate of the Maypu
[South America, p. 177: "Near the junction of the R. Colorado with the main stream, there is a hill of whitish, brecciated, partially decomposed feldspathic porphyry, having a volcanic aspect but not being really of that nature: at Tolla, however, in this valley, Dr. Meyen* met with a hill of pumice containing mica. At the junction of the Yeso and Volcan [D] there is an extensive mass, in white conical hillocks, of andesite, containing some mica, and passing either into andesitic granite, or into a spotted, semi-granular mixture of albitic (?) feldspar and hornblende: in the midst of this formation Dr. Meyen found true trachyte.
* Reise um Erde, Th. 1. ss. 338, 341."]
p 342 Height (from Cactus) when Yezo & Volcan united 4500 to 5000
p. 345 much greenstone porphyry
p 346 Higher up hills of dark porphyry & alpen-kualk of blue-black colour, with Belennite cucullæa, Exogyra ammonite.
p 355 Close to volcano, Zechstein, with much gypsum — hill 600 ft high of it & blue grey limestone with ammonites biplex — the volcano trachytic with column of do — fragments of trachyte with porphyry fragments
p 362 Springs of Colina not of Trachytic hill
364 Here also same syenite, which occurs in Maypu & Tinguirica, in high hills, above the greenstone─ porphyry.─
p 378 392 describes photonic rock near Copiapo coast not greenstone, might be worth looking to such description ─ 400 to 500 ft high ─ andesite albite imperfect [illeg] talc
p 394 Detailed account of the great mass of Sulph of Iron, with other mineral, near Punto Negro in valley of Copiapo ─ consists of Sulphate of iron in two forms, sulp of ammonia & sulph of copper.
p 399 occurs in fine-grained green jasper: which overlies the syenite of Copiapo
[in margin:] Roses description
p 400 grey limestone alludes to jasper again paler & grey alternating, fine-grained greenstone conglomerate with albite crystalls─
p 401{grey-black wacke, with some line ─ then greenstone Porphyry conglomerate ─ then greenstone=porphyry with long crystal of albite & small ones probably of hornblende
(albite in all the Porphyries)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 4 January, 2025