RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Geological specimens numbered 938-964, with descriptions. CUL-DAR39.94. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 9.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
975 — Feldspathic rock n of Orange Bay)
a b c} 0 varieties of Slate
E 938 Amphibolic rock Hornblende in long log crystals- somehow nearly 3 inch white feldspar & green [illeg] mineral
F 939 Same Hornblende & feldspar in smaller crystals
G 940 Finer grained greenstone hornbl light crystal
H 941 Slate semi-sown hard — reddish to be somewhat [word excised?] scale of mica
K 942 fine grained compact dark blue grey slate — slightly conchoidal fracture small pigments speck of Pyrites
L 943 Greenstone in Hornbl in lighter cry
M 944 Feldspathic rock / easily fusible bluest gres with specks of pyrites angular cleavage irregular fracture — Consider spec. gravity
N 945 Feldspathic rock with small crystal of do — pale greenish grey.— speck of mica pyrites & angular frag bits of slate (same as 942 / easily fusible in pale glass with black specks, slightly slaty fracture
O — same as in (942)
P 946 Same as 945 mica of slate much larger & are [illeg] apparent [illeg] in smaller pieces edges of slate blended with Feldspathic all the rock describe as greenish [illeg] as same as this except
Q 947 in white feldspar in large crystals & rock although more crystalline & paler coloured—
948 Slate divided into laminæ — & much ferruginous matter
R — same as (945)
S 949 Eunili [illeg] cryst small beds layer of quartz & layer of quartz — melts easily
950 do passing into [illeg] feldspar discernable layers of mica
T — ? ?
V 951 Chlorite greenish micaceous slate where individual constitution are lost — The spec from where the mica slate format common
W 952 Mica slate curved layer of quartz separate scale of Mica — described garnets
X 953 Greenish almost composed of mineral acicular crystal of Hornblende; melting cause black glass with bubbling—
Y — same as (949)
Z 954 Micaceous slate in which Mica (or Fels?) envelope the quartz with pale uniform glassy coat
955 Greenish fine grained Hornblende slate-Hornblende in acicular [illeg] crystals
956 Granite — Quartz large crystal — Feldspar dead white mica not abound — dark green.
957 Granitic rock – constituents very irregular qu feldspar rath but little crystals – little mica green mineral
958 Hornblende slate
959 Imperfect gneiss — Mica not developed
960 Granitic-mica-black, with Hornblende feldspar white-crystal not large—
961 Hornblendic-slate fine grained
962 Syenite — small grained, hornble not more crystallize
963 Syenite – (hornbl same as do) Feldspar largest crystal – quartz sparing
964 Slate (roofing) with most minute specks of pyrites
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022