RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [4.1836]. In every case first inclination (blue water) to about 20-30 fathoms. CUL-DAR41.51. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, corrections and editing by John van Wyhe 3.2011. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
In every case first inclination (blue water) to about. 20-30 fathoms, then suddenly incline — (at mean angle of 45°?
from land to 1200 ∠ 36° — from the 20° fathom, 39° — from 270 to do 48° —
At mouth from the 5 fathom sounds to the 550 ft 24° — from the 20 to 550 21°
In the 1200 section 20 fathom 200 3d from shore
In othr or SW section 20 — 100 — — —
The scale of 1. inch mile (∴ sect 9. inch long) two line can barely be ruled so as to be distinguished apart, if head a few feet distant.
Cocos Isd 6 or 7 larger Isd — 23: 24 of all sorts besides with traces
Mem growing points with Cocoa nuts — growing trees
Keeling Isd 1. & 400 yds. without reef 1.300 yds width 1200 yds including reef
reef 100 yds — Blue water broadest on West side; on the northern part of which no reef but sand, & there 400 yds wide. — case like Horsburgh Isd — one single dip of land, opening dead to SE. —
Same struck of reef. Liesk.1 —
Line cut by rocky cliffs
1 William C. Liesk (sometimes spelled Leisk), an English resident on Keeling. See Armstrong 1991.
Keeling Isd little to W of North, 14 miles distant
Cocos Isd
whole opposite side or northern. very imperfect. especially west. part weaker. —
The deeper part of northern basin, which does not dry, 4-6. fathoms. with numerous patches fluish. — & deeper holes
longer axis NNW. 9 & 1/2 miles: shorter 6 & 1/2: —
widest average parts 800 yds — leeward side perhaps broadest
Blue water 200 yds wide: do of hornblende 850 yd — width 6 & 7 fathoms
On East side. 100 yd reef from shore or West. 200 yd. —
On southern end. reef joins on the lagoon
Whole northern end shoal; connected with mouth.
[sketch] form of growing Isld
3 & 4 fathoms at entrance, 9 at anchorage
Reef at SE. houses. from do to outside (which is all outside reef) (550 yd): at houses & near anchorage 500 yd, inlets at anchorage begin to apear 250 yds from outer break.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 January, 2023