RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. The red notebook of Charles Darwin: 14-16. CUL-DAR42.195. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: First transcribed by Sandra Herbert (1980), additions by van Wyhe 2.2011. Text prepared by Christine Chua. 1.2022. RN8
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of Sandra Herbert, The Natural History Museum, English Heritage (Down House Collection) and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR42 contains notes for Darwin's book South America (1846).
Herbert, Sandra. ed. 1980. The red notebook of Charles Darwin. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Historical Series 7 (24 April): 1-164.
Find instances; The whole coast of New Holland shoals much: Dampier remarks on great flats on the NW coast: 8 leagues, from Sydney 90 fathoms La Peyrouse
South of Mocha; 19 miles. 65 Fathoms
Vide facts in Beechey on NW coast of America
off Cape of Good Hope 70 fathoms 20 miles from the shore? Beagle
Coast of Brazil? where not rivers (in my Coral paper)
The gradual shoaling of the water to more than 100 fathoms proves the existence of some moving power Submarine currents
Parallel of St Catherine 18 leagues 70 Fathom
Paranagua 12 - 40
St Sebastian 12 50
Joatingua 5 35
R. de Janeiro SE 18 77
C. Frio 7 60
Soundings about same as last to N. of C. Frio Except at Abrolhos
Bahia 8 200
Morro S. Paulo 9 120
Garcia de Avila 9 124
Itapicuru 9 200
R. Real & Sergipe 10 190
R. San Francisco 10 50
Whole coast to Olinda 9-10 = 30-40
at twice or 18-20 80 120 parallel of Olinda
Shoaler N. of Olinda - a little WNW of C. Rock still shoaler, coast composed of sand dunes. 15 - 15
Does not seem to consider this a very shoal coast
Beyond the 10 or 12 leagues sea deepens suddenly coast of Brazil generally.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022