RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1855].05.22-09.25. Lettuces. CUL-DAR46.2.A44. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR46.2 contains Notes for Natural selection.
1 artichoke-leaved: Cots, & young leaves dark edged with red. May 22d look very distinct young leaves about 2 inches long
June 6' Keep very distinct.
2. London large white Cos. Cots rather large
3. Drumhead or Malta Cabbage
4. White-seeded Brown Bath Cos.— Cots. & young leaves edged with red
5. Black-seeded Brown Bath. Cos. Cots &c. do.
6. Marseilles Cabbage.— Later than others. Cots, young leaves darkish, edged with red.
7. Hardy green Hammersmith Cabb. develops rather quicker — Leaves broad at end, bright green
8. White-seeded Alphange Cos. Later.— Cots. green, young leaves edged with red.
9. Black-seeded green Cos. Cots & young leaves darker green.
10. Black-seeded Alphange Cos. (like No' 8)
May 7th very young plants in general colour very distinct.
May 22d Almost every Kind cd be identified by looks & tint leaves about 1 1/2 - 2 inches long.
June 6th The 3 cabbage lettuces have their inner leaves crumpled & headed a little. Shape of leaves & tints different now
June 18th Plants full grown. I think looked nearly as different when young as now
(Sept. 25. I have saved seed of (6) Marseilles Cabbage & (9) of black-seeded green Cos. to see if crossed. They seeded at same time.)
Lettuces May 7th general colour of young plants different
(2) (3) Drumhead or Malta Cabbage L.
7 Hardy Green Hammersmith Cabb.
6 Marseilles cabb. (came up later than)
10 Black-seeded Alphange Cos L.
8 White seeded Alphange Cos. (came up later)
9 Black seeded green Cos
4 White-seeded brown Bath Cos
5 Black-seeded brown Bath Cos
(2) London large White Cos.
1 Artichoke Leaved Lettuce {Sept. 5 I notice that Br. Cos Bath Lettuce, which is now going to seed, has less branched stalk, & large seed-buds, with reddish Scales
July 20th. Now the plants are running up to flower & seed. There is more difference than ever, yet certainly not selected for same, owing chiefly to difference of smaller leaves on stem.
Aug 11th Same remark more strongly — manner of Branching different & Habitus Flowers similar, except Brown Bath Cos Lettuce which has on involucre & Flower tinge of reddish.—
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 28 August, 2023