RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1855]. In Dr Gray list with localities List of Alpine plants. CUL-DAR46.2.B37. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2022. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR46.2 contains Notes for Natural selection.


In Dr Gray list with localities. List of Alpine plants not found in Arctic Europe.

1 Geum Peckii (Dicot) (= G radiatum). N. Carolina & Virginia

2 Solidago thyrsoides Labrador. L. Canada

3 Arnica mollis Arct. Am.

4 Nabalus nanus Labrador?

5 ─ Boothii do.} species close

6 Vaccinium cæspitosum Arct. Am. Labrador R' M' Oregon

7 Ilex montana Catskill to Carolina. Taconic Mt Massachusetts

8 Castilleja septentrionalis Arct. Am. Oregon.

9 Salix uva-ursi Arct. Am. Labrador

10 Hedysarum (Monocotyledon) boreale R' M'. Arct. Am

11 Platanthera obtusata Arct. Am. Arct. As. X

12 Carex scirpoides Arct. Am. Grœnland. Labrador x

13 — rostrata Arct. Am.

14 Calamagrostis sylvatica. (?) new spec. Arct. Am.

So that 14/59 (13 strictly American & Greenland) not Europe. ie 45/59 common to Arct Europe.— & 46 to Arctic Europe or Arctic Asia

Of these 45, only 5 are not found in Arctic Asia likewise.

viz 1 arenaria Grœnlandica.— Labrador, Greenland Arct Europe

2 Potentilla minima Alps not in Arch Europe or Asia

3 — tridentata — Arct. Am. Greenland. Scotland

4 Gnaphalium supinum Labrador Greenland. Arctic Eur. Alps

Vaccinium cæspitosum Oregon.

Carex scirpoidea

5 Aira atro-purpurea Rocky Mt. Arctic Europe

This shows how much in common Arctic Flora has.— & as far as 4 of the 5, goes it shows passage line by Greenland.—

Species common to White Mountains of U. States & Alps of Europe

1 Viola palustris

2 Silene acaulis

3 Sibbaldia procumbens

4 Potentilla minima

5 Rubus chamæmorus (?)

6 Epilobium alpinum

7 Saxifraga oppositifolia

8 Solidago virga-aurea

9 Gnaphalium supinum

10 Campanula rotundifolia

11 Vaccinium uliginosum

12 Arctostaphylos alpina

13 Loiseleuria procumbens

14 Veronica alpina

15 Euphrasia officinalis

16 Polygonum viviparum

17 Oxyria digyna

18 Empetrum nigrum

19 Betula nana

20 Salix repens

21 — herbacea

22 Luzula spicata

23 Juncus trifidus

24 Scirpus cæspitosus

25 Carex capitata

26 — rigida

27 — atrata

28 — capillaris

29 Phleum alpinum

30 Calamagrostis sylvatica (?)

31 Poa laxa

32 Festuca oraria

33 Hierochloe alpina



(Very interesting to see how many of the T. del Fuego species which are fd in are found in United States) —

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 28 August, 2023