RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Asa Gray's Botany of the N. United States 1848. CUL-DAR46.2.B8-B11. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2022. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR46.2 contains Notes for Natural selection.
Asa Gray. 1848. Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States, from New England to Wisconsin and South to Ohio and Pennsylvania Inclusive. Boston & Cambridge: Munroe.
Asa Gray's Botany of the N. United States 1848.
(B) means inserted in London Catalogue of Plants
This is same list as that on ruled Paper sent to A. Gray.
p 16 Cimicifuga Americana High mountains of Pennsylvania & southwards. (?)
p 20 Berberis Canadensis mountains of Virginia. & I imagine from name in Canada.
p 33 Cardamine bellidifolia summit of White Mountain N. Hampshire
p 45 Viola palustris B do.—
46 ― hastata mountains of Penn. & southward
57 Silene acaulis B Alpine summits of White M.
p 60 Arenaria Groenlandica. Swawargunk & White-face Mountains, New York, Green Mountains White M.
p 65. Paronychia argyrocoma W. Mountains.— Alleghenies from Virginia southward.
p 119 Alchemilla alpina B White Mountain, Green M. Pensyl (?)
― Sibbaldia procumbens B White M.
― Dryas integrifolia W. M. do (?)
p 121 Geum Peckii Alpine summit of White Mt
p 122 Potentilla minima do do
p 123 ― tridentata Catskill Mts; level of sea Maine.
p 125 Rubus Chamæmorus B W. Mountains
[total] 15
p 135 Epilobium alpinum B High Mountains N. Hampshire N. York
p 148 Saxifraga rivularis B Alpine region of M. Washington
p 698 ― oppositifolia B Willoughby M., Vermont
p 697 Hedysarum boreale [do] [do]
p 698 Saxifraga crigoides B [do] [do]
p 210 Solidago virga-aurea B White M. Alpine summits
― ― Thrysoidea wooded side of White Mountains; Green Mt Vermont; Catskill M. New York;
p 236 Gnaphalium supinum B Alpine A. Mt Washington N. Hampshire
p 241 Arnica mollis White M. Mountain of N. Y.
p 249 Nabalus nanus do. Mount Marcy N.Y.
― ― Boothii do Whiteface M. N.Y.
p 255 Campanula rotundifolia B (var) White M.
p 261 Vaccinium caespitosum White M. Alpine Ridge
― ― uliginosum B do. do
Green Mt Vermont Essex Mt N.Y.
p 263 Arctostaphylos alpina White M. alpine region
p 265 Andromeda hypnoides. White M. do
Mount Marcy N.Y.
p 267 Phyllodoce taxifolia White M.
p 269 Rhododendron Lapponicum White M. alpine summit Mount Marcy N.Y.
p 270 Loiseleurea (Azalea) procumbens B do.
[total] 34
p 276 Ilex montana Catskill Mt & along Alleghenies to Carolina
p 309 Veronica alpina B White M. Alp.
p 308 Castilleja septentrionalis Alp White M. Green Mt Vermont
p 309 Euphrasia officinalis B Alp. White M.
p 346 Diapensia lapponica. Alp. White M. Essex M. N.Y.
p 386 Polygonum viviparum B alp. do
p 391 Oxyria digyna do do.
p 409 Empetrum nigrum B alp— sum White M. & of M. of N.Y.
p 423 Betula nana B alp. sum White M. & Essex M.t N.Y.
p 426 Salix phylicifolia B do do
429 ― Uva-noni do Essex N.Y.
436 ― repens do
― ― herbacea B do.
p 469 Platanthera obtusata High Mt. of Hampshire Vermont N. York
p 504 Luzula parviflora. Mountains Maine to N.Y.
505 ― arcuata B Alp. summit White M
― ― spicata B White Mt do
p 508 Juncus trifidus B [do] (Maine) do. Mt. Marcy N.Y.
525 Scirpus cæspitosus B Alp. sum. white of M.t of Maine. New H. N.Y.
538 Carex scirpoides Alp. of White Mts.
― capitata do
546 ― rigida B White Mt Canal's Range Vermont. Mt Maine M. Marcy New York.—
550 ― atrata B alp. White Mts
558 ― capillaris B do & Lake Michigan
560 ― rostrata M of New York & White Mt.—
p 575 Phleum alpinum B Summit of White Mts.
p 582 Calamagustis sylvatica do
595 Poa laxa B Alps. Maine to N.Y. & northward.
599 Festuca ovina B Alp. White Mt. & New England
605. Aira atro-purpurea Alp. White Mt & New York
608 Hierochloa alpina Alp. Mt New England & N.Y.
65 Alpine Plants (A Gray has struck out some of these 65)
How the Rosaceæ & Ericaceæ prevail 7 of each (7/65) = 1/9 I do not know how that list counted. It shows that certain families can exist best when driven up mountains. Now only 5 Rosaceæ.
(B means British in London Catalogue)
According to letter 6 of the 65 to be erased, two erroneous & 4 not alpine. Therefore number of alpine is 59.
Alpine Plants ✓ Alpine Plants Exclusively I do not think wanted again
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 28 August, 2023