RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1826. Dr. Duncan's Materia Medica. CUL-DAR5.A24-A27. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 9.2020. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with the permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.




1826                                Dr. Duncan's Mat. Medica.

Aconitum Napellus


Aconiti folia. Aconitum Polyandi Trygi [Polyandria Trigynia]. Ranunculaceae Ju [Jussieu]

Common blue monk's-hood or Wolfs Bane 4 herba.

Acts on the [sensibility] narcotic, use in Sciatica & Venereal nodes.

Dose from gr. j to v. –

Grown with Decided success in one case by Dr. Duncan, but a relapse

not uncommonly occurs.

Hellelor[ous] Niger

Hellebori nigri radix. Helleborus niger. Polyand.

Polygin. Ranunculaceae Ju. ђ.

Use in large doses gr x to Эj; cathartic from gr ij to iij. diuretic emmenagoue allso used in

Mania & Dropsy.

Althæa officinalis

Althæa folia et radix Althæa officinalis monadelph[ous] Polyandi Naliacea Ju marsh mallow 4 herba.

Use emollient demulcent given in pulmonary intestinal & Rad Ju affections also used for clysters & gargles




Quassia lignum

Quassia excelsa. Decand[ria] Quassia excelsa

Monogynia, Magnolia Ju Jamaica ђ

Very bitter, tonic, stomachic, given in intermittent & bilious fevers, gout, dispepsy,

dose gr v to Эss: better when given in an infusion of Эss in Ag. Fen oss – which if Эj to Э ID is to be given twice or thrice a day.

Guaiaci resina et lignum      

Guaiacum Guaiacum Officinale ђ

The wood is of a yellow resinous colour of a pleasant smell but the resin is the most useful, it is prepared by putting pieces of the wood, bored on the middle in the fire & collecting the resin as it flows out, it produces warmth in the stomach, accelerates the circulation & is diaphoretic from gr x to xxx if the patient be kept warmed bit if ex=    




posed to the free air is diuretic!

from gr xxv to Эllj is purgative, -

much used in rheumatism & gout in the foul ulcers & thickening of the enlargements & persistence from the venereal diseases in the East it was held as specific & lastly in cutaneous diseases, it is given in this form

fx Sub. Ligri Guaiac Эllj

[4 words illeg] Эlj

Rad. [Radix] Lauri Sassafras cor[tex]

Rad. Glycia [2 words illeg] Эj

Aqua OX

Boil the Guaiacum & Resins over slow fire to OV adding the roots towards the end.

The stimulant diaphoretic

given in Venereal nodes [&c &c]

Dose oj or oij taken at separate times



Rutæ folia Ruta graveolens. Decand Mono [Decandria Monogynia]

Rue. Rutaceæ Ju 4

Odour strong taste but acrid bitter turns antispasmodic given from gr XD to Эllj

but chiefly used as a clyster for children in convulsion, this plant [illeg] as essential oil.

[in margin:] Ruta graveolens

Bonplandiæ Trifoliatæ cortex. Pent Mon. [Pentandria Monogynia] Rutaceæ

Ju Cortex Angustura Dul Cortex Cuspaseæ

Lond. South America ђ.

Tonic stimulant given in indigestion flatulency diarrhœa & dysentery from gr V to XX or

1Э to lj in infusion or Tinctura

[in margin:] Bonplandiæ Trifoliatæ

Lini Semina Senum Usitatissimi. Pent Pen [Pentandria Pentagynia]

Linaceae Ju Linseed 4 [sketch]

The mucilage resides in the skin & is sep [separated] by infusion.

The seeds are emollient & demulcent used as a pectoral drink in arder Urinæ nephritic pains & during the exhibition of corrosive sublimate.

[in margin:] Senum Usitatissimi




1826                      Dr. Duncan Mat. Med.

Canellæ albæ

Canella cortex Canella alba Dodecad Mon.

Malacca Ju. West Indies ђ

The bark [2 words illeg] of the Epidermis is of yellow colour like cinnamon.

Aromatic stimulant given from gr X to Эgg

[Stalaguis Gambogrades]

Stalagmites [Gambogiordes gummi resina]

Polyand. Mon guttiferæ Ju. [illeg] ђ

There is some doubt whether this is the [true] when Gamboge is procured.

[Persova Decandvillde] name the Garuna Gambogea as [3 words illeg]: it is given as a purgative, & XV gr of it together with = quart of fob is an anthelmintic.

Papaver Somniferum

Papaver Somniferum Opium Polyand. Monogynia

Papaveraceae Ju Turkey [sketch]

Stimulant in small doses in larger narcotic acting through the nerves given to alleviate produce sleep also irritation given diarrhœa dysentery also in [illeg] & all other spasmodic diseases



Doses – Stimulant Given 1/4 to gr. ss Narcotic

effects take place when given few gr j to ID

Myrrha Myrrh an [illeg] from a [autumn] Myrrha tree – Gummi resina

Stimulant expectorant from gr X to Эj generally counter with other medium as aloes [Tinctura]




Materia Med



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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 25 September, 2022