RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1826]. Neill, A list Fishes found in the Frith of Forth, etc. CUL-DAR5.A37-A40. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 12.2021. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.


The following lists are abstracted from

1. "Catalogue of Animals of the Class Vermes, found in the Frith of Forth and other Parts of Scotland" "By Professor Jameson" in Memoirs of the Wernerian natural History Society, Vo I, pp. 556-565 Edinburgh, 1811

2. "A List of Fishes found in the Frith of Forth, and Rivers and Lakes near Edinburgh, with Remarks by P. Neill, F.A.S. and See W.S." in Memoirs of the Wernerian natural History Society, Vo I, pp. 526-555 Edinburgh, 1811

Note by J. H. Ashworth. 26 July. 1935




1 Muræna

1 Anguilla

2 Conger

2 Anarchichas

1 Lupus

3 Ammodykes

1 Tobianus


4 Cyallionymus

1 Lyra

5 Gadus

1 Æglefinus

2 Morhua

3 Luscus

4 Merlangus

5 Carbonarius

6 Pollachius

7 Virens


8 Molva

9 Tricirratus

10 Brosme

6 Blennius

1 Gunnelus

2 Viviparus


7 Gobius

1 Minutus

8 Cottus

1 Cataphractus

2 Scorpius

9 Zeus

1 Faber

2 Luna

10 Pleuronectes

1 Hippoglossus

2 Platessa

3 Flesus

4 Limanda

5 Microcephalus


6 Solea

7 Maximus

8 Rhombus

11 Sparus

1 Raii

12 Labrus

1 Tinca

2 Trimaculatus

13 Perca

1 Fluviatilis

2 Labrax

14 Gasterosteus

1 Aculeatus

2 Spinachia

3 Pungitius

15 Trigla

1 Gurnardus

16 Scomber

1 Scomber


17 Cobitis

1 Barbatula

18 Salmo


1 Salar

2 Trutta

3 Fario

4 Eperlanus

19 Esox

1 Lucius

2 Belone

3 Saurus

20 Atherina

1 Hepsetus

21 Mugil

1 Cephalus

22 Clupea

1 Harengus

2 Pilchardus

3 Sprattus

23 Cyprinus

1 Phoxinus



24 Cephalus

1 Brevis

25 Syngnathus

1 Acus

2 Typhle

3 Ophidion

26 Cyclopterus

1 Lumpus

27 Lophius

1 Piscatorius

28 Acipenser

1 Sturio

29 Squalus

1 Canicula

2 Catulus

3 Mustelus

4 Cornubicus

5 Maximus

6 Acanthias


7 Squatina

30 Raia

1 Batis

2 Oxyrhinchus

3 Rubus

4 Clavata

5 Cuvier

31 Petromyzon

1 Marinus

2 Fluviatilis

In total 75.

Fishes found in [the] Frith of Forth by P Neill not perfect.




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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 25 September, 2022