RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1863.06.26-1863.07.12 Peloric / Antirrhinum majus. CUL-DAR51.B18-B19. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 1.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Peloric Antirrhinum majus June 26 63
[insertion:] var. Wonder
Corolla narrow tubular with contracted mouth closed by yellow lips to petals & much wool - 6 sepal, 4 regular petals, with a fifth larger tipped with white & deeply bifid, so may be said to be 6. 6 large anthers reaching some way up tube - with stigma some way below. = It is a wonderful pelorism.
28th castrated 2 flowers safely. 30th fertilised both with pollen of red common fl. white thread. V
July 3d fertilised 2 fl with own pollen Black thread V
(July 5 one has shanked off)
& castrated most carefully 5 flowers of
July 6 {1 Peloric fl. white with pollen of common form.
{1 do Black thread with own pollen. V
July 8th One flower by pollen of common. A: White Th V
-- 10 Two flowers by pollen of Common White Th V
(An old flower with black th. I touched by accident with pollen of common; now marked by 2 black threads
The peloric flowers stand nearly upright with 6 regular small red petal & 6 yellow prominent lips or projections at mouth of corolla, which within is surrounded by wool. Wonderfully regular flowers.
July 12 3 fl. with own pollen Black thread V
14 4 fl. do do V
20 3 fl do do V
N.B all the flowers not marked on same stem & above threads have been self-fertilised without insects
July 3d castrated most carefully 4 flowers of common red Antirrhinum.
6th fertilised six flowers with pollen of peloric white wool
July 8 + one = 7 flowers altogether.
1 fl with own pollen black & white wool
N. B. the 2 lower anther are in contact with pistil & will self-fertilise it.
The artificially one fert. flower produced more seed than any others.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022