RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1881.11.01-09. Drosophyllum lusitanicum. CUL-DAR52.F69-F72. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 10.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Novr 1 1881
Drosophyllum lusitanicum
Spiral vessels run up tentacles, the peduncles of which are bright green, & sufficiently transparent to show innumerable Ch. grains in all the cells, except in epidermis.— In centre curious reticulated parenchymatous tissue abounding with Ch. grains — Green granular matter in guard cells. — Slices were irrigated with C. of A (7 to 1000) & in middle plenty of perfect grains, but in some part collected in heaps & I thought in some degree confluent.
Nov. 2 I looked at 3 more fresh tentacles & I could see by focussing plenty of Ch. grains in all.
Slices from portion of leaf left for about 23 h in sol of 4 to 100. In peduncles of t. innumerable bright yellow balls, some large, of all sizes the little spheres much smaller than Chl. grain — These spheres occasionally could be seen in leaf near base of t.— Some of the oddest shapes, as in Dionæa. No Ch. grains visible.—
After irrigation for some about 3/4 hr with pure alcohol
caused the spheres to break up into very fine granular matter. I cd see no certain [nuclei] in the masses.
(Leaves kept in sol. of 4 to 1000 from 11˚ 30 on Nov. 2d to 11˚ 30' on 3d, 23˚ yellow spheres of all sizes also in leaf near bases of ts in several ts. — In one t. I think that I saw Ch. grain on walls of some cells — Besides yellow spheres rounded masses of granular matter. In cells of leaf much fine granular matter & no grain, I doubt with effect of crushing, but may be water. — Irrigation with
(Leaf after 47 hr in sol. of 4 to 1000, peduncles now with no orange spheres only fine granular matter; central tissues so dark that nothing could be made out— In parenchyma of leaf fine greenish matter & [nuclei] — no Ch. grain visible — Irrigation with Alcohol, did not make peduncles any clearer. —
Pieces of leaf placed in sol. of 2 to 1000 on Nov. 4th 4˚ P. m. examined 8. 30 a.m on 5th. 16 1/2 hr.
(I saw beyond doubt slow, but great changes of form in the oddly shaped yellowish aggregated masses.)
(1) Peduncle of t (just referred to) with much aggregation, yet I think I saw Ch. grain in one some few cell.
(2) t. yellowish granular matter —no agg, Ch. grains still quite visible
(3) do. do do— Ch. grains plainly characteristic visible
(4) agg. spheres in some cells & here no grain visible, but peduncles considerably opake, but in other cell, where no agg. Ch. grain visible
(5) Nov. 6th looked 9˚ a.m looked at fresh ts on leaf in above solution— The peduncles now contain brownish granular matter, with only a few spheres, & as far as I cd. see no Ch. grain, but these are opake, & the Ch. grains may have all become granular.
Nov. 6th
Cut off extreme pointed tip of leaf which had been in sol of 2 to 1000 for 24˚. — peduncles too opake; but saw her & there very obscurely Ch. grains; hardly any good spheres— Also looked at tentacles similarly immersed from thick bit of leaf & they were in same state.—
(Leaves placed in infusion of raw meat Nov. 7th 8˚ 45' examined at same hour on 8th — Ch. grain pale, but beautifully distinct in peduncles of 6 ts. — no aggregation. Grain in guard-cells.)
(Nov. 9th looked again infusion now high— peduncles with granular matter — some Ch. grain still visible — no aggregation.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 30 October, 2022