RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1881.07.28-29. Roots - Absorption - Euphorbia (peplus?). CUL-DAR62.2. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
1881 Roots — Absorption — Euphorbia (peplus?)
July 28 — Dug up carefully & put earth in tub of water a small Euphorbia growing in Potato-field & added old sol. of C. of amm (2 gr. to 1 oz) to roots, after looking at them first in water — After about 1 hr the contents of many of the superficial cells contained dark brown granular masses, which did not exist previously
These squarish masses form row of 2 or 3 to 18 —
Lower down the square becomes suddenly less dark & then suddenly still paler & granular. — The colourless cells between brown, had, I think, contents [illeg] aggregated. — Left in sol. for about 8° 30 to 4° 30' & no further change was visible. ─
No movement seen, but root too opake.
July 29th 8° a.m same specimen — no marked change—
The tips of 3 roots examined, all presented the same appearance — Darkest granular matter always near apex of root, but not at actual apex. —
July 29th — examined some fresh roots — As before square or sub-spherical brown masses formed within root-cap, where before the cells contained much transparent colourless matter—
This was caused by drops of (2 gr to 1 oz) added to edge of covering glass. It is odd how in all cases a whole row of cells contain granular matter after addition of C. of ammonia, & then abruptly cease; the cells in same row remaining colourless & transparent, but with the primordia utricle somewhat contracted; I suspect that this is an analogus phenomenon.
The dark square opake masses are clearly only the same granular matter consisting of minute spheres, but more numerous, more aggregated & browner. — The cells with pale granular matter extended far up root.)
I then added small drop of sol. of 1 gr to 1 oz. to edge of cover-glass, with water beneath, & after 5' very many cells contained granular matter, & these cells were certainly before quite transparent /over
with no granular matter — I think that the granulation travelled up from apex of root, but am not sure, process was so rapid —
I saw no flashing from cell to cell.—
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 22 July, 2023