RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1881].12.12-[1882].01.03. Strawberry - Osmic acid. CUL-DAR62.77-78. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR62 contains for Darwin's papers 'The action of carbonate of ammonia on the roots of certain plants', 1882, F1800 and 'The action of carbonate of ammonia on chlorophyll-bodies', 1882, F1801.
Decr 12th Strawberry. [line in pencil illeg] Osmic A. completely blackens. In C. of A 4 to 1000 for 24° The blue & [illeg] Roots from a stolon was left for, & they were — great aggregation & roots rendered almost opake. — Near all the tips the cells all were mostly full of brown granular matter — higher up I think some alternation; but granular matter not in epidermic cells, but in layers beneath. — In fresh root very transparent & white & only starch granules visible.
No root-hairs—!! Irrigated these fresh fresh roots with sol. of 7 to 1000 & in 10' to 15' all rendered very opake, & I could see some tendency alternation in the underlying cells to in the amount of granular matter. — No root-Hairs.
F. has made sections — walls of epidermis brown, no contents —
In parenchym parenchyma brown cells scattered about —ring of do brown cells in endoderm, & some few in middle of vascular vascular
Strawberry —
bundle. — As far as I can make out starch grain occupy occupy different rows of cells from the brown granular matter. — As far as I can make out the starch grain are formed or abound in a distinct series judging from slices from the granular matter —
After adding iodine after ammonia structure of the previously previously originally colourless & homogeneous roots wonderful in slices.—
F. cd find no root Hairs. In the slices on the same level, there was clear alternation in the rim of cells with granular matter; but by changing focus, granular matter cd be seen in the cells beneath the empty ones which alternated with those almost opake with brown granular matter.
Dec. 21st I have been looking again at the transverse slices (also after adding iodine to them) & I may say that the cells which abound with fine brown granular matter do not contain starch-grains; & those abounding with starch-grains — do not contain much of the finer æ
brown granular matter —
Roots left for a week in rather strong alcohol, not rendered transparent & much granular matter left in them. —
Jan 3d A runner with roots dig up & kept very damp & then dry in hot-house, has now formed innumerable root-hairs. Roots kept in 7 to 1000 for 23°— In the thinner roots in most of the cells underlying the epidermis, small translucent, not-granular brown, spheres & ovals, or irregularly shaped, or filament masses which appear like a viscid fluid. Close to tip brown granular matter — Besides the small brown spheres many much smaller colourless spheres. — In somewhat thicker roots much brown granular matter in the cells close to vascular bundle & in many of the parenchyma cells.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 22 July, 2023