RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1877.07.23-1878.10.15. Leaves. CUL-DAR66.121-128. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
The volume CUL-DAR66 contains notes on 'bloom'. Francis Darwin explained: "His researches into the meaning of the 'bloom,' or waxy coating found on many leaves, was one of those inquiries which remained unfinished at the time of his death. He amassed a quantity of notes on the subject". LL3: 339. See an Introduction to these folders by Christine Chua & John van Wyhe.
Leaves Right-side cleaned of bloom 1877
Nicotiana glauca July 23d 10˚ A.m. young leaves — hardly any use for thick bloom removed with sponge & tepid water — leaves strongly repellent & even slightly silvery. white wool — Both surfaces.—
(Evening after long-continued rain I see right side of leaves are wetted.)
(July 26', 8˚ 30' cleaned right-half of both surface of 2 other leaves white wool & white Thread Also fixed by thread 3 young leaves horizontally so as to be exposed to radiation.)
(Oct 9th. of the 5 leaves, 4 certainly yellower on right & cleaned side, though slightly & if rather doubtfully, but if any difference the right side certainly yellower.)
July 23d. 11 Am
Amaryllis ambigua (longiflora) 2 leaves white wool — both surfaces sponge & tepid water
Sept 24' Yellow-tint has worked rather farther up right side of the 2 leaves
Oct 7. The yellow is certainly crawling quicker up right side.
Nov 22 On one leaf the left side much the most effect — I must say no effect
July 24th. 9˚ A.m. Cleaned 1/2 leaf on summit of plants
Eucalyptus globulus (not marked) — both surface
April 24th 1878. There can be no doubt that the cleaned half more speckled & injured than the other half.—
Sumach (false) July 24th 10˚ 30' cleaned right-half of 3 leaves, one quite young, both surface — still highly repellent, but no longer silvery in water — white wool — tepid sponge — By passage into orchard
Oct 15 Leaves not by red— no difference
(Rhus cotinus)
Nicotiana glauca
Feb. 15' (78) noon Put sponge to stem with oil-silk, & not removed bloom from stem. Kept constantly wet
Feb. 26' noon sponge removed— I can see no signs of injury.
March 6' no injury, except a few minute brown specks at upper edge, which I imagine m had the bloom removed in putting on the sponge. —
(March 22d. The brown parts are now browner & other specks have become brown, but nothing like injury does to plant from which bloom had been removed. — On putting branch in water all parts silvery except where there were brown specks & shades of brown.)
(Say I did not try this plan except on one occasion, as I thought it wd have been impossible to put on sponge without rubbing of bloom. —
to be remove on 26th
Gladiolus (flower-garden) July 24th 10˚ 30' — not much bloom, white wool to sheath of 3 leaves, cleaned with tepid sponge outsides of the 2 outer leaves & r. side of central leaf.
Nov. 13' no difference or effect
Common Pea July 24th 11˚ A.m. most bloom on lower surface, cleaned with tepid sponge 1/2 of 4 leaflets & half of 2 large bracteæ not very young leaves on youngish plant —
Marked white wool. —
Aug 16th I have looked rather too late— on one leaf, both leaflets or bracteæ were withered whilst fresh on other side; on the 2d leaf both sides withered, but those on right side the more drier & more shrivelled. — Makes no difference in the white mildew with which leaves covered, as is so common with later crops.— ✔
Lathyrus grandiflorus sylvaticus. July 24th 11˚ 30' — not much bloom, most on lower surface— repellent— good bloom on the winged petiole & stem— cleaned 3 leaflets (one black & white w.) cleaned on left side.) white wool.— Also right side of winged petiole & 2 internodes of stem beneath the more southerly leaflet. — Aug 28 no difference
Thalia dealbata Aug 27th. 11˚ 45' sponged upper right surface & lower surface (which has much more distinct wool bloom) & marked with white wool.
But there is an older leaf with right side cleaned. I think both leaves are failing a little on right side
Sept 11th 10˚. cleaned right side of young leaf white + black wool, but this leaf has right side a shade yellower already & its margin from pressure is involuted.
(a) over
(a) Thalia Sept 24' all 3 leaves look rather yellower on right side — Plant not healthy — red-spider
Oct 7th There can be no doubt that in all 3 right side yellower— slightly —
Oct 29th the difference still plain
Nov. 13 The cleaned side now not only much browner, but feels crisper & drier than opposite green side.
Hypericum Calycinum July 24', 11˚ cleaned 3 young leaves white wool (one cleaned on left side black & white) Hardly any good cleaning for surface still so repellent, but silver removed.
Lily of Vally July 24th. 11˚ growing under Ferns, now cleared away
Left side cleaned — 3 full-grown eaves — White wool
Oct 15' no difference
Gladiolus-like Plant. from Frank July 25' 9˚ cleaned with half of 4 leaves white wool
Dec — 22' no effect
Elymus condensatus July 25th 9˚ 30 — cleaned with sponge 3 leaves 1/2 on right side from axis
(Sept 4th one with axis dead no difference on the 2 sides.)
(Sept 17th a second leaf not gathered with right side yellower.)
Dec. 22 no effect
Caladium July 25th cleaned 1/2 of 2 leaves & silvered removed with water— surface silvery make water adhere a little better. Acacia iteaphylla— long narrow leaves cleaned bloom of 3 leaves, both surfaces, on a young shoot — marked yellow wool
Agapanthus umbellatus July 25. 11˚ cleaned 1/2 of 2 youngish leaves also cleaned fine true bloom of flower-peduncle, unexpanded & placed sponge & gutta percha round.
(Aug. 6. 10˚ not a trace of injury to the flower-peduncle.)
Aug I looked about 19th & no injury, but on 27th whole space where sponge was quite brown & much injured!!! I think this must have been effect of water, for bloom so apt to be removed, no flower-stem wd be perfect if its removal sufficed to cause injury (a)
July 25 Œnantha fistulosa cleaned whole of 2 stalks & leaves: bloom poor, — not worth trying — white wool —
(Sept 11th bloom apparently removed.)
Dec 13 no effect
July 25 Aquilegia glandulosa — cleaned 2 leaflets, young plants, Greenhouse white wool— cannot be well cleaned. — (One of these leaflets (A) very rather yellow & injured & so is other in slight degree. Aug 26th)
(Aug 27th 11˚ 30' sponged very gently & carefully with tepid water 3 more leaflets, marked with Black wool.)
(Sept 3d the leaflet A (lateral) white wool, is now completely withered, whilst opposite one only just showing tinge of yellow on margin. —)
Nov. 13 I do not believe in any effect
Dec 13 no effect
Sept 11' I can see quite corroded holes in peduncle
Sept. 20' examined: whole circumference, more or less brown. This due not only to epidermis but the underlying tissue to some little depth brown & decayed —The so called corroded holes are narrow longitudinal depressions, in which epidermis has sunk down, owing apparently to the decay of underlying tissue. The so-called corroded parts of a darker brown. —
Experiment repeated no effect
The 2d plant
Yucca. — 3 youngish leaves marked Black wool
N. B. only a little bloom on upper surface more on lower & more coherent on lower surface.
There is some [illeg] about it
Hypericum bushy N. end of mound
cleaned left half, both sides, of 3 youngish leaves; white wool
Oct 15' no difference
Tuberose Aug 1. 8˚. 45' cleaned right-side (standing in axis) of 4 leaves & 3 younger healthy leaves on a younger plant, stick with white wool.
(N. B I cleaned some weeks ago a single leaf & I now observe one side more mildewed!)
Hedychium. — Sept 12th 11˚ youngish plant 3 leaves right side both surfaces sponged — white wool; only a little bloom; but after sponging water adheres rather better than to left sides.—
Oct 5' The cleaned side looks crumpled. Recleaned lower side of leaves several 2 or 3 times.
Feb. 12th 78. I now find lower surface of all 3 leaves on lower side yellowish brown; upper surface slightly crumpled, but healthy. —
Feb. 18th Frank has examined surface not fungus, but epidermis itself in injured state.—
Aug 1. 12˚ 9˚ 30'
Papaver somniferum (white flowered, not much bloom)
sponged with tepid water right side of 4 leaves — white Thread.
Sept 17th. The peduncle which were cleaned of bloom, when pods were cleaned, both on plants in greenhouse & out-of doors look browner.
Caladium (Mr Nash)
Aug. 2d. 9˚ sponged with tepid water whole 1/2 leaf right side, & between 2 of lat veins rubbed with pumice up to margin; propped up & filled centre with water.
Aug 8' 9' I see near place which was pumiced are slightly brown along veins, & where water has lain.
Aug 19th Water has not injured leaf in the least; but I can see faintest trace of brown on veins — where leaf was rubbed (with pumice. —
(Sept 4' there can be no doubt about browning where surface rubbed with pumice.)
Sept 11 The whole space which was pumiced has become yellowish, though water has not rested on it for long time, & I think yellow extends over whole space so independent of water. (a)
Hemerocallis fulvus Aug. 2d. 9˚ cleaned 1/2 of 2 young leaves, but it is impossible to clean well leaves so narrow & experiment goes for nothing.
(a) I am think browning where pumiced largely independent of water — yet certainly first appeared where water lay
Oct 29' The whole cleaned side yellower, but the other side considerably yellow
Pancratium littorale.
Aug. 12' 9˚ 10˚ 15' — sponged both surface of right side of 3 leaves' (white wool)
Nov 22 leaves wither no effect
Arundo donax
Aug 12' 11˚ cleaned left side both surfaces on growing plant, white w.
Dec. 12 no effect
Oxalis Bowii purpurata Jacq.
Sept 6th. sponged with w. 88°-86° 3 leaves both surface, (but lower not well) marked with yellow wool & 4 white thread upper surface alone (on 3 of which drops are to be placed.
Oct 15 I can see no certain difference
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 5 July, 2023