RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. 1877.06.14.-07.03. Passiflora caerulea — moderately Silvery below. CUL-DAR66.97-105. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
The volume CUL-DAR66 contains notes on 'bloom'. Francis Darwin explained: "His researches into the meaning of the 'bloom,' or waxy coating found on many leaves, was one of those inquiries which remained unfinished at the time of his death. He amassed a quantity of notes on the subject". LL3: 339. See an Introduction to these folders by Christine Chua & John van Wyhe.
Southampton 1877 (one set cleaned, as well as possible with damp sponge
(1) June 14th 4˚ 30' P.m.
Passiflora cærulea — moderately silvery below— & only very slightly silvery above & greasy. 2 youngish leaves rubbed with cold sponge & not touched: the uncleaned floated for first hours. The cleaned sink in water—
June 20. 9.30 AM. not cleaned. Quite wetted but lower surface still a little silvery by blowing hard made almost dry. Cleaned Discoloured in patches)
(June 21 10 AM not cleaned lower surface quite wetted. Cleaned ditto.→)
(June 22. 2.30 PM no difference between them
June 24. 9AM cleaned rather better state
(2) Snow-berry Symphoricarpus racemosa June 14' 4˚ 30' P.m. 3 youngish leaves on same twig. — finely silvery on both sides & greasy. do treatment. The cleaned sink in water
(June 20. 9.30 AM not cleaned. Lower surface almost dry when blown, upper quite wetted. Cleaned same state)
(June 21. 10. AM not cleaned lower surface wetted — Cleaned yellower
(June 22. 2.40 PM. ditto)
(June 24. 9. AM)
(June 25 10˚ Am. Cleaned less decayed.)
Temp 66°
(3) Cabbage common June 14th 5˚ 45' 3 leaves on quite young plant — both sides cleaned
(June 20— 9.30 AM not cleaned Some silver on lower side, but little trace on upper side. Cleanedvery much more flaccid, decayed & yellow.)
(June 21. 10 AM. not cleaned both sides well wetted; ditto.)
(4) Shallot. June 14th 5˚ 45' 2 leaves on young plant — cleaned all round finely silvery. (June 20 9.30 AM, not cleaned, quite wetted. Cleaned a little yellower)
(June 21. 10 AM. no difference now)
(June 22. 2.30 PM ditto)
(5) Pisum sativum. Jun 15th 10˚ A.m. 5 youngish leaflets, silvery both sides.— greasy
(June 20. 9.30 AM, not cleaned, quite wetted. Cleaned darker & duller green.)
(June 21. 10 AM. ditto)
(June 22. 2.40 PM ditto) (see further observation Repeated exp.)
(6) Honeysuckle June 15' 10˚ A.m. 4 youngish leaflets, silvery both sides — very greasy
(June 20. 9.30 AM. not cleaned: both surfaces wetted, much discoloured. cleaned no differences) (See Repeated Exp)
Jun 14 66˚ F
— 15 66-68˚ F
— 16 66˚-70˚ in afternoon
— 17 70˚-72˚
— 18 70˚-76˚ Perhaps this matted wax
19 75˚
20 — 72˚- 72˚- 70˚ evening
21 — 68˚- 70˚- 67˚
22 — 65˚- 66 1/2˚- 65˚
23 — 64˚- 65˚- 63˚
24 — 63˚
25 62˚
Southampton — 1877
(7) June 15. 10˚ 30 Avena sativa—silvery both sides.— 2 youngish leaves.
(June 20. 9. 30 AM not leaned. Upper surface beautifully silvery & dry, lower surface slightly wetted but still sub-silvery: Cleaned much yellower.)
(June 21 10 AM. upper surface still almost dry when blown: cleaned more flaccid yellower & discoloured)
(June 22. 2. 30 PM upper surface dry when blown — ditto)
(June 24 upper surface wet.)
(8) Poa June 15' 10˚ 30' common woolly — silvery all round — 2 leaves
(June 20. 9. 30 AM. not cleaned: both surfaces quite wetted. Cleaned not much difference.) (June 21. 10 AM ditto)
(June 22. 2. 30 PM. cleaned much dirtier green)
(9) di Jun 16' 10˚ A.m. Dielytra spectabilis, both surfaces silvery— a compound leaf — sponging did not remove silver thoroughly from lower sides of leaves.
(June 20. 9 30 AM not cleaned lower surface well wetted upper surface still rather dry. Cleaned duller green)
(June 21. 10 AM. cleaned very much more flaccid. Not cleaned almost dry when blown hard)
(10) Jun 16 10˚ A.m. Papaver somniferum — both surfaces silvery — 3 young leaves
(June 20. 9.30 AM. not cleaned. Rotted. Cleaned much paler but much excessively decayed.) (see Rep. Exp.)
(11) Robinia pseudo-acacia— June 16' 10˚m. — 6 leaflets young — silvery on both sides
(June 20. 9.30 AM. not cleaned. Both surfaces wetted: somewhat decayed Cleaned same state)
(June 21. 10 AM. ditto)
(12) Chenopodium. June 15; 16 10˚ 30' — 4 youngish leaves, silvery both sides (not cleaned
June 20. 9.30. AM. Some silver on lower sides: leaf somewhat decayed: Cleaned still more rotten & yellow-brown-green) [see Rep exper)
(13) Rubus idæus. June 15' 16' 10˚ 30' — 2 compound leaves splendidly silvery below, not at all above. N.B. Silver depends on fine wool — after sponging wetted, but still remain silvery.
(June 20. 9.30 AM. not cleaned all silver gone, somewhat discoloured. Cleaned duller browner green.)
(June 21 10 AM — ditto)
(June 22. 2.30. PM. no difference between them now
(14) Mountain Ash. June 15' 16 10˚ 45' — 4 leaflets — slightly silvery above & moderately so below
(June 20. 9.30 AM. not cleaned, both surfaces quite wetted. Cleaned. Yellower green)
(June 21 10 AM — ditto, well marked)
(15) Strawberry June 15' 16 11˚ 3 leaflets not at all silvery above, well silvery below
(June 20. 9.30. AM not cleaned, quite wetted. Cleaned browner green.)
(June 21. 10 AM cleaned decidedly browner green)
(June 22. 2.30 PM. ditto)
(16) Pteris aquilina— June 15' 16 11˚.— 2 primary pinnæ: in cleaning somewhat injured.
(June 20. 9.30. AM. Not cleaned: Both surfaces well wetted. Cleaned rather duller green.)
(June 21. 10. AM ditto no difference)
(June 22. 2. 30 PM. ditto)
(June 24 9. AM. no difference)
(17) Epilobium (tall) June 17th 10˚ 30' 4 leaves silvery below & not above
(June 20. 9.30 AM. not cleaned. Both surfaces wetted, somewhat decayed. cleaned. same state)
(June 21. 10AM. ditto) (see Exp repeated)
(18) Onion. June 17th 10˚ 30' 2 leaves not very well silvered — much larger than Shalott. (June 20. 9.30 not cleaned A good deal of silver: Cleaned much more flaccid)
(June 21 10 AM still greater difference; not cleaned wetted)
(19) Carnation June 17th 11˚ 3 leaves.
(June 20. 9.30 AM not cleaned Well silvered upper surface almost dry, lower surface well wetted. Cleaned quite flaccid & yellow)
(June 21 10 AM — not cleaned upper surface almost dry — ditto
(June 22. 2. 40 PM not cleaned. wetted
(Jars 2.)
(20) Sea-Kale Jun 17th 5˚ 15' 2 leaves —
(June 20. 10. AM not cleaned not wetted or only slightly. Cleaned not much difference; both flaccid)
June 21. 10 AM not cleaned one leaf still nearly dry — cleaned same state
June 22. 2.20 PM — no difference between the two)
(21) Tulip-tree June 17th 5˚ 30'. 2 leaves, silvery on both sides, beautifully.
(June 20. 10. AM. Not cleaned. well wetted; Cleaned sta same state
June 21. 10 AM — Cleaned more transparent.)
(June 22. 2. 20. PM. no difference between the two)
(June 24. 9. AM. no difference)
(22) Silene inflata. June 18' 10˚ A.m. 4 leaves beautifully silvery both sides
(June 20, 10. AM. Not cleaned both surfaces wetted same state as cleaned)
(June 21; 10 AM cleaned rather yellower.)
(June 22 2.30 ditto) not much difference)
(23) Sow Thistle. June 18' 10˚ Am. — 3 leaves slightly silvery above, well silvery below; m (June 20 10 AM Not cleaned Well wetted. Cleaned Rather more flaccid.— slightly yellower) — June 21. 10 AM — cleaned & not cleaned in same state as not cleaned)
June 22. 2.25 PM— not-cleaned most decayed)
(24) Box-tree June 18th 10 Am. 4 leaves silvery on both sides
(June 20. 10. AM. Not cleaned. Both surfaces wetted: Cleaned yellower)
(June 21. 10 AM ditto)
(June 22. 2.30. ditto)
(June 24. 9 AM do.)
Jun 25 10 Am The cleaned less elastic & now discoloured)
(25) Willow June 18' 10 A.m. 2 & 3 leaves not silvery on upper side well silvery below
(June 20. 10. AM. Not cleaned both surfaces wetted. Cleaned yellower)
(June 21. 10. AM no difference between them)
(June 22. 2.30. ditto)
(June 24. 9.3 AM. not cleaned most decayed rather younger leaves)
(26) Laburnum. Jun 18th 10˚ 15' Am. 2 leaves — silvery both sides, most on lowest side. N.B. Scotch Laburnum, not silvery, but leaves greasy.
(June 20 10 AM not cleaned both surfaces wetted: Cleaned not nearly so flaccid— Repeat). June 20 10.45 AM 2 cleaned & 2 not cleaned leaves put in No 2
(27) Lily of Vally Jun 18th 10˚ 15' a.m. 2 leaves well silvery above, only a trace of silver below.—
(June 20. 10. AM not cleaned both surfaces wet. cleaned slightly yellower.)
June 21. 10. AM. ditto.)
June 22. 2.30 ditto
June 24. 9. AM cleaned in a better state)
(28) Caryopyllia June 18' 11˚ A m. with wonderfully woolly white leaves both surface — 2 leaves rubbed till wetted.
(June 20. 10. AM. not cleaned more flaccid)
(June 21 10 AM. cleaned very much more flaccid)
(June 22. 2. 20. PM ditto)
(29) Trifolium repens. June 18' 12˚ 25'. 3 leaves. (not silvery below)
(June 20 10. AM. not cleaned Upper surface (some leaves) almost dry when blown Cleaned same state)
(June 21, 10 AM, not cleaned well wetted— cleaned same state
(June 22. 2.30. PM. ditto)
(June 24 9 AM cleaned in less decayed than not cleaned
(30) Osmunda regalis June 18'. 12˚ 15. 3 leaves beautifully silvery both sides, rather most on lower side
(June 20. 10. AM, not cleaned lower both surfaces quite dry when blown & still silvery. Cleaned — same state.)
(June 21. 10 AM. Not cleaned both surfaces almost dry when blown hard, Cleaned rather more transparent)
June 22 2.25 PM
(June 24. 9. AM. 0)
(July 3', no difference & not decayed.)
(31) Oak. June 18th. 12˚ 15'. 3 leaves beautifully silvery below, not on upper side (An American Oak not in the least silvery, but very greasy; how common this greasiness!—
(June 20. 10. AM. Not cleaned Both surfaces wetted. Cleaned: same state)
June 21. 10. AM. ditto)
(June 22. 2.25 PM ditto)
(—June 24. thrown away— from an accident
(32) Mesembranthemum. June 18th. 12˚ 30'. pink flowers: several leaves.
(June 20. 10. AM. not cleaned wetted. Cleaned same state)
(June 21. 10 AM ditto)
(June 22. 2.30 PM. ditto)
(June 24 9 AM. ditto)
(June 25 10˚ A m. The non-cleaned most decayed.)
(33) Oxalis small-kind yellow-flowered, not coppery, greenhouse— 2 leaves. (go to sleep at night.)
(June 20. 10. AM. Not cleaned. wetted. Cleaned slightly yellower)
(June 21. 10 AM no difference ditto)
(June 22. 2.30. cleaned decidedly most decayed)
Repeated Experiments
(A) Laburnum. Jun 20 11˚ 10˚. 45'
(June 21. 10 30. AM — not cleaned both sides wet)
(June 22. 2.15 PM. not cleaned well wetted)
(June 23. 9 AM. no difference)
(June 24. 9. AM. ditto)
(Jun 26' 9˚ A.m. The cleaned rather more flaccid)
(B) Papaver somniferum Jun 20' 12˚ —
(June 21. 10.30 AM not cleaned beautifully silvery)
(June 22. 2.15 PM. Not cleaned almost wetted: Cleaned absorbed more water.)
(June 23. 9 AM not cleaned quite wetted; Cleaned one leaf quite flaccid & discoloured)
(June 24. 9. AM. ditto)
(Jun 26th 9˚ A.m The 2d cleaned leaf very much more flaccid than uncleaned.)
(C) Honeysuckle Jun 20' 12˚
(June 21. 10. 30. AM not cleaned. Both sides dry)
(June 22. 2.15. PM. not cleaned well wetted)
(June 23. 9 AM cleaned a little more flaccid) & discoloured)
(June 24 9 AM ditto)
(Jun 26' 9˚ A.m. The cleaned certainly more flaccid & discoloured.)
(D) Robinia. June 20' 12˚
(June 21. 10, 30 AM. not cleaned— lower both surfaces dry when blown)
(June 22. 2. 15. PM not cleaned well wetted)
(June 23. 9 AM no difference)
(June 24 9 AM both flaccid, no difference)
E Chenopodium June 20' 12˚ (June 21 10. 30. not cleaned both sides dry & silvery)
(June 22. 2. 15 PM not cleaned well wetted)
(June 23. 9. AM — ditto no difference)
(June 24. 9 AM cleaned decidedly more flaccid & discoloured.
Repeated experiments.
(June 27th 9˚ A m. The cleaned pods rather more decayed.)
Pisum sativum. June 21st 11˚ 15'. 2 Pea-pods green
June 22. 2.15 PM. Stipules of not cleaned more silvery than leaflets one wetted & one not
June 23. 9 AM not cleaned both wetted.
(June 24 — 9. AM O
do. do. 2 stipules & 2 leaflets.
June 25' 9˚ 45. Both stipules & leaflets of cleaned spec. decidedly more flaccid & yellower dirty green than of not-cleaned specs
June 22. 2.15. PM. Not cleaned, stipules more silvery than leaflets
June 23. 9. AM not cleaned [do] completely wetted.
(June 24 9 AM cleaned more flaccid)
Epilobium tall. 3 leaflets — (June 22. 2.15 not cleaned well wetted)
(June 23. 9 AM Ditto & cleaned a little more flaccid & yellow)
(June 24 9 AM cleaned decidedly more flaccid & yellow-brown green)
Jun 20th — The water with cleaned leaves more turbid & discoloured than other water.
It is now pretty clear that cut-off leaves with bloom more or less removed in most cases decay quicker than untouched leaves. But can this conclusion be carried on to growing leaves?
Wonderful the difference in period of decay of different leaves
The greater flaccidity of cleaned leaves shows probably that exosmose takes place, as is likewise shown by greater turbidity of water. —
The experiment are open to some doubt owing to leaves not being of same exact age always & younger leaves decay easiest
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 5 July, 2023