RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1877.07.28-09.09. Purple Sprouting Broccoli / Backhouse Broccoli / Savoy. CUL-DAR67.23-26. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
The volume CUL-DAR67 contains notes on 'bloom'. Francis Darwin explained: "His researches into the meaning of the 'bloom,' or waxy coating found on many leaves, was one of those inquiries which remained unfinished at the time of his death. He amassed a quantity of notes on the subject". LL3: 339. See an Introduction to these folders by Christine Chua & John van Wyhe.
Another leaf described on Aug 18th Purple Sprouting Brocco (1877
Sept 9th Sunday 4˚ P.m. Two leaves, one with blade 3 inches long the other with blade 4 1/4 long, though quite fresh-looking last Tuesday are now completely withered from being smothered by the upper & larger leaves.
Yellow & on point of disarticulation. It is very important that the cleaned right side crumpled & brittle, whilst the left side with bloom still flaccid.
Cleaned side a shade browner
The 3-inch leaf had 29 gna punctured or perforated spots on right side & 12 on left side with bloom.
The 4 1/4 inch leaf 69 punctures &c on right cleaned side & 34 on side with bloom.
This completes this variety
Aug 18th Purple Sprouting Broccoli 1877
No difference in colour on 2 sides
left with 56 punctures right with 74.
(The 2 other leaves described Sept 9th)
Aug 18 (1) Backhouse Broccoli
Greater part of leaf gnawed away on right side
5 punctures on left side — 6 on right side
(2) Backhouse broccoli — almost all a very large part of right-side gnawed away & much of left — nevertheless on fragments left there were 72 punctures on left side & 104 on right side.
(3) quite withered leaf 28 on left side 31. on right.
(4) quite decayed 49 on left side 159— on right side.
Aug 18th
Quite withered
19 punctures on left side 45 on right sides
Red Cabbage
It appears that bloom almost probably removed on both surfaces of right side.
On left side 170 punctures & holes — on right side 266
Walcherer & BackHouse Winter Broccoli —
Both well provided with bloom.
July 9th. 9˚. 30' F cleaned both surface of right side of young leaves with sponge at 80° 4 4 of each kind Walcherer & 3 of BackHouse —
(N. B. I see that large caterpillars eat cabbages leaves with bloom & no bloom indifferently.)
July 27th 10˚. 30' I cleaned with sponge & tepid water 2 fresh leaves of Walcherer Broccoli, 1 of Purple Red cabbage, 1 Savoy, & 3 of Purple Sprouting Broccoli — This latter var. had much bloom above, but a good deal on lower side of leaves. — All the plants young, except Pure Red Cabbage — Each of these leaves were quite uninjured or equally & slightly injured on both sides— The other plants in the various beds had been much eaten by small green caterpillar, with circular holes. Black wool.)
Both surfaces cleaned—
(July 28th looked at the leaves prepared on July 9th (one of which has been destroyed: 3 more eaten on clean side; 2 equally; & one more eaten on uncleaned side.)
Aug. 7th 8˚ A.m. One young Walcherer has decayed.
Right & cleaned side rather yellower than other — very many minute punctures— with epidermis often left on lower side & a few larger pieces gnawed out.
Counting all punctures large & small 86 on cleaned side & 31 on the bloom protected side. No bloom removed on either surface. —
Second. Walcherer. Aug. 19th. Left side yellower with 84 small & some larger punctures or holes: right & cleaned side with 135.
Third Walcherer. — 29 punctures left side 36 right side
Fourth Walcherer 55 — on left side — 56 on right left side yellower. —
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 June, 2023