RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1877].09.26-10.21. Yew. CUL-DAR67.33. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 3.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
The volume CUL-DAR67 contains notes on 'bloom'. Francis Darwin explained: "His researches into the meaning of the 'bloom,' or waxy coating found on many leaves, was one of those inquiries which remained unfinished at the time of his death. He amassed a quantity of notes on the subject". LL3: 339. See an Introduction to these folders by Christine Chua & John van Wyhe.
Sept. 26th 10˚ 45' 10 cleaned & 10 with bloom to be syringed
(Oct 1' 8˚ 1 with bloom badly burst: the cleaned & syringed ones have not or hardly replaced any bloom.)
(Oct 2d 8˚ 30' 1 with bloom & 3 cleaned ones burst.)
(Oct 3' one cleaned burst.)
(Oct 21' cut open the remained, viz 8 with bloom & 6 cleaned. — no great difference 3 with bloom were shrivelled & looked decayed, but colour of juice on paper was on the average nearly the same.)
Sept. 26th 11˚ 10': 10 cleaned & 10 with bloom put to dry in window to S.W. & after a day or two placed on warm study chimney-piece.
Sept 28th 8˚ A.m. Some of The cleaned ones somewhat shrivelled.
― 29' 8˚ A.m. 8/11 of the cleaned ones are less shrivelled or collapsed only 1/10 with bloom in this state.
Sept 30th I find very much bloom removed largely on all the cleaned lot, though so many shrivelled (like de Bary on Cucurb.): This renewal shows by a portion being wiped by sponge & still better where touched with camel brush with ether.
The bloom became difficult to remove on the old berries gathered several days ago. The I recleaned all those before cleaned & this short sponging seemed to cause wrinkles partly to disappear, rescued with greatest ease.)
(Oct 1'. 4˚ P.m all the cleaned much wrinkled, though sponged with wet sponge yesterday. — 6/10 of those with bloom slightly wrinkled, but not nearly so much as the cleaned ones.)
(Oct 2d. 8˚ 30'. one more with bloom slightly wrinkled— The cleaned ones far more deeply wrinkled, & for a second time have recovered a good deal of bloom!) I did not clean them for second time, but cleaned a stripe on ones marked with thin pin.)
(Oct 3d. 8˚ one more with bloom slightly wrinkled
[insertion:] Oct 5th The stripe has recovered some bloom, for 1 cleaned half of it & I see difference
(Oct 4' 8. 2 more with bloom slight wrinkled. — great difference in appearance of the 2 lots. N.B. The renewal of bloom by the shrivelled berries shows not growth — hardly a vital action — evaporation leaving a residue. —
(Oct 5'. 8˚ 10' a.m. Recleaned for 2d time 2 of the before cleaned much wrinkled berries.— & put in glass cell.) Oct 18' These did not reform bloom.)
Oct 18' wonderful difference between the 2 lots of cleaned & with bloom: many of former hard none of latter. (Frank weighed & than dried at great Heat)
Ribes sanguineum. (1877
Berries thickly covered with white bloom except the glandular hairs — can be easily scraped off. — removed by S. Ether instantly.
Waved Put in cold water granular silver, & comes out quite dry. — waved for 1/2 minute in water at 90° wetted. Berries dark purple beneath bloom. —
Sept 26th
Sponged 10 & put 10 with bloom in equal quantity of distilled water at 9˚ 30' — Temp of water 63° by 12˚. 15' I found 2 cleaned ones burst open with great vent.
4˚.35. 2 with bloom burst! & a third cleaned. Those with bloom now wet. Fluid with cleaned pinker; though as each found burst removed, Bloom here prevent endosmose very slightly. —
(Sept 27th 8˚ 15'. 5 cleaned tremendously burst & water pinkish — 2 with bloom burst N.B Those burst with bloom taste much sweeter than burst cleaned ones: tried 2 of each— George says Blackberries after long rain taste tasteless
It is the small cleaned berries which have not burst.
4˚ 40' 1 more with bloom burst.)
(28th, 3 with bloom burst, only 2 remaining on each side.
― 3˚ P.m 1 with bloom & 1 cleaned burst. —
Oct 1. one of each lot not burst, thrown away.)
(The Yew berries were kept till Frank weighed them in S. W window in Hall)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 June, 2023