RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. [ny].08.06-.09.23. [Experiments on effects of attempted removal of bloom]. CUL-DAR68.140-151. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 4.2023. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.

The volume CUL-DAR68 contains notes on 'bloom'. Francis Darwin explained: "His researches into the meaning of the 'bloom,' or waxy coating found on many leaves, was one of those inquiries which remained unfinished at the time of his death. He amassed a quantity of notes on the subject". LL3: 339. See an Introduction to these folders by Christine Chua & John van Wyhe.



Aug 6th 11° 10'

Cleaned bloom of upper & lower surface of the 2 leaflet & bracteæ on right side of 3 leaves — Hung up to dry. —

Aug 14. I thought that right side of some of the bracteæ felt a little drier —

Aug 16th One or 2 pairs of leaflets almost certainly right side dri a trace drier

Lily of Vally 3 leaves cleaned & 3 not touched Aug 1 - Aug 6 no uniform difference

Chlora perfoliata Aug 4' 4° 45' Pm — 1 leaflet cleaned & opposite not.—

Aug 6th 3° no difference

Aug 8 I think a shade of difference in a few leaves the cleaned rather dryer


Papaver somniferum (large Filed Var.)

Aug 9th 9° 30'

cleaned 7 half-leaves right side & hung up— The cleaned sides started much more damp. — Aug 10' 8° In several leaves the right side more wrinkled & felt far dryer.

Aug 11' certainly dryer, but parts are brown & I suspect that surface may have been abraded—

Aug 9' 11° 30 3 leaves of Nicotiana glauca, right side cleaned (In the evening the right side began to curl in first.)

Aug 14' 8° This greater inwards curling of the right side has been very marked ever since. Aug 15. 4° P.m. Certainly right side dryer to touch.

Aug 9th. 3 leaves of false Sumach do

― 15 The right side of all 3 more crumpled & feel decidedly drier— These leaves are hardish & excessively improbable that they cd be injured by gentle sponging


Carnation from greenhouse

Young shoot.

Aug 10 11° — one leaf cleaned on both sides, marked with blue on top, hung up to dry. — (Aug 29' no difference in the 2 sets)

do— marked & done in same manner to stand in water.

Sept 17th no clear difference in the two sets of leaves


Sumach (false) in Water

Aug 10. 11° 15' 7 lower leaves right side, both surfaces sponged (N.B the 4th & small leaf not done)

Aug 23 Upper leaves withering 6th from bottom has rt side slightly yellowing

Aug 25 Doubtful effect in some leaves—

― 31' no difference between the 2 sides (Rhus cotinus)

Repeated above experiment with branch in water, several leaves, & no clear difference between right & left sides of leaves

Plants Standing in Water


Greenhouse Sedum.

Aug. 10' 11° Right side of several leaves cleaned both surfaces — old & youngish— (The 2 leaves with black worsted where had drops on them not cleaned—)

The cleaned leaves marked on tips with prussian blue. Hung up dry

Aug 31. right-side of 1 old leaf rather more discoloured

Aug 16' 9° 30 cleaned some leaves of branch blue dot & put with cut-off end to stand in sol. of corrosive cultimate.


Augt 11. 5° Pm

Amaryllis longiflora

2 leaves right-side cleaned both surfaces in water

Aug 26' no difference

Lily of the Vally 4 leaves do. do

Aug 22 One leaf yellow on Rt side

Sept 4th A 2d leaf more yellow on left than right side: a third leaf more yellow on right & a fourth leaf more yellow on left— no difference whatever


Aug 11th 10° to 11°

Iris (tall yellow garden. var) 2 leaves cleaned both surfaces, white wool standing in water

Aug 26 no difference leaves decay according to age.

Nicotiana glauca 3 leaves right side cleaned both surfaces standing in water—

Aug 21. 9AM The biggest leaf much withered most are right cleaned side: other two no difference & not withered:

Aug 22d 30 The big & smallest leaves quite withered no difference in the 3rd


Arundo donax

Aug 12th 10° 15 right 1/2 leaves (both surfaces), in water — lower leaf already partly withered.

Aug 18 right side of 2d leaf from top more involuted & rather yellower

Aug 24 All 3 leaves slightly more yellow on rt side & top leaf more curled in on Rt

Eschotzia californica

Aug 12th 12° — sponged 2 leaves with w. at 90° to 88° marked with white thread

(N.B waving for 2' in water 86°-84° did not remove bloom.) —

Aug 21. 9AM. On one shoot marked leaf quite withered & its corresponding one leaf partly. On other shoot not-marked one most withered

22nd 9.30 On one shoot all withered except cleaned: on the other all withered except not-cleaned


Leek or Onion 2 leaves cleaned (white wool) 3 uncleaned in water

Aug 12th 5° P.m.

Aug 21. small cleaned most unhealthy: not cleaned next: larger cleaned next

Aug 23 9. AM The small cleaned one quite withered: the other cleaned now more withered than the withering not cleaned one

Aug 25 The two marked ones are the most withered

Aug 26 I think withering goes by age

Common Pea Aug 12 5° P.m 3 leaves & bracteæ on right side, both surfaces cleaned in water

Aug 31 1 right leaflet drier than fellow A

Sept 1. on another sub-branch tip of 1 leaflet drier than fellow — 2 right-hand Stipules on this main branch, very little or not all drier than fellow.

Sep 2d a second right-hand leaflet on A not at all drier than left-hand one

Sept 6 I almost think cleaned side of the bracteæ are the dampest — little difference

7 One of the bracteæ with bloom has certainly dried much quicker than the cleaned pair one opposite.—

Sept 14' no difference in other leaves


Hot House fern

Aug 13th 11° Only upper surface, on account of spores right-side in water.

Aug 18 the lobes on right side a little more curled inwards

Aug 22 Tips of both sides yellowing

― 31 Tips of leaves on right side yellower.

Sept 3d All the leaves on right side yellower

― 29th ― certainly much yellower

Oct 8th cleaned side not quite so green, but not more decayed

Acacia cultriformis long narrow leaves in water

Aug 13 11° 30 5 leaves cleaned both sides — in a row with white thread

Sept 1 no clear difference

Sept iteaphylla — Australian


Acer. N. American Sp

3 leaves

Lower surface of leaves white & silvery.

Aug 13. 11° 45' sponged lower side of 3 leaves in water

Sept 12' lowest leaf right side rather the driest

The next leaf has greater area dec shrivelled on right side

Sept 23 Uppermost leaf right side the drier of the 2 both now shrivelled.


Acacia cultriformis

Aug 13' 11° 30'

4 phyllodia leaves cleaned both sides. Blue dot

Sept 1 I think a shade drier

Eucalyptus sp. of which I cleaned & squirted leaves.

Aug 13 11° 30' 5 leaves cleaned both sides Blue dots.

Sept 13th no difference in any of the leaves

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 13 July, 2023