RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [ny].11.08-21. Elymus arenarius. CUL-DAR68.88-90. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 4.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
The volume CUL-DAR68 contains notes on 'bloom'. Francis Darwin explained: "His researches into the meaning of the 'bloom,' or waxy coating found on many leaves, was one of those inquiries which remained unfinished at the time of his death. He amassed a quantity of notes on the subject". LL3: 339. See an Introduction to these folders by Christine Chua & John van Wyhe.
See abstract of Duval-Jouve, 1875. Histotaxie des feuilles de graminées. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles Botanique: 294-371. CUL-DAR68.89r.
Elymus arenarius
Nov. 8' to 15th
Salt-water, fresh-water, alcohol, acetic a syrup placed on leaves have not caused involution; but then weather generally cloudy, one day, however, sun shone & hot. — I therefore conclude that before it was action of hot-sun which somehow acted.
Nov. 21' ie after an interval of 13 I now observe that the 2 leaves on which salt-water rested & none has been added during the last whole week, are now turned yellow & evidently injured. — Salt-water was added During 5 or 6 days. —
, et, par leur contraction, entrâiner le mouvement du limbe, avec autant plus de facilité…
It is very odd that drying after being wet causes the involution
Mais en pliant le limbe ou en l' enroulant, elles diminuent d' autant les surfaces d' evaporation, & comme à cette diminution de transpiration de joint l' humidité nocturne; et que l'activitè d'absorption des racines demeure constante, les cellules bull: reprennent leur état de distension, et le limbe s'élate ne nouveau."—
This is very important as showing a very distinct mean to check evaporation, & renders use of bloom more probable.
I saw what I believe to be the cellules bulliforme on the Elymus
[in margin:] It is very odd that drying after by water cause the involution.
[Part of an abstract of Duval-Jouve, 1875. Histotaxie des feuilles de graminées. Annales Des Sciences Naturelles Botanique: 294-371, at CUL-DAR68.89r]
Elymus condensatus (The Bunch-grass of British Columbia) evidently not saline. (tried with salt-water)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 13 July, 2023