RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1877.09.22-10.06. Effects of shaking stem. CUL-DAR68.95-102. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 4.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
The volume CUL-DAR68 contains notes on 'bloom'. Francis Darwin explained: "His researches into the meaning of the 'bloom,' or waxy coating found on many leaves, was one of those inquiries which remained unfinished at the time of his death. He amassed a quantity of notes on the subject". LL3: 339. See an Introduction to these folders by Christine Chua & John van Wyhe.
Effects of Shaking stem for 2'
of Plants which go to sleep.
Sept 22
Melilotus officinalis, petit periana & albus, I cd perceive no clear effect.
Lupinus mutabilis no clear effect tried roughly without measure
L. pilosus & luteus doubtful.
Sept 28th Lupinus mutabilis measured general angle of star of leaflet, which was directed towards light, & after shaking for 2' rather violently, no plain change.
Sept 29th shook for 2' leaves of L. luteus & pilosus & no change trustworthy in inclination of leaflets
Oct 6th Shook for 2' L. arboreus & sub-armorus, no change in position of leaflets — The whole stem of L arboreus bent over so that leaves formed vertical stars, but when stem put upright no change in leaves.
Effects of Shaking 1877
Oct. 4th Melilotus sessiflora, shaken for 2' no effect.
― M. Italica shaken for 2' the terminal leaflet become depressed, but neither they nor lateral leaflets showed any signs of twisting on axes so as to stand vertically.
Oct 5th shook well for 2' Melilotus albus, macrorhyza, suaveolens & petit periana with no effect.
Lotus Effects of shaking for 2's
Sept 22d
L. peregrinus measured angles with semicircle 3 leaves, no effects & leaves observed for a hour
Terminal leaflets observed in each case, angle of midrib with the vertical below.
M. ornithopopoides (
So in any case leaflets rose.
[annotated sketch] vertical plumb-line parallel to stem
(Leaf B after 1° 45' after the shaking, at 4° 30' so night coming on had fallen to 144°.)
Sept 22d
L. aristatus
[annotated sketch]
So all rose from shaking
The 2d fully opened leaves more than others.
Sept. 23d compared angles with by compasses of terminal leaflet with stem of same leaf: upper fully-expanded leaf before shaking 88°, after shaking 117°: second leaf 69°, after shaking 123°: third leaf 74° after shaking 91° — So it is clear shaking makes this plant move like incipient sleep.
Sept 23d
Lotus ornithopopoides. Plants very heliotropic. — Yesterday when plant was brought to my study & shaken, the leaflets were much closer. I thought it might have been darkness of study, so shut up a plant for 50° in dark cupboard, but this produced no effect.
Sept 23d. I have today again examined by aid of compasses same plant as yesterday viz terminal leaflet by shaking it rather violently for 2'. The first or uppermost fully opened leaf had terminal leaflet at angle of 95° 30' with stem, after shaking the angle was 89°, so it fell or some mistake: second leaf, angle with stem 83° after shaking 138° so rose greatly:: third leaflet angle of 79°, after shaking 91°, so rose 12°: 4th leaflet angle of 88°, after shaking 94°, so rose 6°. — I think this is sufficient to show some rising.
Lotus peregrinus Sept 24th
Shook top of plant for 3' without having measured angles: terminal leaflet of 3d or lower leaf certainly rose somewhat & I think so did that of 2d leaf.
Shook another young plant 2' 30": third or lower leaf before shaking formed with stem (as observed with compasses) angle of 85°; after shaking 88°, so that terminal leaflet here did not rise rose only 3°;
Second leaf (from the lower one which was observed) before shaking 85° with stem, after shaking 97°, so rose 12°
Third leaf, (or uppermost & fully expanded) 86° with stem, after shaking 83, so fell a little, but this was probably faulty observation, as such observation cannot be accurate. —
On the whole L. peregrinus is much less affected than the L. ornithopopoides & aristatus.
Effects of Shaking 1877
Sept 30th
Melilotus messanensis: upper leaf terminal leaflets formed with main petiole before shaking angle of 106°; after being shaken for 2' angle was 100° 30' so fell relatively to main petiole 5° 30'; whereas during sleep terminal leaflet rises up & overarches 2 lateral leaflets.
Lower leaf same angle before shaking was 158°, after shaking 137°, so fell 21° instead of rising. Therefore shaking seem to make terminal leaflets fall—
Shaking did not sensibly affect angle of main petiole with stem beneath, for after shaking the petiole of upper leaf apparently had risen 2°, whilst petiole of lower apparently had fallen 3°.
Lotus officinalis. Oct 1. A terminal leaflet formed with its sub-petiole measured below 136'. 30', after shaken for 2' angle was 114° so had fell decreased 22° 30; which implies that leaflet had fallen. — I believe falls during sleep. The 2 lateral leaflets rose a trifle for they now approached each other 3°. 30' nearer: on another leaf they approached each other by only 2° 30'. The angle between the main petiole & stem was not affected in 2 leaves by the shaking. The terminal leaflet generally bends a little to one side like sleep.
Shaking Effect of Shaking measures by Horn-protector & plummets
Lotus ornithopopoides. terminal leaflet (of upper fully expanded leaf) formed angle with vertical stem of 99°, after shaken for 2' (after interval of 10' or 15') angle was 117°, so had risen 18°: second leaf terminal leaflet of formed angle of 134° after shaking 167° so had risen 33° this leaf after about 1° 45' had sunk to 144° & was thus only 10° above original position & was now near sleeping time.: third leaf formed angle by eye, (not measured) of about 134, after shaking 151° (measured) so had risen 17°.—
Shaking clearly cause the leaflets to rise, as in sleep. —
Lotus aristatus: upper leaf terminal leaflet angle with stem 95, after shaken 105°, so had risen 10°: second leaf, angle 113°, after shaking 153° so had risen 40°: third leaf, angle 105° after shaking 115° so had risen 10°. In this & last sp. 2d leaf was much more affected than any of others
Sept. 30th.— Lotus Gebelia? (No' 4.) upper leaf: term. leaflet form with stem angle of 136° after shaken for 2' angle of 133°, so had fallen, instead of rising, but measurements cd not be made accurately with compasses.— Second leaf before shaking angle 112° after 117° so had risen 5° (Measurements not accurate) — Third leaf before shaking angle of 135° after 132° so had fallen 3° instead of rising. Therefore we may conclude that this is one of the species which is not sensibly affected by shaking, as far as terminal leaflets are concerned.
L. ornithopopoides
Shaken for 2'
+++ at 4° 25 angle 144° & this must have been about 1° 45' after last measurement
L. aristatus aristatus for 2' shaken
4° 25' 150° about 1° 45 after shaking
Lotus sericeus
shaken for 2' — terminal leaflets & underlying stem angle of measured by compasses
Single young Plant: upper or first leaf before shaking 127° 1/2 after shaking 129° so rose 1° 30; ie nothing.
Second leaf before shaking 139 1/2 after 151° so rose 11° 30'
Third or lower leaf before shaking 132 1/2 after shaking 137 1/2, so rose 5°.—
All this shows slight effects from shaking, species like L. peregrinus
L. major. (Sept. 25) measured with compasses 3 leaves; always terminal leaflet with stem, but not possible to measure very accurately in this or next case. In the morning at 8° 30'.— Shook well for 2' & remeasured after interval of about 15'. The first or upper leaflet rose 4°, too little to trust: second leaf rose 2°; & the third leaf remained exactly the same angle; may say no movement or a most trifling rise. From next case see better say no trustworthy movement.
L. Coimbricensis (Sept. 26) observed & tested like last: first or upper leaflet rose after shaking 6°: second leaflet rose fell 2°, no doubt inaccurate measurement: third leaflet fell 5° probably inaccurate measurements
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 13 July, 2023