RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Francis Darwin. [ny].07.08-16. [On movements of tendrils of peas and Passiflora gracilis.] / Draft of Expression (Fragment). CUL-DAR69.B8-B17. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 4.2023. RN1
NOTE: Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR69 contains material for new editions of some of Darwin's books: supplemental note for Descent (2d ed. 1877), French trans. of 5th & 6th eds. of Origin; Coral reefs (2d ed. 1874); Coral reefs (3d ed. 1889); Climbing plants (2d ed. 1875); and Cross and self fertilisation (2d ed. 1878).
July 8' 7˚ A.m — right-hand Card
7˚ 45' moved a bit to right
(7˚ 45' to tip of same card 2d Tendril)
9˚ 45'
11˚ 20' 10 minims of S. Ether in watch glass — (put from red mark to left t)
The tendril had move very little owing to being tied up
11˚ 55' took off glass— the taller longer tendril had moved a little — I then rubbed both well, as I did yesterday —
12˚ 45' Both curled into good spire
So not rendered insensible perhaps Ether Bad. — or too weak a dose
9th 7˚ 35' Fresh S Ether employed to N & W. tips of Card
8˚ 45' marked upper one (lateral move very little)
9˚ 30
10 30'
11˚ 50'
12˚ 55'
1˚ 45
Ether 30m — 1˚ 50' — The 30 m was put half & half in two watch glasses & a few drops sprinkled inside glass
2˚ 5' pure red marks to both
2˚ 25' dots
2. 50 rubbed both tendrils well, removed the watch glasses & replaced the bell glass
3˚ 5 no movement
The nutation of the tendril went on uninterrupted by during the whole hour under the bell glass with ether
(see continued
July 9th continued
5˚ 9' to 10' rubbed both tendrils to same extent degree
5˚ 15' I think a little bent —
5˚ 35' Both have certainly curled, though much slower than with plants in ordinary cases
7˚ The upper & younger tendril almost straight again; the lower & older one much hooked still —
(It may be the tendril being thin is acted on easier than the internodes.)
July 10' 7˚ 20' fresh Pea put on red dot
7˚ 50' 1 red dot to light
8˚ 30' ― do do
9 35'
9˚ 36 30 minims of S Ether doses as in last experiment
10˚ 9' put new red-dot
10. 33' moved considerably
10˚ 37 ie after 1˚ of vapour removed Bell-glass & watch-glasses & rubbed upper tendril well But bell-glass no doubt contained vapor
10˚ 48
11˚ 7' it had nutated travelled (not more curved) [sketch]
(it had nutated about as lateral as far in same time as before it had ether.)
4˚ 33' — rubbed it moderately
5˚ very slightly if at all curved
5 30' I think more curved
7˚ now straighter.—
(I do not feel certain about any affect.)
[in margin:] (July 11th 7˚ 45 rubbed it, & after about 1˚ formed almost a ring, so by no means fully sensitive — certainly curled 9˚ 45.)
July 10th First plant tried again Pea
11˚ 24' Ether as before
(12˚ 9' Nutating a little (upper tendril)
(12 24' — do very little It applies to old tendril by mistake)
12˚ 24' took off bell glass & rubbed upper tendril well — tendril straight, rather curved backwards: made red point to N.E corner to paper on pot
(1˚ 4' The tendril has spontaneously curled into a complete ring!!!) what does this mean— does it refer to a tendril not rubbed.
2˚ 50' cur ring opened again
4˚ 30 to quite straight
4 33' — rubbed it
4 53 curved sli slightly
Passiflora gracilis (Sand scooped out of middle so more air)
July 11' 7˚ 24' red spot
― 7˚ 42 2d spot
8˚ — as nearly as possible a 1/2 circle performed.
8˚. 4' red dot 20m of S. Ether in 2 watch-glasses & a few drips in Bell.
8 21' 2d dot (t. seems hooked)
8˚ 35' took off bell glass & rubbed to & took away glasses & so let in some air [sketch]
(the tip had travelled considerably less than 1/4 of circle in this 1/2 hour.)
8˚ 44' curled into a perfect Helix (So complete failure)
10˚ 35' almost uncurled again
11˚ 30 almost almost completely uncurled
July 12th 7˚ 18'. P gracilis —Red dot
7 52 — travelled only [sketch]
7˚ 56' Ether 30m as before. marked both t. with red dots
8˚ 21' — red marks to both tendrils
8˚ 56 — removed Bell Longer t. just perceptibly curved
8˚ 58 rubbed both t
9˚ 10 The longer & older t coiled into helix
1˚ 30' almost fully rexpanded
Both the tendrils nutated a good deal whilst kept under Ether
4˚ 35' rubbed both
5. 35— rubbing produced no effect on either— Perhaps the young tendril too young [sketch]
Chapter 1 57
, as we have seen is accompanied by the blinking of the eyelids so as to protect the eyes, which are the most tender and sensitive organs of the body: and it is I believe always accompanied by a sudden and forcible inspiration, which as we shall hereafter see, is the natural preparation for any violent effort. But when a man or horse starts his heart beats wildly against his ribs, and here it may be truly said we have an organ, which has never been under the constant control of the will, partaking in the general reflex movements of the body. To this point, however,
[Draft of Expression, folio 57.]
July 13' Pass. gracilis
8˚ A.m 40 minims, as before— red dot to upper point.
Tendril was quickly nutating
8˚ 47 red dot — (9˚ 2' 3d dot
9˚ 30' 3d point — Rubbed strongly
9˚ 45 curled up into perfect Helix
(in study & not very warm)
The nutation went on to end & during the 1˚ 30', performed almost 3/4 of circle.
12˚ almost reexpanded
(So not rendered at all insensible by this large dose.)
[Proof sheet of Insectivorous plants, p. 242.]
July 14th P. gracilis
7˚ 13' red dot moved 7˚ 43' a good deal
7˚ 44 1/2 45' 20 m. of Chloroform in 2 watch-glass & few drops in Bell glass
7˚ 46' red dot by +.
8˚. 20' had nutated largely
8˚ 44 1/2 45' ie exposed for 1˚ to Chloroform. rubbed 3d red dot
During this 1h under Chloroform had revolved a little less than semicircle; was revolving during the last 10' of exposure. [sketch] shape of t
9˚ 35' the extreme tip just curled.
10˚ 20' same state
(Some of lower leaves frizzled by the chloroform so dose as much as plant cd. stand)
4˚ 35' rubbed — 5˚ 30 coiled into fine helix — 3 coils 7˚ uncoiled.
Hence was plainly rendered almost insensible, though the t. wd went on nutating.
[Proof sheet of Insectivorous plants, published p. 449.]
July 16th 7˚ 39 49 red dot to tip of longer branch of t. & further point of Card
(Tendril alone free —)
(N.B last night rubbed both terminal & lateral branches & the same curved, but not main stem; this however curves during nutation)
(Pea fresh Plant)
7˚ 42' — 2d dot moving very rapidly
8˚ 3' : 3d dot (from light)
8˚ 24. 3d dot
8˚ 45' 4th dot
9˚ 5' 5th (so that line corresponds to 1˚ 35' shorter of 2 terminal branches bent at ∟
9˚ 9' — 40 minims of S. Ether (as before) 1 red dot
9˚ 22' 2d dot
9˚ 43' 3d do
10˚ 9 4th do
10 30' 5th do
10˚ 44 6th do
[sketch] upper main branch much bowed — one of lateral branch bent almost ∟ one of [illeg] do & the other some what curved
― removed bell-glass & rubbed tendril & upper main branch well
11˚ 3' all 4 tendrils splendidly curled after 1˚ 30' of Ether
It nutated just as much under the Ether, as in pure air before hand.
Finally it appears to me as far important a great step gained in Phys., to learn that the element, which go to the production of a new being, was not formed by the male & female sexual organs but appear to be only collected by them in as much as they are present in the cellular tissue, & those derived from distinct case unite [illeg] to form a new bud, partaking of the cluster of both individuals.
[Draft of Expression, p. 35.]
placed on the
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 27 August, 2023