RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1866.01.10-1866.03.19. [Notes on Ophrys from J. Traherne Moggridge] CUL-DAR70.58-60. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR70 contains material for Darwin's book Orchids (2d ed. 1877).
From J. Traherne Moggridge from Mentone Received Dec. 30 1865
(Say nothing)
No 1. Ophrys insectifera Linn. (antecedents unknown)
No 2. Ophrys Do (plants taken from a spot where all, or nearly all, were pink-winged vars.
Jan 25. 1867. Sepals green with faintest tinge of pink. Petals tinged reddish brown. Labellum very broad with only trace of point Lab. with mark like this [sketch]
No 3. Ophrys Do plants taken from a spot where all were last spring of the green-winged var. i. e. O. aranifera genuina of Rch. b.
Jan 10 1866 No I. is true O. aranifera & has remained so Dec. 10. 1866 ie following year as by Synopsis & Plate (43 A)
[Jan 10 1866] do do III A. do. do in 1866
These 2 plants had been placed in cool store
Jan 26 1866 No' 3 D. & so for 1866 like No 3A; so no 3 B & so 1866 & C, except that pale n mark on Lab: like Pl. 44 in Moggridge F. Enclose central oval dark spot.
No 3 F. differs so in 1866 in having upper petals (& front of top of column) brown, like Pl. 43 B in Moggridge.
Feb. 9th 66 No I & 3A which had been placed in store both produced monstrous flowers on tip of spike - one with one of upper petals including another - the other with 2 fl. soldered together with petals 1/2 like Labellum & 1/2 like true upper petal.
March 19th No 2. Upper petals smooth green edged with brown. Sepals white with pink tinge lined with green - Labellum with point - between D & C Put into Hot-House Feb 12th & so marked.
Plants marked No 2 Feb 12 (1866)
flowered Feb 11. 1867 is now like D of Plate but peloria & point to Labellum very small
Ophrys from Mr Moggridge No 4 to 10 both inclusive. Received Feb. 23d 1866. Labelled as follows;
No. 4. O. insect from spot where plants bore last sprung pink-winged fls. F. G. Pl. 44
5. O. insect antecedents unknown
6. O. apifera believed to be
7. O. insect from where plants bore pink-winged F. G. Pl. 44
7 Feb. 4. 1867 like C. do like B.
8. O. insect from spot where many vars. grew mingled together
9. O insect. Antecedents unknown Jan 25. 1867 sepals & petals green - Labellum small points
10. do. do. do.
1867. Jan 16. No 5. Sepal white - 2 upper petals green with tinge of pink at base - End of labellum with very small point coloured Mark on Labellum [sketch]
March 19th 1866. No 4. (a) like D} 2 sticks Greenhouse
But 2 spikes in same pot differed in colour of sepals & petals (Jan 25th do. Both same 1867)
One marked 1 stick has green petals edged with brown & green sepals like B.
Nr 4 (b) like C. but Labellum with no point
N 4 (e) like B. (see Back) but with little point to Labellum Feb 4th 1867- like D in colour do do. do
Nr 4 (f) like D. with Lab. approaching in colour to G. Jan. 25 /67/ the same but nothng peculiar in Labellum
No 5. like C. but sepals almost white & petals pale green or like A but with sepals almost white & petals paler
No 8. (a) like A, but sepals white & petals pale green
No 8 (b) like C but petals & sepals almost white 1867. > 1866 Jan. 16. Petals & sepal greenish white with tinge of pink - Point of Labellum pointless [sketch] coloured mark on Labellum
1867 1866 Jan 6th No 8 (a) This plant has now pinkish sepals with median green line; & the two upper petals pink edged with greenish-brown; but the whole look [illeg]. The 2 upper petals are pubescent & reflexed & terminal lobe of labellum poorest. Whether the pubescence has changed I dare not be positive; but as I attended in every case to point at end of Labellum, I think I may trust to this new feature. The plant is not O. arachnites like E in marks on Labellum.
Feb. 4th 1867. Plant 4 b. One truss exactly like D of Plate in colour with small point Labellum on second truss like C. with no point to Lab.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022