RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of Prichard, Natural History of Man]. CUL-DAR71.143-145. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 4.2021. RN1
NOTE: James Cowles Prichard, The natural history of man, third edition, enlarged. 1848.
Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR71 contains Darwin's abstracts of scientific books.
Jas. Prichard Nat. History of Man 3d Edit 1848
p 44 Pallas Reise – Sheep lose mass of fat on Steppes – Pallas gives an account of character of wild Horses.
p 49. Marcel de Serres in Edin New Trans Journal July 1835 on dog wolf & Fox. F. Cuvier Ann du Museum Tom XI on Australian Dingo.
p 60. quote Blumenbach on the cause of varieties as bildungstrieb or nisus formativus,
"through which the organisation receives a peculiar direction from external circumstances (& Blumenbach refers to rose-gall) "necessary for the continued existence of the race" !!
p 61. quote Hancock excellent book on Instinct
p 63. speaking of varieties says "But these deviations are all within certain limits & leave permanent & unaltered the specific characters of the tribe" This begs the questions & assume the specific character as rather real essence.
p 124 Vrolik seems to have been led to these researches on the pelvis "By the remark that the shape of the pelvis must have some influence, greater or less as to the conformation of the fœtus"
p 127 Each kind of 4 shaped pelvis & corresponding shape of head can be f in several different races, according to Weber "yet there are particular shapes which are much presented in each race."
p 339 if we admit crossing as the explanation of the peculiarities of one of the tribes of Pacific, we must admit similar explanation for almost every group of islands.
p364 round heads characterize Charibs & all are East side of Andes according to Morton
p 402. Catlin says of Mandans one on 10 or 12 have "Cheveux gris" or grey hairs is an hereditary character "which runs in families."
p 474. Heads can be shown [illeg] strikingly like each other from the most dissimilar races – Man is in a polymorphous state & can have [also] been perfectly selected – exactly transitional state.
[4 words illeg]
Flat Heads beautiful
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022