RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1855]. Abstract of Godron, Florula juvenalis. CUL-DAR71.82-84. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 8.2021. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR71 contains Darwin's abstracts of scientific books.
Darwin recorded reading this work in his 'Books Read' notebook. (1852-1860) CUL-DAR128.-
Godron, Dominique Alexandre. 1853. Florula juvenalis. Montpellier. [16 May 1855]
(1) (19)
Florula Juvenalis ou Enumeration des Plantes Etrangeres qui croissent au Port Juvénal pres de Montpellier par D. A. Godron. 2d Edit. 1854.
p. 10 Erigeron canadense
Aster Brumalis
Sternalis annua
Galatella hyssopifolia
Solidago glabra
Anothera biensis
have spread over Europe, owing to their winged seeds but p 11 but none of these plants have been introduced into Mediterranean isld. Excellent proof that wind does not do much in transport
Linnaeus has written in 1768 a dissertation on this subject under title of "Coloniae plantarum"
p. 13 doubts whether even spores of Cryptogam can be blown across Atlantic otherwise Cryptog. Flowers wd have been ere this confounded.
p.15. M. Mirbel has affirmed (Elem. de Bot. I. p. 349) (in Royal) that tourbillons, whirlwind cover sometimes the maritime plains in S. of Spain with seeds from coast of Africa
p 15. The Nuphar pumila has only been met with in lakes of Scotland, Auvergne, Vosges & Schwartzland wd fishes eat these seeds. For Ray see Cat. Royal Soc. p 416.
p 16 Columbus knew neighbourhood of America by seeds. Ray mentions seeds that have been cast on shore. Linnaeus [Asnan] Acad.
Vol 8.
p. 3 enumerates seeds of Cassia pistata, Anacardium occidentale Mimosa scandens. Cocos. Linnaeus states that these have germinated. Godron says that certain plants, besides maritime Plants as Atriplex, & Gramineae develop themselves perfectly in salt marshes, where seeds all the winter are immersed in salt water
p 21 says digestion of Birds rapid. Believes a Solanus Physalis & Asparagus disseminated by birds. Thinks it is only certain one that can. Suggests migratory birds perishing on their arrival. Belon (Hist. Nat des Oiseaux (in Royal) in folio 1555 p 264) says that he observed Quails taken at sea between Rhodes & Alexandria with yet entire seeds of corn in Gizzard.
p. 28 It is generally believed by agriculturalists in N. of France that it is necessary to change seed. (This so troublesome, done by men who experimentise who are above prejudices &c that we must believe in it. C.D)
p. 30 gives lists of Plants which he believes imported & naturalised
p 34 There are plants, which are fd. exclusively in crops all over world.
p. 30 Bromus secalinus present a var. when fd. in one kind of crop "orge" & not when with other crops.
p. 40 There are 387 species of foreign plants which have been observed growing at P. Juvenal on the place where the imported wool is spread out some observed only once, some will grow there & reappear, though constantly weeded out, as they require the place bare for drying. These plants enumerated in this work. Shows the number which adhere to Sheep.
Chiefly hooked & rough seeds.
Godron Florula Juvenalis
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 27 August, 2023